Package edu.nrao.sss.webapp.faces.component

Class Summary
AnchorUIComponent This component renders an anchor tag with a name attribute, as opposed to the outputLink component that renders an anchor tag with an href attribute.
ExitDialogUIComponent This component extends the FloatingDialogUIComponent to provide both a serverside and clientside check for unsaved data when the exit button is hit.
FalseUIComponent The False component isn't really a UI component so much as a flow control component.
FloatingDialogUIComponent Provides a Floating dialog component that is popped up when a link is clicked.
ForEach This class implements a ForEach loop tag by partially overriding the default table renderer.
GraphicalSelectorUIComponent Renders a component that allows a user to select a set of rectangles.
GraphicalSelectorUIComponent.CsvConverter Converts from a comma separated value String to a List of Strings and back.
IfUIComponent The If component isn't really a UI component so much as a flow control component.
ScanIntentsUIComponent Renders a table with 2 columns: A column of check boxes and a column of ScanIntent names.
TimeOfDayIntervalUIComponent Renders a TimeOfDayInterval as a series of 4 input fields roughly like so:
TrueUIComponent The True component isn't really a UI component so much as a flow control component.

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