NRAO/Socorro Colloquium Series:

Doug Johnstone

National Research Council

An Extinction Threshold for Star Formation in Ophiuchus: A Taste of the SCUBA2 Future

The problem of star formation is not FORMING stars, but rather NOT forming stars. Indeed, gravitational collapse would proceed quickly in most molecular clouds if not for the addition of non-thermal support mechanisms such as turbulent motions and magnetic fields. Only recently have observations of molecular clouds become sufficient to rigorously test the various theoretical models for cloud support. In this talk I will discuss an ongoing survey, the COMPLETE Survey of Molecular Clouds, and the recent discovery of an extinction threshold for structure formation within Ophiuchus. I will end the talk with a look at the future of molecular cloud observations in the era of SCUBA2 and HARP at the JCMT, and the arrival of ALMA. Will Star Formation studies become much more similar to Cosmological studies?

Friday, 25 February 2005

Array Operations Center Auditorium

Local Host: Yancy Shirley