NRAO/Socorro Colloquium Series: 29 August 1997

Albert Zijlstra

European Southern Observatory

Old Stars in Dwarf Galaxies

Halos of old stars have been found around the main three spiral galaxies in the Local Group. Their precise origin is not established: two possibilities are star formation during the first collapse of the proto-galaxy, or merging events with smaller galaxies. I will discuss recent evidence for a stellar halo around a dwarf galaxy, indicating that halos may be quite common throughout the Hubble sequence. I will also discuss two planetary nebulae found in the Sagittarius dwarf (Sgr) which is in the process of merging with our Galaxy. Sgr may be the remnant of a dwarf elliptical companion to our Galaxy. The two PN show that the stellar population of Sgr is different from that of our halo. Our halo cannot have originated from disrupted Sgr-like galaxies.

Friday, 29 August 1997

Array Operations Center Auditorium

Local Host: Rick Perley

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