Uses of Class

Packages that use FrequencyUnits
edu.nrao.sss.measure Measurements and their units. 

Uses of FrequencyUnits in edu.nrao.sss.measure

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.measure that return FrequencyUnits
static FrequencyUnits FrequencyUnits.fromString(String text)
          Returns the frequency units represented by text.
static FrequencyUnits FrequencyUnits.getDefault()
          Returns a default unit of frequency.
static FrequencyUnits FrequencyUnits.getForMultipleOfThreePower(int powerOfTen)
          Similar to getForPower(int), but the returned units will have a power that is evenly divisible by three.
static FrequencyUnits FrequencyUnits.getForPower(int powerOfTen)
          Returns the units that corresponds to 1.0 * 10powerOfTen Hz.
static FrequencyUnits FrequencyUnits.getLargest()
          Returns the element that represents the largest number of Hertz.
static FrequencyUnits FrequencyUnits.getSmallest()
          Returns the element that represents the smallest number of Hertz.
 FrequencyUnits Frequency.getUnits()
          Returns the units of this frequency.
static FrequencyUnits FrequencyUnits.valueOf(String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static FrequencyUnits[] FrequencyUnits.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.measure with parameters of type FrequencyUnits
 Frequency Frequency.convertTo(FrequencyUnits newUnits)
          Converts this measure of frequency to the new units.
 FrequencyRange FrequencyRange.convertTo(FrequencyUnits newUnits)
          Converts both endpoints of this range to the given units.
 BigDecimal Wave.getFrequencyValueIn(FrequencyUnits units)
          Returns the frequency of this wave in the given units.
 void Frequency.set(BigDecimal value, FrequencyUnits units)
          Sets the magnitude and units of this frequency.
 void Frequency.set(String value, FrequencyUnits units)
          Sets the magnitude and units of this frequency.
 void Frequency.setUnits(FrequencyUnits newUnits)
          Sets the units of this frequency to newUnits.
 BigDecimal Frequency.toUnits(FrequencyUnits otherUnits)
          Returns the magnitude of this frequency in otherUnits.
 BigDecimal FrequencyUnits.toUnits(FrequencyUnits otherUnits)
          Returns a factor for converting from this unit to otherUnits.

Constructors in edu.nrao.sss.measure with parameters of type FrequencyUnits
Frequency(BigDecimal magnitude, FrequencyUnits units)
          Creates a new frequency with the given magnitude and units.
Frequency(String magnitude, FrequencyUnits units)
          Creates a new frequency with the given magnitude and units.

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