NRAO/Socorro Colloquium Series: 24 May 2002

Sanjay Bhatnager

Socorro, New Mexico

Galactic plane imaging at low radio frequencies

Continuum imaging at low radio frequencies provide useful information about Supernova Remnants (SNRs), H II regions and the Interstellar Medium (ISM) in the Galaxy. Spatially resolved continuum spectra at low frequencies effectively separates thermal and non-thermal emission - mainly from SNRs and HII regions respectively. Observations at frequencies, typically below ~1GHz, provide the crucial spectral and morphological signature for the identification, and classification of SNRs. Reliable spectral index images provide additional information about the interaction of these objects with the local ISM. For HII regions, such observations below the turn-over frequency, give an independent handle on the physical properties of these objects. In combination with Radio Recombination Line (RRL) observations, such observations also provide unique information about the "global" properties of the ISM.

In this talk, I will discuss some of these Galactic plane observations done using the newly commissioned Giant Meterwave Radio Telescope (GMRT), briefly describe the current status of the GMRT, and touch upon the calibration/data analysis challenges posed by interferometric imaging at low frequencies.

Friday, 24 May 2002

Array Operations Center Auditorium

Local Host: Athol Kemball

Other NRAO/Socorro colloquia