NRAO/Socorro Colloquium Series

Shri Kulkarni

California Institute of Technology

The Space Interferometer Mission: Parallaxes, Planets and More

The Space Interferometry Mission PlanetQuest (SIM) a 9-m Michelson interferometer operating in the visible band. With an anticipated accuracy of 4 microarcseconds (all sky, wide angle) and precision of 1 microarcseconds (narrow angle). These two modes will enable us to make fundamental advances in Galactic astronomy, determine the matter makeup of our Galaxy and the Local Cluster, decisively define the cosmic distance scale and undertake comprehensive search for planets down to the mass of Earth. The speaker serves as the Interdisciplinary Scientist for SIM and is also the Co-PI of EIPICs, the largest key project for planet search.

October 17, 2006
4:00 p.m.

Array Operations Center, Auditorium

All NRAO employees are invited to attend via video, available in Charlottesville Room 230, Green Bank Room 137 and Tucson N525.

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