001    package edu.nrao.sss.math;
003    import java.io.Serializable;
004    import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
005    import java.util.SortedMap;
006    import java.util.TreeMap;
008    import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlAdapter;
009    import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlJavaTypeAdapter;
011    /**
012     * A polynomial equation of the form
013     * <tt>f(x)=c<sub>0</sub> + c<sub>1</sub>x + c<sub>2</sub>x<sup>2</sup>
014     * + ...&nbsp;+ c<sub>n</sub>x<sup>n</sup></tt>.
015     * <p>
016     * <b>Version Info:</b>
017     * <table style="margin-left:2em">
018     *   <tr><td>$Revision: 2151 $</td>
019     *   <tr><td>$Date: 2009-04-03 10:26:17 -0600 (Fri, 03 Apr 2009) $</td>
020     *   <tr><td>$Author: dharland $ (last person to modify)</td>
021     * </table></p>
022     *  
023     * @author David M. Harland
024     * @since 2006-03-24
025     */
026    @XmlJavaTypeAdapter(Polynomial.JaxbAdapter.class)
027    public class Polynomial
028      implements Cloneable, Serializable, Comparable<Polynomial>
029    {
030      private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
032      //The terms are stored in a map with the exponent as the key.
033      //Note that the setters and getters deal with clones, so that
034      //this class can be the sole owner of the terms.  If it were
035      //not, then another object could change the exponent and
036      //spoil the mapping.
037      private SortedMap<Integer, PolynomialTerm> terms;
039      /** Creates a new polynomial that has no terms. */
040      public Polynomial()
041      {
042        terms = new TreeMap<Integer, PolynomialTerm>();
043      }
045      /**
046       * Returns a new polynomial based on {@code polynomialString}.
047       * See {@link #parse(String)} for the expected format of
048       * {@code polynomialString}.
049       * 
050       * @param polynomialString a string that will be used to configure
051       *                         this polynomial.
052       * 
053       * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code polynomialString} is not in
054       *                                  the expected form.
055       */
056      public void set(String polynomialString)
057      {
058        clear();
060        Polynomial.parse(polynomialString, this);
061      }
063      /**
064       * Adds a term to this polynomial.
065       * <p>
066       * After this method is called, the coefficient of the term of this
067       * polynomial with exponent equal to that of {@code term} is equal
068       * to what it had been plus {@code term.getCoefficient()}.  In
069       * otherwords, this method truly adds term (in an arithmetical
070       * sense, as opposed to a collection of objects sense) to this
071       * polynomial.  Contrast this with the behavior of
072       * {@link #replace(PolynomialTerm)}.</p>
073       * <p>
074       * Note that this polynomial will not hold a reference to
075       * {@code term} as a result of a call to this method.  This
076       * means that any operations performed on term after this
077       * method is called will <i>not</i> have an effect on this
078       * polynomial.</p>
079       * 
080       * @param term the term to be added to this polynomial. If this
081       *             value is <i>null</i> this polynomial is not altered.
082       */
083      public void add(PolynomialTerm term)
084      {
085        //Quick exit if term is null
086        if (term == null)
087          return;
089        //See if we already have a term of this order
090        PolynomialTerm mappedTerm = terms.get(term.getExponent()); 
092        if (mappedTerm != null)
093          mappedTerm.add(term);
094        else
095          replace(term);
096      }
098      /**
099       * Adds the given polynomial to this one.
100       * 
101       * @param other the polynomial to be added to this one.
102       */
103      public void add(Polynomial other)
104      {
105        for (int key : other.terms.keySet())
106          add(other.getNonNullTerm(key));
107      }
109      /**
110       * Replaces a term in this polynomial with a copy of {@code newTerm}.
111       * <p>
112       * If this polynomial already contained a term with the same exponent
113       * as {@code newTerm}, it will be replaced.  Note that it is a
114       * <i>copy</i> of {@code newTerm} that will become part of this
115       * polynomial.  This polynomial will not maintain a reference to
116       * {@code newTerm}.</p>
117       * 
118       * @param newTerm a replacement for the term of this polynomial that
119       *                has an exponent of {@code newTerm.getExponent()}.
120       */
121      public void replace(PolynomialTerm newTerm)
122      {
123        PolynomialTerm clone = (PolynomialTerm)newTerm.clone();
125        terms.put(clone.getExponent(), clone);
126      }
128      //If you activate the line below, you can get jaxb/bin/schemagen.sh to
129      //create an XML schema for this class.
130      //public void setTerms(SortedMap<Integer, PolynomialTerm> replacementSet) { }
132      /**
133       * Returns <i>true</i> if this polynomial has a term with the
134       * given exponent.
135       * <p>
136       * If this method returns <i>true</i>, {@link #getTerm(int)}
137       * will not return <i>null</i>.  It is possible, though, that
138       * the returned term will have a coefficient of zero.</p>
139       * 
140       * @param exponent the exponent of a term whose existence is sought.
141       * 
142       * @return <i>true</i> if this polynomial has a term with the
143       *         given exponent.
144       */
145      public boolean hasTerm(int exponent)
146      {
147        return terms.containsKey(exponent);
148      }
150      /**
151       * Returns a set of copies of the terms of this polynomial.
152       * 
153       * @return a set of copies of the terms of this polynomial.
154       */
155      public SortedMap<Integer, PolynomialTerm> getTerms()
156      {
157        //The returned set contains clones of our terms
158        SortedMap<Integer, PolynomialTerm> termClones =
159          new TreeMap<Integer, PolynomialTerm>();
161        for (int key : terms.keySet())
162          termClones.put(key, getNonNullTerm(key));
164        return termClones;
165      }
167      /**
168       * Returns a copy of this polynomial's term with the given exponent.
169       * <p>
170       * If this polynomial has no such term, <i>null</i> is returned.
171       * Contrast this with the behavior of {@link #getNonNullTerm(int)}.</p>
172       * <p>
173       * Note that this method never returns a reference to one of its terms,
174       * but always returns a copy (or <i>null</i>).</p>
175       * 
176       * @param exponent the exponent for which a term is sought.
177       * 
178       * @return a copy of this polynomial's term with the given exponent,
179       *         or <i>null</i> if this polynomial has no such term.
180       */
181      public PolynomialTerm getTerm(int exponent)
182      {
183        return hasTerm(exponent) ? getNonNullTerm(exponent) : null;
184      }
186      /**
187       * Returns a copy of this polynomial's term with the given exponent.
188       * <p>
189       * If this polynomial has no such term, a new term with a coefficient of
190       * zero is created and returned.  This means that this method will never
191       * return a value of <i>null</i>, even when it has no term for the given
192       * exponent.
193       * Contrast this with the behavior of {@link #getTerm(int)}.</p>
194       * <p>
195       * Note that this method never returns a reference to one of its terms,
196       * but always returns a copy (or a new null-like term).</p>
197       * 
198       * @param exponent the exponent for which a term is sought.
199       * 
200       * @return a copy of this polynomial's term with the given exponent, 
201       *         or a new term with coefficient of zero, if this polynomial
202       *         has no such term.  The value returned will never be <i>null</i>.
203       */
204      public PolynomialTerm getNonNullTerm(int exponent)
205      {
206        PolynomialTerm term = terms.get(exponent);
208        if (term == null)
209          term = new PolynomialTerm(0.0, exponent);
210        else
211          term = (PolynomialTerm)term.clone();
213        return term;
214      }
216      /**
217       * Returns the order of this polynomial.  The order is the largest
218       * exponent of this polynomial's terms.
219       * 
220       * @return the order of this polynomial.
221       */
222      public int order()
223      {
224        try
225        {
226          return terms.lastKey();
227        }
228        catch (NoSuchElementException ex)
229        {
230          return 0; //consider the empty polynomial to be of order zero.
231        }
232      }
234      public int smallestExponent()
235      {
236        try
237        {
238          return terms.firstKey();
239        }
240        catch (NoSuchElementException ex)
241        {
242          return 0; //consider the empty polynomial to have implied 0x^0 term.
243        }
244      }
246      /**
247       * Returns the number of terms in this polynomial.
248       *  
249       * @return the number of terms in this polynomial.
250       */
251      public int getNumberOfTerms()
252      {
253        return terms.size();
254      }
256      /**
257       * Returns the value of this polynomial by using {@code number} as the
258       * value of the independent variable.
259       *
260       * @return the value of this polynomial evaluated for {@code number}. 
261       */
262      public double calculateFor(double number)
263      {
264        double answer = 0.0;
266        for (int key : terms.keySet())
267          answer += getNonNullTerm(key).calculateFor(number);
269        return answer;
270      }
272      /**
273       * Returns a polynomial that is the mathematical derivative of this one.
274       * That is, for each term <tt>c<sub>i</sub>x<sup>i</sup></tt> of this
275       * polynomial, the derivative polynomial has a
276       * term with a coefficient of <tt>i * c<sub>i</sub></tt> and an
277       * exponent of of <tt>x<sup>i-1</sup></tt>.  Note: the exception to the
278       * above rule is that if this polynomial has a term with an exponent
279       * of zero, the derivative will not contain a term derived from it. 
280       *  
281       * @return a polynomial that is the mathematical derivative of this one.
282       */
283      public Polynomial createDerivative()
284      {
285        Polynomial derivative = new Polynomial();
287        for (PolynomialTerm term : terms.values())
288          if (term.getExponent() != 0)
289            derivative.add(term.createDerivativeTerm());
291        return derivative;
292      }
294      /** Removes all terms from this polynomial. */
295      public void clear()
296      {
297        terms.clear();
298      }
300      /**
301       * Returns a new polynomial based on {@code polynomialString}.
302       * <p>
303       * Each term of the parsed string must comply with the form
304       * documented in {@link PolynomialTerm#parse(String)}.  Each
305       * term may be separated by either a '+' or '-' character.
306       * White space between the terms and their separators is legal
307       * but not necessary.</p>
308       * <p>
309       * <b><u>Examples:</u></b></br>
310       * <ul><tt>
311       *   <li>1.2 + 3.4x - 5.6x^2 + 7.8x^3 - 9x^4</li>
312       *   <li>1.2+3.4x-5.6x^2+7.8x^3-9x^4</li>
313       *   <li>1.2 + 3.4x + -5.6x^2 + 7.8x^3 + -9x^4</li>
314       * </tt></ul></p>
315       * <p>
316       * The terms are <i>not</i> required to be in any particular order,
317       * and the number of terms with a given exponent is not restricted.</p>
318       * <p>
319       * <b><u>Special Cases</u></b><br/>
320       * A {@code polynomialString} of <i>null</i> or <tt>""</tt> (the empty
321       * string) will <i>not</i> result in an {@code IllegalArgumentException},
322       * but will instead return a polynomial that contains no terms.</p>
323       * 
324       * 
325       * @param polynomialString a string that will be converted into
326       *                         a polynomial.
327       * 
328       * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code polynomialString} is not in
329       *                                  the expected form.
330       */
331      public static Polynomial parse(String polynomialString)
332      {
333        Polynomial newPolynomial = new Polynomial();
335        if ((polynomialString != null) && !polynomialString.equals(""))
336          Polynomial.parse(polynomialString, newPolynomial);
338        return newPolynomial;
339      }
341      private static void parse(String polynomialString, Polynomial polynomial)
342      {
343        //Here we isolate the '+' and '-' characters that separate terms, as
344        //opposed to those that might be present in the exponents.  After this
345        //operation all terms should be separated by a comma (',').
346        String terms = polynomialString.replaceAll("\\s", ""); //Strip spaces
347        terms = terms.replaceAll("\\+\\-", "-");      //Change "+-" to "-"
348        terms = terms.replaceAll("\\-\\+", "-");      //Change "-+" to "-"
349        terms = terms.replaceAll("\\^\\+", "^#");     //Change "^+" to "^#"
350        terms = terms.replaceAll("\\^\\-", "^~");     //Change "^-" to "^~"
351        terms = terms.replaceAll("\\+", ";");         //Change "+" to ";"
352        terms = terms.replaceAll("\\-", ";-");        //Change "-" to ";-"
353        terms = terms.replaceAll("\\^\\#", "^+");     //Restore "^#" to "^+"
354        terms = terms.replaceAll("\\^\\~", "^-");     //Restore "^~" to "^-"
356        StringBuilder termErrors = null;
358        //Send the individual terms to PolynomialTerm for parsing.
359        //Try to process all terms, even after receiving parsing error.
360        //The idea is to show the client all errors at once.
361        for (String term : terms.split(";"))
362        {
363          if (term.equals(""))
364            continue;
366          try
367          {
368            polynomial.add(PolynomialTerm.parse(term));
369          }
370          catch (IllegalArgumentException ex)
371          {
372            if (termErrors == null)
373              termErrors = new StringBuilder("Problem parsing " + polynomialString + ":");
375            termErrors.append("\n  ").append(ex.getMessage());
376          }
377        }
379        if (termErrors != null)
380          throw new IllegalArgumentException(termErrors.toString());
381      }
383      /** Returns an polynomial that is equal to this one. */
384      public Polynomial clone()
385      {
386        Polynomial clone = null;
388        try
389        {
390          clone = (Polynomial)super.clone();
391          clone.terms = new TreeMap<Integer, PolynomialTerm>();
392          clone.add(this);
393        }
394        catch (CloneNotSupportedException ex)
395        {
396          throw new RuntimeException(ex);
397        }
399        return clone;
400      }
402      /** Returns <i>true</i> if {@code o} is equal to this polynomial. */
403      public boolean equals(Object o)
404      {
405        //Quick exit if o is this
406        if (o == this)
407          return true;
409        //Quick exit if o is null
410        if (o == null)
411          return false;
413        //Quick exit if classes are different
414        if (!o.getClass().equals(this.getClass()))
415          return false;
417        //If both polynomials have the same string representation, they are equal
418        return o.toString().equals(this.toString());
419      }
421      /** Returns a hash code value for this polynomial. */
422      public int hashCode()
423      {
424        return this.toString().hashCode();
425      }
427      /**
428       * Compares this polynomial to {@code other} for order.
429       * <p>
430       * The polynomials are ordered by comparing the coefficients of their
431       * terms of equal exponents.  Of two terms with equal exponents, the
432       * one with the smaller coefficient is considered to be the lesser.
433       * When two polynomials do not have a complete set of matching terms,
434       * those that are missing are considered to have coefficients of zero.</p>
435       * <p>
436       * <b><u>Example</u></b><br/>
437       * Consider these two polynomials:<pre>
438       *   A. <tt>1 + 2x + 4x^3 + 6x^5</tt>
439       *   B. <tt>1 + 2x + 3x^2 + 6x^5</tt></pre>
440       * For purposes of comparison, these are expanded to:<pre>
441       *   A. <tt>1 + 2x + 0x^2 + 4x^3 + 0x^4 + 6x^5</tt>
442       *   B. <tt>1 + 2x + 3x^2 + 0x^3 + 0x^4 + 6x^5</tt></pre>
443       * The comparison then looks at the <tt>x^0</tt> terms, then 
444       * the <tt>x^1</tt> terms, and so on, until it comes to a pair
445       * that does not have equal coefficients.  In this example, A
446       * precedes B because of the coefficients of the <tt>x^2</tt>
447       * term.</p>
448       * 
449       * @param other the polynomial to which this one is compared.
450       * 
451       * @return a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as this interval
452       *         is less than, equal to, or greater than the other interval.
453       */
454      public int compareTo(Polynomial other)
455      {
456        //Quick exit if polynomials are equal.  Also allows NullPointerException to
457        //be thrown if other is null.
458        if (other.equals(this))
459          return 0;
461        int smallestExponent = Math.min(this.smallestExponent(),
462                                        other.smallestExponent());
464        int largestExponent = Math.max(this.order(), other.order());
466        int answer = 0;
468        for (int exp=smallestExponent; exp <= largestExponent; exp++)
469        {
470          PolynomialTerm thisTerm  = this.getTerm(exp);
471          PolynomialTerm otherTerm = other.getTerm(exp);
473          double thisCoeff  = (thisTerm  == null) ? 0.0 : thisTerm.getCoefficient();
474          double otherCoeff = (otherTerm == null) ? 0.0 : otherTerm.getCoefficient();
476          answer = (int)Math.signum(thisCoeff - otherCoeff);
478          if (answer != 0.0)
479            break;
480        }
482        return answer;
483      }
485      /** 
486       * Returns a text representation of this polynomial.
487       * <p>
488       * The individual terms are represented as documented in
489       * {@link PolynomialTerm#toString()}.  Each term is separated
490       * by " + " (a single space, a '+' character, and another
491       * single space).</p>
492       *   
493       * @return
494       *   a text representation of this polynomial.
495       */
496      @Override
497      public String toString()
498      {
499        return toString('t');
500      }
502      /**
503       * Returns a text representation of this polynomial.
504       * <p>
505       * The individual terms are represented as documented in
506       * {@link PolynomialTerm#toString(char)}.  Each term is separated
507       * by " + " (a single space, a '+' character, and another
508       * single space).</p>
509       * 
510       * @param variableName
511       *   the character to use as the independent variable.
512       *   
513       * @return
514       *   a text representation of this polynomial.
515       */
516      public String toString(char variableName)
517      {
518        StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder();
520        int termCount = getNumberOfTerms();
522        if (termCount > 0)
523        {
524          int firstExponent = terms.firstKey();
526          buff.append(terms.get(firstExponent));
528          SortedMap<Integer, PolynomialTerm> remainingTerms =
529            terms.tailMap(firstExponent + 1);
531          for (int key : remainingTerms.keySet())
532          {
533            String termString = terms.get(key).toString(variableName);
534            if (termString.startsWith("-"))
535            {
536              termString = termString.substring(1);
537              buff.append(" - ").append(termString);
538            }
539            else
540            {
541              buff.append(" + ").append(terms.get(key));
542            }
543          }
544        }
546        return buff.toString();
547      }
549      /*
550      public static void main(String[] args)
551      {
552        Polynomial poly;
554        for (String arg : args)
555        {
556          System.out.println("Input:    " + arg);
557          poly = Polynomial.parse(arg);
558          System.out.println("Output:   " + poly);
560          Polynomial newPoly = Polynomial.parse(poly.toString());
561          System.out.println("New Poly: " + newPoly);
563          System.out.println();
564        }
566        poly = Polynomial.parse("1 + 2x + 3x^2");
567        System.out.println(poly);
569        poly = Polynomial.parse("");
570        System.out.println(poly);
572        poly = Polynomial.parse(null);
573        System.out.println(poly);
575        System.out.println();
577        Polynomial p1 = Polynomial.parse("1 + 2x + 3x^2");
578        Polynomial p2 = Polynomial.parse("1 + 2x + 3x^2");
579        System.out.println("p1.equals(p2)? -> " + p1.equals(p2) +
580                           ", p1.compareTo(p2) -> " +p1.compareTo(p2));
582        p2 = Polynomial.parse("1 + 2x + 4x^2");
583        System.out.println("p1.equals(p2)? -> " + p1.equals(p2) +
584                           ", p1.compareTo(p2) -> " +p1.compareTo(p2));
586        p2 = Polynomial.parse("1 +      3x^2");
587        System.out.println("p1.equals(p2)? -> " + p1.equals(p2) +
588                           ", p1.compareTo(p2) -> " +p1.compareTo(p2));
590        p2 = Polynomial.parse("x^5");
591        System.out.println("p1.equals(p2)? -> " + p1.equals(p2) +
592                           ", p1.compareTo(p2) -> " +p1.compareTo(p2));
594        p1 = Polynomial.parse("3x^2 + 1x + 9");
595        System.out.println(p1);
596      }
597      */
599      static class JaxbAdapter extends XmlAdapter<String, Polynomial>
600      {
601        public String marshal(Polynomial polynomial)
602        {
603          return polynomial.toString();
604        }
606        public Polynomial unmarshal(String polynomialString)
607        {
608          return Polynomial.parse(polynomialString);
609        }
610      }
611    }