SCIENTIFIC THEMES Future Directions in High Resolution Astronomy: A Celebration of the 10th Anniversary of the VLBA June 8 - 12, 2003 Socorro, New Mexico, USA In August 2003, the VLBA will mark the tenth anniversary of its opening ceremony. In commemoration of this event, we are planning an international scientific meeting, to be held June 8 - 12, 2003, in Socorro, NM, USA, on the contributions of the VLBA, and VLBI in general, to astronomical and other scientific disciplines, and on the future of high resolution observations in astronomy. The meeting will be sponsored by NRAO and New Mexico Tech. Our overall goal is to review the exciting progress of VLBI science and technology, and where the future lies. We will survey the current state of scientific progress in the broad scope of astronomical, astrophysical, and geophysical fields to which VLBI observations have contributed. We also wish to discuss future frontiers for VLBI, and for other high resolution telescopes operating across the electromagnetic spectrum. Finally, we will consider the technological developments that will be necessary to support these future directions. The meeting will include invited reviews, and contributed talks and posters, on the major scientific topics listed below. The organizers hope to emphasize both invited and contributed talks from younger members of the community. Anyone interested in participating is encouraged to pre- register at the meeting website. SCIENTIFIC TOPICS AGN jets Super-massive black holes, accretion disks, and H2O masers OH megamasers, starbursts and normal galaxies Micro-quasars and compact stellar systems Supernovae and pulsars Masers: star formation and evolved stars Interstellar medium & propagation effects Gravitational lenses Astrometry & geodesy Extragalactic distance scale Future VLBI instrumentation High angular resolution telescopes across the EM spectrum Future science at high angular resolution