NRAO/Socorro Colloquium Series: Friday 19 May 2000

Tracy Clarke

NRAO (Socorro)

What do we know about intracluster magnetic fields?

The gravitational potential in galaxy clusters is filled with dark matter, galaxies, and hot (108 K) ionized gas which account, respectively, for roughly 70%, 5%, and 25% of the total mass of the cluster. In addition to these constituents, magnetic fields are also found to be a common feature of the intracluster medium. Magnetic fields embedded within the thermal cluster gas have the potential to significantly modify the dynamics of the gas (for e.g. through the suppression of thermal conduction). The extent of the influence of the magnetic fields on the dynamics of the cluster gas depends on the strength and topology of the fields. I will present the results of my dissertation which combined VLA polarimetry of sources viewed through 16 Abell clusters with ROSAT X-ray surface brightness profiles to probe the intracluster magnetic fields. Combining this study with other magnetic field estimates allows us to begin to develop an overall picture of the intracluster magnetic fields as well as an understanding of their influence on ICM dynamics.

Friday, 19 May 2000

Array Operations Center Auditorium

Other NRAO/Socorro colloquia