NRAO/Socorro Colloquium Series: 11 May 2001

John Dreher

SETI Institute

The Allen Telescope Array

The Allen Telescope Array will consist of approximately 350 6.1-meter offset Gregorian dishes arrayed at the Hat Creek Radio Observatory and operating over the frequency range of 500 MHz - 11.2 GHz. With a total area of 1E4 m^2 and a system temperature of 42 K the ATA will be one of the most sensitive radio telescopes in the world when it comes on line in 2005. The novel and scalable design attempts to exploit reductions in the cost of electronics to attain a cost "per acre" 3-10 times better than that of any comparable existing telescope.

Friday, 11 May 2001

Array Operations Center Auditorium

Local Host: Rick Perley

Other NRAO/Socorro colloquia