4 November 1998
Chair: Rick Perley | ||
Miller Goss (NRAO) | WELCOME |
Ulvestad, J.S. (NRAO) | The ARISE Future Space VLBI Mission |
Wren, J. (LANL) | The Robotic Optical Transient Search Experiment |
Gisler, G. (LANL) | First Light at Fenton Hill Observatory |
McCullough, J. (UCSC) | First Results from Milagrito, a Prototype High-Energy Gamma Ray Observatory |
Bloch, J. (LANL) | Observations of the Diffuse EUV Background with ALEXIS |
Chair: Joan Wrobel | ||
Rivers, A. (UNM), Henning, P. (UNM) | HI Detected Galaxies in the Northern Zone of Avoidance |
Christopher R. Gelino, C. R. (NMSU), Marley, M. (NMSU), Stephens, D. (NMSU), Lunine, J. (LPL/University of Arizona), Freedman, R (NASA/Ames) | Model Spectra and Bond Albedos of Extrasolar Giant Planets |
Templeton, M. (NMSU), McNamara, B. (NMSU), Guzik, J. (LANL) | Delta Scuti stars in the Galactic Bulge |
Middleditch, J. (LANL), Marshall, F. E. (GSFC), Gotthelf, E. V. (GSFC), Zhang, W. D. (GSFC), Wang, Q. D. (Northwestern) | The 16 ms Pulsar in SNR N157B |
Hjellming, R.M. (NRAO), Rupen, M.P. (NRAO), Mioduszewski, A.J. (NRAO/JIVE) | The New Galactic Relativistic Jet Source XTE J1748-28 |
Diamond, P.J. (NRAO), Kemball, A.J. (NRAO) | Making movies of stars. |
Chair: Michael Rupen | ||
Faison, M. (NRAO) | Small Scale Structure in Galactic HI. |
Lang, C. C. (NRAO/UCLA) | Radio Polarimetric Observations of the Galactic Center Threads |
Thilker, D. A. (NMSU), Braun, R. (NFRA), Walterbos, R.A.M. (NMSU), Fierro, V. (NMSU) | HIIphot: A New Tool for Automated Photometry of HII Regions |
Petric, A. (NMIMT), Rupen, M. (NRAO) | Line Widths and the Universal HI Profile in NGC 1058 |
Peck, A. B., (NRAO/NMIMT), Taylor, G. B., (NRAO) | Neutral Hydrogen and Ionized Gas in the Central Parsecs of 1946+708 |
Miller, N. A. (NRAO), Owen, F. N. (NRAO) | Wide Field Radio Maps of A2255 and A2256 |
Chair: Galen Gisler | ||
Colgate, S. (LANL, NMIMT), Beckley, H. F. (NMIMT), Ferrel, R. (NMIMT), Romero, V. (NMIMT), Westpfahl, D. (NMIMT) | The Black Hole Disk Galactic Dynamo |
Beckley, H. F. (NMIMT), Colgate, S. (LANL, NMIMT), Ferrel, R. (NMIMT), Romero, V. (NMIMT), Westpfahl, D. (NMIMT) | Flow Field for the (alpha) - (OMEGA) Dynamo |
Weatherall, J., and Eilek, J. (NMIMT) | A plasma mechanism for accelerating relativistic electrons in the diffuse radio haloes of clusters of galaxies |
Kravtsov, A (NMSU), Klypin, A. (NMSU), Colin, P. (UNAM), Khokhlov, A (NRL) | Evolution of halo-halo clustering and bias in a LCDM model |
Firmani, C. (NMSU), Avila-Reese, V. (NMSU) | Cosmological Implications from Galaxy Evolution |
Fassnacht, C. (Caltech/NRAO), Pearson, T. (Caltech), Readhead, A. (Caltech), Browne, I. (NRAL, Jodrell Bank), Koopmans, L. (Groningen), Myers, S. (Pennsylvania), and Wilkinson, P. (NRAL, Jodrell Bank) | A Determination of the Hubble Constant with the Gravitational Lens 1608+656 |
Kogan, L. (NRAO) | Optimization of an array configuration minimizing side lobes. |
Kogan, L. (NRAO) | Do negative side lobes depend on the array configuration? |
Andersen, W. L. (Eastern New Mexico University), Khodykin, S. A., (Volgograd State Pedagogical University) | Towards a Mathematica Based FITS Reader and CCD Image Analysis Package. |
Dorf, M. and Duric, N. (UNM) | Image Recovery Using Phase Diversity |
Johnson, E. M. (LANL), Starin, S. R. (LANL) | ALEXIS - 5+ Years of Space Exposure Effects on the Space-Based Detectors |
Wrobel, J.M. (NRAO), Patnaik, A.R. (MPIfR), Browne, I.W.A. (NRAL), \& Wilkinson, P.N. (NRAL) | A Catalog of 2118 Compact Radio Sources in the Northern Sky |
Hale, A., Ketzeback, B., Lewis, C., Perrault, T., Saxton, R., and Wurnig, J. (NRAO) | Follow-up Imaging of Select NVSS VLA Continuum Sources. |
Restaino, S. R. (US Air Force Research Laboratory) | Astroseismology from optical interferometry |
Chatterjee, S. (NRAO/Cornell), Brisken, W. (NRAO/Princeton), Cordes, J. (Cornell) | Astrometry and Neutron Star Kinematics |
Jehin, E., Magain, P. , Neuforge, C., Noels, A., Thoul, A.A., Parmentier, G. (University of Liege), Neuforge, C. (LANL) | Linking field metal poor stars and globular clusters: the EASE scenario. |
Leeber, D. M. (NMSU), Harrison, T. E. (NMSU) | Modeling the Evolution of the Dust Shell Surrounding Nova Centauri 1991 |
Oetiker, B. (UNM) & Duric, N. (UNM) | Searching for Extrasolar Planets Around Dwarf M Stars |
Pannuti, T. (UNM), Duric, N. (UNM), Hoopes, C. (NMSU), Walterbos, R. (NMSU) | An X-ray, Optical and Radio Search for Supernova Remnants in the Nearby Sd Sculptor Group Galaxy NGC 300 |
Hoopes, C. G. (NMSU), Walterbos, R. A. M. (NMSU), Rand, R. J. (UNM) | Diffuse Ionized Gas in Edge-On Galaxies |
Collins, J. (UNM), Rand, R. (UNM), Duric, N. (UNM) | Comparison of Extraplanar Diffuse Ionized Gas, Radio Continuum and HI Emission in Four Edge-on Galaxies |
Yun, M. S. (NRAO) | Giant Radio Plumes among IR Galaxies |
Desai, K. (NRAO), Fey. A. (USNO) | Anisotropic Interstellar Scattering Measurements Towards the Cygnus Region |
Kern, J. S. (NMIMT) | Single Pulse Analysis of Core-Dominated Pulsar B0611+22. |