NRAO/Socorro Colloquium Series

Frazer Owen


Galaxy Evolution and Mechanical Energy

I will describe multiwavelength results from the SWIRE deep field and others which are yielding unique information on the evolution of galaxies. I will discuss what centimeter radio imaging is telling us using new optical, FIR and X-ray results to fill out the picture. Until recently most studies, driven by x-ray and optical results, have assumed that radiation, driven by Eddington-limited accretion, is the sole connection between the central black hole and the star-formation history of galaxies. However, we know that black-hole-driven mechanical energy, although more difficult to observe, is the major energy source affecting evolution in nearby clusters of galaxies. I will focus on recent radio and multiwavelength results which suggest an important role for mechanical energy in evolution at cosmologically interesting redshifts, perhaps during a much longer, sub-Eddington phase of accretion.

May 9, 2008
11:00 AM

Array Operations Center Auditorium

All NRAO employees are invited to attend via video, available in Charlottesville Room 311, Green Bank Room 241 and Tucson N525.

Local Host: Chris Carilli