NRAO/Socorro Colloquium Series:

Kevin Marvel


Astronomy Policy 2005

2005 promises to be an exciting year in the astronomy policy arena. The Hubble Space Telescope servicing issue will come to a head, a new NASA administrator will be appointed, it will become clear if NSF will be able or willing to undertake work on a number of projects outlined in the decadal survey and the Moon to Mars vision of the President will either gain significant legs or begin to fade away. In addition to providing an overview of the special policy year we find ourselves in, I will present an introduction to the public policy process focusing on the way in which astronomy receives funding in the United States. Special attention will be given as to how normal citizens can influence the policy process. Attendees will gain significant insight into the current situation in Washington regarding science policy and leave with a number of specific actions they can make to influence any policy issue that concerns them.

Friday, 18 February 2005

Array Operations Center Auditorium

Local Host: Jim Ulvestad