001    package edu.nrao.sss.model.proposal;
003    //XXX These packages need to be dealt with/replaced
004    //import edu.nrao.sss.util.XmlWrapper;
005    //import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
006    //import javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpressionException;
007    //import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
008    //import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
009    //import java.io.IOException;
010    //import java.io.Reader;
011    //import java.io.Serializable;
012    //import java.io.StringReader;
014    import edu.nrao.sss.util.StringUtil;
015    import edu.nrao.sss.util.Identifiable;
016    import edu.nrao.sss.util.XmlSerializable;
018    /** <i>Placeholder for time when we integrate proposal work.</i>
019      *
020      */
021    public class Author
022      implements Identifiable, XmlSerializable
023    {
025            private String affiliation    = null;
026            private String firstName      = null;
027            private String astronomerId   = null;
028            private String lastName       = null;
029            private String telephone      = null;
030            private String graduationYear = null;
031            private String otherAwards    = null;
032            private String email          = null;
033            private String assignment     = null;
034            private ProfessionalStatus professionalStatus = ProfessionalStatus.ALL_OTHERS;
035            private boolean observingForThesis    = false;
036            private boolean domestic              = false;
037            private boolean supportRequester      = false;
038            private boolean supported             = false;
039            private float stipend  = 0;
042            private long key = 0;
043            private int displayPosition = 0;
044            private Proposal proposal = null;
047            public Author(){}
050      @SuppressWarnings("unused")
051            private void setId( long id ){
052                    key = id;
053            }
055            public Long getId(){
056                    return key;
057            }
059            public Proposal getProposal(){
060                    return proposal;
061            }
063            public void setProposal( Proposal prop ){
064                    proposal = prop;
065            }
067            public void setDisplayPosition( int value ){
068                    displayPosition = value;
069            }
071            public int getDisplayPosition(){
072                    return displayPosition;
073            }
075            public String getAffiliation(){
076                    return affiliation;
077            }
078            public boolean isDomestic(){
079                    return domestic;
080            }
083            public String getEmail(){
084                    return email;
085            }
086            public String getFirstName(){
087                    return firstName;
088            }
089            public String getAuthorId(){
090                    return astronomerId;
091            }
092            public String getLastName(){
093                    return lastName;
094            }
095            public ProfessionalStatus getProfessionalStatus(){
096                    return professionalStatus;
097            }
098            public String getTelephone(){
099                    return telephone;
100            }
102            public String getGraduationYear(){
103                    return graduationYear;
104            }
106            public boolean isStudentObservingForThesis(){
107                    return observingForThesis;
108            }
110            public void setAffiliation(String affil){
111                    affiliation = affil;
112            }
113            public void setDomestic(boolean domestics){
114                    domestic = domestics;
115            }
116            public void setEmail( String emails ){
117                    email = emails;
118            }
119            public void setFirstName(String firstNames){
120                    firstName = firstNames;
121            }
122            public void setAuthorId(String id){
123                    astronomerId = id;
124            }
126            public void setLastName(String lastNames){
127                    lastName = lastNames;
128            }
129            public void setProfessionalStatus(ProfessionalStatus professionalStat){
130                    professionalStatus = professionalStat;
131            }
132            public void setTelephone(String tele ){
133                    telephone = tele;
134            }
137            public void setGraduationYear( String yr ){
138                    graduationYear = yr;
139            }
141            public void setStudentObservingForThesis( boolean b ){
142                    observingForThesis = b;
143            }
145             public void setAssignment(String assign){
146                     assignment = assign;
147             }
148             public String getAssignment(){
149                     return assignment;
150             }
151             public void setStipend( float value ){
152                     stipend = value;
153             }
154             public float getStipend(){
155                     return stipend;
156             }
157             public void setOtherAwards(String otherAwards){
158                    this.otherAwards = otherAwards; 
159             }
160             public String getOtherAwards(){
161                     return otherAwards;
162             }
164             public boolean isSupportRequester(){
165                     return supportRequester;
166             }
168             public void setSupportRequester( boolean b ){
169                     supportRequester = b;
170             }
172             public boolean isSupported(){
173                     return supported;
174             }
176             public void setSupported( boolean b ){
177                     supported = b;
178             }
180             //------------------------------------------------------------------
181             //   Overriden object methods
182             //------------------------------------------------------------------
184            /**
185              * Returns true if the otherAuthor is an Author with the same email
186              * address and identifier; returns false otherwise.
187              * @param otherAuthor an object to compare this Author to.
188              * @return true if the otherAuthor is an Author with the same email and
189              * identifier as this Author; false otherwise.
190              */
191            public boolean equals( Object otherAuthor){
192                    boolean result = false;
193                    if ( otherAuthor != null ){
194                            if ( otherAuthor instanceof Author ){
195                                    StringUtil util = StringUtil.getInstance();
197                                    //Ids must be the same
198                                    Author otherAuth = (Author)otherAuthor;
199                                    String myId = getAuthorId();
200                                    String authorId = otherAuth.getAuthorId();
201                                    myId = util.normalizeString( myId );
202                                    authorId = util.normalizeString( authorId );
203                                    if ( myId.equals( authorId)){
205                                            //Emails must be the same.
206                                            String myEmail = getEmail();
207                                            String otherEmail = otherAuth.getEmail();
208                                            if ( myEmail != null ){
209                                                    myEmail = util.normalizeString( myEmail );
210                                            }
211                                            if ( otherEmail != null ){
212                                                    otherEmail = util.normalizeString( otherEmail );
213                                            }
214                                            if ( myEmail.equals( otherEmail)){
215                                                    result = true;
216                                            }
217                                    }
218                            }
219                    }
220                    return result;
221            }
223            public int hashCode(){
224                    StringUtil util = StringUtil.getInstance();
226                    String idStr = getAuthorId();
227                    idStr = util.normalizeString( idStr );
228                    String email = getEmail();
229                    email = util.normalizeString( email );
230                    String combStr = idStr + email;
231                    return combStr.hashCode();              
232            }
234            /**
235             * Returns an xml representation of an Author.
236             * @param indent the number of spaces to indent the opening author xml tag.
237             * @return the xml representation of an author.
238            public String toXML( int indent ){
239                    StringUtil util = StringUtil.getInstance();
241                    String space = util.getSpacer( indent );
242                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder( space + "<author>\n" );
243            sb.append( space + "  <astronomer_id>" + getAuthorId() + "</astronomer_id>\n" );
244            sb.append( space + "  <first_name>" + getFirstName() + "</first_name>\n" );
245            sb.append( space + "  <last_name>" + getLastName() + "</last_name>\n" );
246            sb.append( space + "  <affiliation domestic=\""+isDomestic() + "\">" + getAffiliation() + "</affiliation>\n" );
247            sb.append( space + "  <email>" + getEmail() + "</email>\n" );
248            sb.append( space + "  <professional_status type=\""+ getProfessionalStatus()+"\">\n" );
249            sb.append( space + "     <phd_year>" + getGraduationYear() + "</phd_year>\n" );
250            sb.append( space + "     <observe_for_thesis>" + isStudentObservingForThesis() + "</observe_for_thesis>\n");
251            sb.append( space + "  </professional_status>\n" );
252            sb.append( space + "  <telephone>" + getTelephone() + "</telephone>\n" );
253            sb.append( space + "</author>\n" );
254            return sb.toString();
255            }
256            */
258            /**
259              * XXX method stub
260              */
261            public String toXml()
262            {
263                    return null;
264            }
266            /**
267              * XXX method stub
268              */
269            public void fromXml(String xml) {}
270    }