------------------------------------------------------------------------ klens.tex Submitted to ApJ content-length: 71814 % astro-ph/9811038 %\documentstyle[12pt,/home/tal/tex/AAS/aasms4]{article} \documentstyle[11pt,aaspp4]{article} \def \Mo {\ifmmode M_\odot \else $M_\odot$ \fi} \def \Ro {\ifmmode R_\odot \else $R_\odot$ \fi} \def \Lo {\ifmmode L_\odot \else $L_\odot$ \fi} \def \Re {\ifmmode R_{\sc e} \else $R_{\sc e}$ \fi} \def \Oe {\ifmmode \theta_{\sc e} \else $\theta_{\sc e}$ \fi} \def \Rs {\ifmmode R_{\sc s} \else $R_{\sc s}$ \fi} \def \SgrA {\ifmmode {\rm SgrA}^\star\, \else SgrA$^\star$\fi} \def \avm {\bar{m}} \def \avL {\bar{L}_K} \def \avv {\bar{v}_2} \def \avt {\bar{t}_0} \def \avu {\langle u_0 \rangle} \def \arcsec {^{\prime\prime}} \def \MLKo {\Upsilon_\odot} \def \mag {^{\rm m}} \def \DT {\Delta T} \def \DK {\Delta K} \def \Dp {\Delta p} \def \nuk {\nu} \def \LK {L_K} \def \La {L_l} \def \Lb {L_u} \def \Lt {L_0} \def \tmin {t_{\rm min}} \def \tvt {\hat{v}_2} \def \tvmax {\hat{v}_{\rm max}} \def \tvrot {\hat{v}_{\rm rot}} % \lefthead{Alexander and Sternberg} \righthead{$K$-band Microlensing by the Black Hole in the Galactic Center} \begin{document} \title{$K$-band Microlensing of Stars by the Super-Massive Black Hole in the Galactic Center} \author{Tal Alexander\altaffilmark{1}} \affil{Institute for Advanced Study, Olden Lane, Princeton, NJ 08540 (tal@ias.edu)} \and \author{Amiel Sternberg\altaffilmark{2,3}} \affil{School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel Aviv University, Ramat Aviv, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel (amiel@wise.tau.ac.il)} %\altaffiltext{1}{E-mail address: tal@ias.edu} %\altaffiltext{2}{E-mail address: amiel@wise.tau.ac.il} \altaffiltext{3}{On leave at the Department of Astronomy, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720} \authoremail{tal@ias.edu} \begin{abstract} We investigate microlensing amplification of faint stars in the dense stellar cluster in the Galactic Center by the super-massive black hole, which is thought to coincide with the radio source $\SgrA$. Such amplification events would appear very close to the position of $\SgrA$, and could be observed, in principle, during the monitoring of stellar proper motions in the Galactic Center. We use observations of the $K$-band (2.2\,$\mu$m) luminosity function in the Galactic Center and in Baade's Window, as well as stellar population synthesis computations, to construct empirical and theoretical $K$ luminosity function models for the inner 300\,pc of the Galaxy. These, together with the observed dynamical properties of the central cluster and inner bulge, are used to compute the rates of microlensing events which amplify stars with different intrinsic luminosities above specified detection thresholds. We present computations of the lensing rates as functions of the event durations, which range from several weeks to a few years, for detection thresholds ranging from $K_0=16\mag$ to $19\mag$. We find that events with durations shorter than a few months dominate the lensing rate because of the very high stellar densities and velocities very near the black hole, where the effective lens size is small. For the current detection limit of $K_0=17\mag$, the total microlensing rate is $3\times 10^{-3}$ yr$^{-1}$. The rate of events with durations $\ge 1$ yr is $1\times 10^{-3}$ yr$^{-1}$. The median value of the peak amplification for short events is $\DK \sim 0.75\mag$ above the detection threshold, and is only weakly dependent on $K_0$. Long events are rarer, and are associated with more distant stars, stars at the low velocity tail of the velocity distribution, or stars that cross closer to the line-of-sight to $\SgrA$. Therefore, the median peak amplifications of long events are larger and attain values $\DK \sim 1.5\mag$ above the threshold. Recent proper motion studies of stars in the Galactic Center have revealed the possible presence of one or two variable $K$-band sources very close to, or coincident with, the position of $\SgrA$ (Genzel et al. 1997; Ghez et al. 1998). These sources may have attained peak brightnesses of $K\approx15\mag$, about $1.5$--$2\mag$ above the observational detection limits, and appear to have varied on a timescale of $\sim 1$ yr. This behavior is consistent with long-duration microlensing amplification of faint stars by the central black hole. However, we estimate that the probability that a single such an event could have been detected during the course of the recent proper motion monitoring campaigns is $\sim 0.5\%$. A ten-fold improvement in the detection limit and $10\,$yr of monthly monitoring could increase the total detection probability to $\sim20\%$. \end{abstract} \keywords{Galaxy: center --- Galaxy: kinematics and dynamics --- Galaxy: stellar content --- gravitational lensing --- infrared: stars} %%%1-2col\twocolumn \section{Introduction} Recent proper motion studies of infrared-luminous stars in the Galactic Center (GC) (\cite{Genzel97,Ghez98}) have convincingly demonstrated the existence of a compact $\sim2.6\,10^6\Mo$ dark mass in the dynamical center of the GC, which is located within $0.1\arcsec$ of the radio source $\SgrA$ (\cite{Ghez98}) ($1\arcsec=0.039\,$pc at 8\,kpc). Lower bounds on the compactness of this mass concentration, together with dynamical considerations, argue against the possibility of a massive cluster, and point towards a super-massive black hole as the likely alternative (\cite{Genzel97}; \cite{Maoz98}). This conclusion has important implications for basic issues such as the prevalence of massive black holes in the nuclei of normal galaxies, and the nature of the accretion mechanism that makes $\SgrA$ so much fainter than typical active galactic nuclei (\cite{Melia94}; \cite{NYM95}). The lack of unambiguous evidence of accretion in the GC, as well as the technologically challenging nature of the proper motion observations, make an independent test for the existence of the black hole highly desirable. Wardle \& Yusef-Zadeh (1992) considered several gravitational lensing effects that could potentially provide such tests. In particular, Wardle \& Yusef-Zadeh pointed out that gravitational lensing would occasionally lead to the amplification and splitting of the stellar images of stars which happen to move behind the black hole, and that such events would typically last from months to years, depending on the distance of such stars from the black hole. Wardle \& Yusef-Zadeh also estimated that an optical depth of order unity for such events requires an observed central surface density $>1000$ stars arcsec$^{-2}$, and that this in turn would require an angular resolution of $\la 0.01\arcsec$ to individually separate the lensed images from the crowded background of faint stars. However, the photometric sensitivities and spatial resolutions required for such observations are far beyond current observational capabilities. Presently, the deepest $K$-band (2.2 $\mu$m) images of the central arcsec reach down to $K=17\mag$ (\cite{Ghez98}). As we will show, at this magnitude the expected central surface density is $\sim 20$ stars arcsec$^{-2}$ (\cite{Davidge97}). The highest spatial resolutions obtained so far are the diffraction limited resolutions of $\sim 0.15\arcsec$ (\cite{Eckart95}) and $\sim 0.05\arcsec$ (\cite{Ghez98}) achieved in the proper motion surveys. In this paper we investigate a different possibility, namely {\it microlensing} amplification of faint stars by the central black hole. Such events occur when the amplified but {\it unresolved} images of faint stars rise above the detection threshold and then fade again as such stars move behind the black hole close to the line-of-sight to $\SgrA$. We present a quantitative study of such microlensing events, and we compute in detail the microlensing rates as functions of the event durations, for a wide range of assumed detection thresholds. In addition, we also consider the possible amplification of sources which lie above the detection thresholds, and we re-examine the limit in which the two lensed images can actually be resolved. Our study is motivated by several recent developments. Deep infrared star counts in the inner GC (\cite{Blum96}; \cite{Davidge97}) and infrared and optical star counts in Baade's Window (\cite{Tiede95}; \cite{Holtzman98}) now make it possible to reliably model the infrared stellar luminosity function in the vicinity of the Galactic Center. The on-going proper motion monitoring campaigns of the inner few arcsec of the GC record both the positions and fluxes of individual stars in the field at a sampling rate of 1--2 observing runs per year. As a by-product, these measurements can be used to search for microlensing events, albeit at a low sampling rate. Such events would appear as time varying sources very close to $\SgrA$. It is therefore intriguing that one or two variable IR sources may have already been detected close to, or coincident with, the position of $\SgrA$ (\cite{Genzel97}; \cite{Ghez98}). These sources may have brightened to $K\sim15\mag$ before fading from view, and appear to have varied on a timescale of $\sim 1$ yr. As we will argue, this behavior is consistent with the expected behavior of bright long-duration microlensing events. However, we will also argue that the probability that a single such event could have been detected during the course of the recent proper-motion monitoring campaigns is small ($\sim 0.5\%$). The detection probabilities will increase considerably as the observational sensitivities improve (e.g. with the advent of adaptive optics), and if $\SgrA$ is monitored more frequently than has been done so far. The structure of our paper is as follows. In \S\ref{s:rate} we set up the formalism required for our computations. Some of the more technical aspects are discussed in the appendix. In \S\ref{s:gc} we discuss our treatment of the stellar densities, velocity fields, and $K$-band luminosity functions, which enter into the computation of the lensing rates. We present our results in \S\ref{s:results}, where we provide computations of the lensing rates as functions of the event durations for a wide range of assumed detection thresholds. In \S\ref{s:discuss} we present a discussion and summary. \section{Lensing by the super-massive black hole} \label{s:rate} The effective size of a gravitational lens at the lens plane is set by the Einstein radius, $\Re$, \begin{equation} \Re = \left(\frac{4GM}{c^2}\frac{Dd}{D+d}\right)^{1/2} \sim 2.2\,10^{15} (M_{2.6} d_1)^{1/2}\,{\rm cm}\,, \label{e:Re} \end{equation} where $G$ is the gravitational constant, $c$ is the speed of light, $M$ is the lens mass (here the black hole mass), $D$ and $d$ are the observer--lens and lens--source distances, respectively (see e.g. review by Bartelmann \& Narayan 1998). We assume, as will be justified below, that $d \ll D$, and define $M_{2.6} = M/2.6\,10^6\Mo$ and $d_1 = d/1\,$pc. The effective size of the lens at the source plane is $\Rs = \Re(D+d)/D\sim\Re$. The angular size of the Einstein radius, $\Oe$, is \begin{equation} \Oe \sim 0.018\arcsec D_8^{-1}(M_{2.6}d_1)^{1/2}\,, \label{e:Oe} \end{equation} where $8D_8\,{\rm kpc}$ is the Sun's galactocentric distance (\cite{Carney95}). In our study we assume that any IR-extinction associated with an accretion disk or an `atmosphere' near the event horizon is negligible. We begin by showing that in our problem the stars can be treated as point sources and that the linear approximation (small light-bending angle approximation) holds. First, when $d\ll D$, a star can be approximated as a point source as long as its radius, $R_\star$, is much smaller than $\Re$. Assuming a mean stellar mass of $\sim1\Mo$, a central mass density of $\rho\sim4\,10^6\,\Mo$pc$^{-3}$ in the GC (\cite{Genzel96}) implies a mean stellar separation of $\delta\sim 0.005\,$pc. Even at such a small distance from the black hole, $R_\star \ll \Re\sim 1.5\,10^{14}\,$cm for all stars, including supergiants. Second, the linear approximation holds as long as the Einstein radius is much larger than the Schwarzschild radius of the black hole, $R_\bullet$, \begin{equation} \Re/R_\bullet \sim c\left(d/GM\right)^{1/2} \sim 2.8\,10^3(d_1/M_{2.6})^{1/2}\,, \label{e:Rsch} \end{equation} which even for $d=\delta$ is as high as $\sim200$. A point lens produces two images, one within and one outside the Einstein radius. The angular separation between the two images is \begin{equation} \Delta\theta = \Oe\sqrt{u^2+4}\,, \label{e:Dtheta} \end{equation} and their mean angular offset from the optical axis is $u\Oe$, where $u\Oe$ is the angular separation between the unlensed source and the lens. As will be shown in \S\ref{s:gc}, $u\ll1$ for amplification above present-day detection thresholds in the GC, so that $\Delta\theta \sim 2\Oe$. Three angular scales in the problem determine the way the lensing will appear to the observer: the Einstein angle $\Oe(d)$, the FWHM angular resolution of the observations, $\phi$, and the mean projected angular separation between the observed stars, $\Dp(K_0)$, where $K_0$ is the detection threshold. The lensed images have to be detected against the background of a very dense stellar system. This background will be low as long as as the central surface density of observed stars, $S_0 =\Dp^{-2}$, is small enough so that $\pi \phi^2 S_0 < 1$. Thus, for a given detection threshold, an angular resolution of at least \begin{equation} \phi = \Dp(K_0)/\sqrt{\pi}\,. \label{e:phi} \end{equation} is required to detect the lens. Lower resolutions correspond to the regime of `pixel lensing' (\cite{Crotts92}), which we do not consider here. When $\Oe < \phi$, the two images will not be resolved\footnote{We are assuming here that, generally, a separation of at least $2\phi$ is required to resolve the two microlensed images. The exact value of the minimal separation probably lies in the range $\phi$ to $2\phi$, and depends on the details of the procedure for faint source separation in the crowded inner $1\arcsec$ of the GC.}, and the lensed source will appear as a {\em microlensing} event. For a given angular resolution, there is a maximal lens--source distance $d_\mu$ for microlensing, \begin{equation} d_\mu = \frac{D_8^2}{M_{2.6}}\left(\frac{\phi}{0.018\arcsec}\right)^2\, {\rm pc}\,. \label{e:dmu} \end{equation} More distant stars will have $\Oe > \phi$ and their two images will be separately resolved. \subsection{The microlensing rate} The unresolved images of a faint star at $dK_0$, weighted by their fraction in the stellar population, $f_s$, where it is assumed that $f_s$ does not depend on $r$. The properties of the stellar population enter the integrated rate only through the mean impact parameter $\avu$, which for $u_0 \ll 1$ is simply \begin{eqnarray} \avu & = & \sum_{\{s | K_s>K_0\}} f_s u_{0,s} \nonumber\\ & \simeq & \sum_{\{s | K_s>K_0\}} f_s A_s^{-1} = \langle F_K\rangle/F_0\,, \label{e:avu} \end{eqnarray} where $F_K$ is the observed (dust extinguished) stellar $K$-band flux and $F_0$ is the detection threshold flux corresponding to $K_0$. We characterize the microlensing time-scale for stars of type $s$ as the average time they spend {\em above the detection threshold}, \begin{equation} \bar{\tau}(K_0) = \frac{\pi}{2}u_{0,s}\Rs \avv\,, \label{e:t0} \end{equation} where a $\pi/4$ factor comes from averaging over all impact parameters with $u\le u_{0,s}$. The lensing rate, amplification and event duration are inter-related. For $u_0 \ll 1$, the {\em median} value of the distribution of maximal amplifications is simply $A(u_0/2) \simeq 2A(u_0)$. Note, however, that the {\em mean} maximal amplification, $\langle A_{\rm max}\rangle \simeq \int_0^{u_0} (u_0 u)^{-1}\,du$, diverges logarithmically. Generally, a fraction $x$ of the events will have a maximal amplification of $A_0/x$ or more (i.e. a peak magnitude above the threshold of $\DK = 2.5\log x$ or less). The rate of such events is smaller, \begin{equation} \Gamma(x) = x\Gamma(K_0)\,. \label{e:qc} \end{equation} The time-scale of events amplified by a factor of $1/x$ above the threshold is somewhat longer than the average time-scale (Eq.~\ref{e:t0}), since they must cross closer to the line of sight, \begin{equation} \bar{\tau}(x) = \frac{2}{\pi}\left(\sqrt{1-x^2}+\frac{\sin^{-1}x}{x}\right)\bar{\tau}(K_0)\,, \label{e:t0c} \end{equation} which approaches $4\bar{\tau}(K_0)/\pi$ for large amplifications. Conversely, for a given $v_2$ and $u_{0,s}$, even a small increase in $\bar{\tau}$ is associated with a considerable increase in the maximal amplification. \subsection{Resolved lensed images} When $\Oe > \phi$ at $d > d_\mu$, the two images can be resolved. As we show in \S\ref{s:results}, $d_\mu$ is already quite small for present-day angular resolutions, and will become smaller still as the resolution improves. This implies that there may be a non-negligible contribution to the lensing rate from regions beyond $d_\mu$. We therefore have to consider also the case of resolved images. For $u \ll 1$, the two images will appear at an offset of $\sim \Oe$ from $\SgrA$, on opposite sides of it. The amplifications of the individual images are related by $A = A_1+A_2$ and $A_2 = A_1+1$, which for the high amplifications that are requires in the GC can be approximated as $A_1 \approx A_2 = A/2$. The formalism used for calculating the lensing of unresolved images can therefore be applied in this case simply by raising the effective detection threshold by a factor of two ($0.75\mag$). This makes resolved images harder to detect, but on the other hand, if both images are observed, the identification of the event as lensing is much more certain. \subsection{Lensing of observed bright stars} The formalism for describing unresolved and resolved lensing of stars from below the detection threshold can be also extended to cases where the microlensed source is an observed bright, $K2$ then the rate does depend on $\La$ with $\Gamma \sim \La^{2-b}$. However, as we have discussed, the observations of Holtzman et al. (1998) strongly suggest that the KLF flattens, rather than steepens, below our assumed value for $\La$.}. We note that since the differential contribution of stars with luminosity $L_{K,s}$ to the mean impact parameter $\avu$ scales like $(L_{K,s}/L_0)L_{K,s}^{-\beta} \sim L_{K,s}^{1-\beta}$, the integrated contribution of stars from a $1\mag$-wide bin is, for $\beta=1.875$, a very weakly decreasing function of the bin's $K$ magnitude. We therefore expect that the lensed stars will exhibit a wide range of intrinsic $K$ magnitudes, with a weak trend towards lensing by stars close to the detection threshold. It is uncertain at which radius the stellar population makes the transition from a population that is characteristic of a star-forming cluster to a more bulge-like population. However, as we argued above, the observed properties of the KLFs in the GC and the bulge suggest that they are very similar for $K>10.5\mag$. Since the normalization of the KLF does not depend strongly on the upper luminosity cutoff (Eq.~\ref{e:plrho}), and since the very high luminosity tail of the KLF is not relevant for the lensing calculations (the $8\mag \DT$, and would appear as time varying sources that brighten and fade during the course of several observing runs. The microlensing origin of long events could be verified, in principle, from the shape of the light curve and its achromatic behavior. Short events are those with durations $\tau < \DT$, and would be observed as a single `flash' provided they occur within a time $\tau$ of any one of the $n$ observing runs. In the limit of small event rates the detection probability may be written as \begin{equation} P = P_{\rm short}+P_{\rm long} = n\bar{\tau}_{\rm short} \Gamma_{\rm short} + T\Gamma_{\rm long\,, \label{e:P}} \end{equation} where $\Gamma_{\rm short}$ and $\Gamma_{\rm long}$ are the rates of short and long events, and $\bar{\tau}_{\rm short}$ is the rate averaged lensing duration for short events. In the (ideal) limit of continuous monitoring, $\Gamma_{\rm long}$ approaches the total event rate and $P = T\Gamma_{\rm total}$. The results of our computations are displayed in Figs.~\ref{f:cumr} and \ref{f:dK}. In Fig.~\ref{f:cumr} we plot the cumulative rates, $\Gamma_{\rm long} (\tau>\DT)$, for all lensing events with durations $\tau$ longer than the timescale $\DT$, as functions of $\DT$. We present results for events which produce unresolved and resolved images for stars which are either intrinsically below or above the detection thresholds. We present computations for detection thresholds ranging from 16 to 19 magnitudes. The total lensing rates, can be read off the plot from the asymptotic values of the curves as $\Delta T \rightarrow 0$. The curves are flat for timescales less than $\sim$ 1 week, which is shorter than most of the event durations. As $\DT$ increases $\Gamma_{\rm long}$ decreases as a smaller fraction of the lensing events satisfy $\tau > \DT$. As an example, Fig.~\ref{f:cumr} shows that for $K_0=17\mag$, the total lensing rate is equal to $3\times 10^{-3}$ yr$^{-1}$, and that for events with durations greater than 1 yr the rate is equal to $1\times 10^{-3}$ yr$^{-1}$. In Fig.~\ref{f:cumr} we also plot the rate-averaged lensing timescale, $\bar{\tau}_{\rm short}$, for events with $\tau <\DT$, which is needed to estimate the detection probability of short events. The values of $\bar{\tau}_{\rm short}$ are almost independent of $K_0$, since the shape of the cumulative rate function is insensitive to $K_0$. We note also that for small timescales $\bar{\tau}_{\rm short} \approx \DT/2$, as would be expected for a rate which is independent of the timescale. The rate of short events is simply $\Gamma_{\rm short}(\DT) = \Gamma_{\rm long}(0)-\Gamma_{\rm long}(\DT)$. Thus, for $K_0=17\mag$ the rate of events lasting less than 1 yr is $2 \times 10^{-3}$ yr$^{-1}$, and the average duration of such events is about 3 months. In Fig.~\ref{f:dK} we plot $\DK_{\rm long}$, the median value of the maximal amplifications for long events ($\tau>\DT$), as a function of $\DT$. Long events which amplify sub-threshold stars are associated with stars at greater distances from the black hole, stars at the low velocity tail of the velocity distributions, or stars that cross closer to the line of sight to $\SgrA$. Because of the latter effect, $\Delta K_{\rm long}$ is greater than $0.75\mag$, which is the median value for all the events. This effect is less marked for resolved lensing, which is characterized by longer timescales, and is very weak for lensing of stars which lie above the detection threshold, where $\Delta K_{\rm long}$ approaches the limit $\sim 0.75\mag$. Figure~\ref{f:dqdr} shows the contributions to the lensing rate from different regions in the GC, for a specific example where $K_0=16.5\mag$ and $\DT = 1\,$yr. Several important features are apparent in the results displayed in Fig.~\ref{f:dqdr} and \ref{f:cumr}. First, it is evident that the cumulative rate $\Gamma_{\rm total}(\Delta T)$, and the rate averaged lensing %timescale $\bar{\tau}_{\rm short} (\tau<\Delta T)$ of the central cluster %KLF as function of the sampling interval $\Delta T$, for the detection %thresholds $K_0 = 16\mag$, $17\mag$, $18\mag$ and $19\mag$ (from top to %bottom). Bold lines show results for faint-star lensing and thin dotted %lines for bright-star lensing. The thin dashed line in the bottom %panels is $\bar{\tau}_{\rm short} = \Delta T/2$. (In the case of resolved %lensing, values of $\bar{\tau}_{\rm short} < 0.3\,$yr are not shown due to %numerical instabilities in the calculations.) %\label{f:cumr}} %\end{figure*} %\begin{figure*}[tb] %\centerline{\epsfxsize=6.0in\epsffile{dk.eps}} %\figcaption[dk.eps]{The mean amplification above the detection threshold, %$\Delta K$, as function of the sampling rate $\Delta T$. Bold lines show %results for faint-star lensing and thin dotted lines for bright-star %lensing. %\label{f:dK}} %\end{figure*} %\begin{figure}[tb] %\centerline{\epsfxsize=3.5in\epsffile{dqdr.eps}} %\figcaption[dqdr.eps]{The differential and integrated microlensing rate %as function of the distance behind the black hole for the central cluster %model, assuming $K_0 = 16.5\mag$ and both continuous monitoring and $\DT = %1\,$yr. Both the total rates and the rates for long duration events with %$\tau>\DT$ are shown. The discontinuity at $56\,$pc reflects the transition %from unresolved images to the fainter resolved images. %\label{f:dqdr}} %\end{figure} We now apply our results to estimate the probability that the variable $K$-band source (or sources) reported by Genzel et al. (1997) (source S12) and Ghez et al. (1998) (source S3) was a microlensing event. The monitoring of proper motions in the GC has been going on for about $T = 6\,$yr, at a sampling interval of $\DT = 1\,$yr, with a detection threshold of $K_0 = 16.5\mag$ and a FWHM resolution of $\la0.15\arcsec$ (\cite{Genzel97}). For this detection threshold, $\Delta p = 0.25\arcsec$ (which corresponds to a required spatial resolution $\phi = 0.15\arcsec$), and $d_\mu = 65\,$pc. We can now use Figs.~\ref{f:cumr} and \ref{f:dK} and Eq.~\ref{e:P} to estimate the detection probability and typical amplification of a lensing event in this experiment. The rate of unresolved and long events which amplify sub-threshold stars is $7.5\times 10^{-4}\,$yr$^{-1}$, with a resulting detection probability $P_{\rm long} \sim 0.5\%$. The median amplifications of such events is $\Delta K_{\rm long}\sim 1.5\mag$ above the detection threshold. The probability for detecting a short amplification of sub-threshold stars is $P_{\rm short}\sim0.2\%$. The probabilities for detecting unresolved events involving above threshold stars is of the same order of magnitude. The probabilities for detecting long resolved events are an order of magnitude smaller, and the probabilities for detecting short resolved events are negligible in this experiment. Thus, we find that the behavior of the variable source (or sources) at $\SgrA$, i.e. a brightening of a previously undetected source to $1.5\mag$--$2\mag$ above the threshold with an event duration of $\sim 1$ yr, is the typical behavior that would be expected for a microlensing event. However, we also find that the a-posteriori probability for detecting such an event is only $\sim 0.5\%$. The probability for detecting a lensing event can be increased considerably by carrying out more sensitive observations at higher sampling rates. For example, 10 years of monthly observations with a detection threshold of $K_0 = 19\mag$ will require a resolution of $\phi = 0.06\arcsec$, which is already available (\cite{Ghez98}), and will increase the total detection probability of long lensing events to $P_{\rm long}\sim 20\%$. These estimates are uncertain by a factor of few due to uncertainties in the stellar density distribution, the $K$ luminosity function and the extinction. \section{Discussion and summary} \label{s:discuss} In the past several years, very high resolution, very deep IR observations of the GC have regularly monitored stellar motions within few arcsec of the radio source $\SgrA$. The primary objective of these efforts is to dynamically weigh the central dark mass and set lower bounds on its compactness. As a by product, these observations can detect and record the light curves of faint time-varying sources in the inner GC over timescales of years. These proper motion studies have recently revealed the possible presence of one or two variable $K$-band sources very close to, or coincident with, the position of $\SgrA$ (\cite{Genzel97}; \cite{Ghez98}). The first issue to resolve, when considering results from such technologically challenging observations, is whether these sources are real, or merely artifacts of the complex procedures for obtaining deep diffraction limited images in the crowded GC. Assuming that such a source is indeed real, and that it is not simply a variable star that happens to lie very near to the line of sight to $\SgrA$, there are two interesting possibilities to consider, both directly linked to the existence of a super-massive compact object in the GC. A time variable IR source, coincident with $\SgrA$, may be the IR counterpart of the radio source, with the IR flare resulting from fluctuations in the accretion process, which has up to now eluded detection in any band other than the radio (see e.g. \cite{Backer96}). Another possibility is that the new source is a faint star in the dense stellar cluster in the GC, which is microlensed by the black hole. Such amplification events would appear as time varying sources very close to the position of $\SgrA$. We note that a detection of microlensing could provide an independent probe of the compactness of the central dark mass. The innermost observed stars in the GC set an upper limit on the size of the dark mass, $r_{\rm dm}\sim 7\,10^4\,R_\bullet$, where $R_\bullet$ is the Schwarzschild radius (\cite{Ghez98}). Microlensing has the potential, given a well sampled light curve, to improve on the dynamical limit, since for typical values of the lens--source distance, $r_{\rm dm}\ll\Re < 3\,10^4\,R_\bullet$ (see Eq.~\ref{e:Rsch}). In this paper we investigated the possibility of microlensing amplification of faint stars in the dense stellar cluster in the GC by the super-massive black hole, which is thought to coincide with the radio source $\SgrA$. We calculated in detail the rates, durations and amplifications of such events, and considered separately the cases of unresolved and resolved images and of intrinsically faint and bright sources. We presented our results in a general way that can be used to estimate the detection probabilities of microlensing for a wide range of observing strategies. The background stellar surface density increases with the detection threshold $K_0$. This determines the observational angular resolution required to detect a microlensing event, and fixes the maximal distance behind the black hole for which the two lensed images of a star will appear unresolved. This maximal distance occurs before the integrated lensing rate reaches its asymptotic value, even for present-day detection thresholds. We therefore considered two manifestations of the lensing: unresolved microlensing of stars near the black hole, and resolved lensing of stars farther away. We find that short lensing events, due to stars close to the black hole, dominate the total lensing rate. This reflects the fact that the high stellar density and velocities near the black hole more than compensate for the smaller lensing cross-sections there. For this reason, and because unresolved images are on average twice as bright as the resolved images, unresolved microlensing dominates the lensing rate. We have also considered the lensing amplification of bright observed stars. The contribution of this type of microlensing to the total rate becomes progressively more important as the detection threshold decreases, and at low sampling rates, which are primarily sensitive to longer events. We find that low sampling rates significantly bias the detection towards high amplitude events. Our predicted lensing rates are small, but not so small as to be negligible. In particular, longer, deeper proper motion monitoring done at higher rates, e.g. 10 years of monthly monitoring with $K_0 = 19\mag$, may have a significant chance of detecting such an event. Finally, could either of the variable sources reported by Genzel et al. (1997) (source S12) and by Ghez et al. (1998) (source S3) be the amplified microlensed image of a faint star? The lack of evidence for related variability in the radio and X-rays, as would be expected in some accretion scenarios if the $K$-flare were due to fluctuations in the accretion process, argues against the possibility that the new source is the IR counterpart of $\SgrA$. Long Period Variable stars (LPVs), which are probably luminous Mira variables, are observed in the GC (\cite{HR89}; \cite{Tamura96}). Typical amplitude variations of $\DK\sim 0.15\mag$--$0.5\mag$ are observed over $1$--$2\,$ yr, although in some cases the variations are as large as $\DK \ga 1\mag$. Haller \& Rieke (1989) find 12 LPVs in a 4.5 arcmin$^2$ survey of the GC (not including the central $1^{\prime}\times1^{\prime}$) down to $K = 12\mag$ ($M_K = -5.9\mag$). Of these, only one exhibited high amplitude variations ($1\mag$ in 4 months). At $K\sim 15\mag$, the new variable $K$ source is much fainter than the LPVs observed in this survey. If it is an intrinsically bright LPV, it must be lie on a highly extinguished line of sight. Using the observed surface density of $M_K<-5.9\mag$, $\DK\sim 1\mag$ LPVs, it is possible to make a rough estimate of the probability for finding such a star within $0.15\arcsec$ of $\SgrA$. Even after taking into account a factor $\sim40$ difference in the surface mass density between the dynamical center and the survey area at $\sim2.5^\prime$ from the center, the probability is only $\sim 0.005\%$. This of course does not rule out the possibility of an intrinsically faint but highly variable star. In any case, if the new source is a variable star, future observations should detect continued variability from this source. Our analysis has shown that the behavior of the variable $K$-band source (or sources) at $\SgrA$, in particular a brightening of a previously undetected source to $\sim1.5$--$2\mag$ above the threshold, on a timescale of $\sim 1$ yr, is the typical behavior that would be expected for a microlensing event. However, we also estimate that the probability that such an event could have been observed during the course of the proper motion studies that have been carried out thus far is only $\sim 0.5\%$. While this probability is small, it is not so small as to rule out this possibility entirely. The probability of detecting a microlensing event at $\SgrA$ will increase considerably in the future as the observational sensitivities and the monitoring sampling rates improve. \acknowledgments We thank D. Backer, R. Blandford, A. Eckart, R. Genzel, A. Ghez, I. King, E. Maoz, B. Paczy\'{n}ski and E. Serabyn for helpful discussions and comments. This work was supported in part by a grant from the German-Israeli Foundation (I-551-186.07/97). A. S. thanks the Radio Astronomy Laboratory at U.C. Berkeley, and the Center for Star Formation Studies consortium for their hospitality and support. \appendix %%%1-2col\onecolumn \section{The microlensing rate and amplification of long duration events} \label{s:qtlong} Figure~\ref{f:cumr} shows that the total lensing rate is dominated by short events (shorter than a few month). Such events are shorter than the current mean time between observations, and can therefore be observed only in the rare cases where they occur simultaneously with an observing run (\S\ref{s:rate}). Of more relevance are long events, which span two or more observing runs. Longer events occur when the lensed star is either slow, or when it is far away from the black hole, so that its trajectory through the Einstein ring is long (Eq.~\ref{e:Re}), or when it passes close to the optical axis (Eq.~\ref{e:t0c}). In this appendix we calculate the rate of events that are longer than some specified time, and estimate their median maximal amplification. Microlensing events with $\tau>\DT$ are those with transverse velocity $v_2$ and impact parameter $u\Rs$ such that \begin{equation} \tau = \frac{2\Rs\sqrt{u_{0,s}^2-u^2}}{v_2} > \DT\,, \end{equation} where $s$ is the stellar type and $u_{0,s}$ is the maximal impact parameter for amplification above the threshold. The local rate per stellar type is \begin{equation} \frac{d^2\Gamma_2}{drds} = 2\Rs n_\star \int_0^{u_{0,s}}du \int_0^{v_{\rm max}} v_2 {\rm DF_2}({\bf v}_2)\,d^2v_2\,, \label{e:tmin} \end{equation} where $v_{\rm max}= 2\sqrt{u_{0,s}^2-u^2}\Rs/\DT$ and $\rm DF_2$ is the 2D distribution function of velocities. The 2D velocity ${\bf v}_2$ is composed of an ordered component ${\bf v}_{\rm rot}$, which we assume to be perpendicular to the line of sight, and a random isotropic component, which we assume to be Gaussian with a 1D dispersion $\sigma$. The 2D distribution function of the projected velocity in polar coordinates is \begin{equation} {\rm DF_2}({\bf v}_2)dv_2d\theta = \frac{\tvt}{2\pi}\exp(-(\tvt^2+\tvrot^2-2\tvt\tvrot\cos\theta)/2)d\tvt\,d\theta\,, \end{equation} where $\tvt=v_2/\sigma$, $\tvrot =v_{\rm rot}/\sigma$ and $\theta$ is the angle between ${\bf v}_2$ and ${\bf v}_{\rm rot}$. Upon substitution into Eq.~\ref{e:tmin} and averaging over all stellar types, one obtains \begin{equation} \frac{d\Gamma_2}{dr} = 2\Rs n_\star \sigma \langle u_0 G(\tvmax,\tvrot)\rangle\,, \end{equation} where $\tvmax = 2u_{0,s}\Rs/\DT\sigma$, and \begin{equation} G(\tvmax,\tvrot) = \exp(-\tvrot^2/2) \int_0^{\tvmax} x^2 \sqrt{1-(x/\tvmax)^2}\exp(-x^2/2)I_0(x\tvrot)\,dx\,, \end{equation} where $I_n$ is a modified Bessel function of order $n$. In the simple case where $v_{\rm rot} = 0$, \begin{equation} G(\tvmax) = \frac{\pi}{2}\tvmax \exp(-\tvmax^2/4) I_1(\tvmax^2/4)\,. \end{equation} In the limit of $\tvmax \rightarrow \infty$ ($\DT = 0$), \begin{equation} G(\tvrot) = \sqrt{\frac{\pi}{8}} \exp(-\tvrot^2/4) \left[(2+\tvrot^2)I_0(\tvrot^2/4)+\tvrot^2 I_1(\tvrot^2/4)\right]\,, \end{equation} which is independent of $u_{0,s}$, so that $\langle u_0 G(\tvmax,\tvrot)\rangle\rightarrow\avu G(\tvrot)$. It is straightforward to verify that in this limit, the mean transverse velocity approaches its correct asymptotic values, since \begin{eqnarray} \lim_{\tvrot\rightarrow 0} \sigma G(\tvrot) & = & \sqrt{\pi/2} \sigma\,,\nonumber\\ \lim_{\tvrot\rightarrow \infty} \sigma G(\tvrot) & = & v_{\rm rot}\,. \end{eqnarray} A fraction of the long duration events are due to stars on trajectories with smaller than average impact parameters. Therefore, the median impact parameter of long events is smaller than $\avu/2$ and the median amplification above the threshold is greater than 2. The local average impact parameter is \begin{equation} \bar{u}(r) = \langle\int_0^{u_0} du u \int_0^{v_{\rm max}} DF_2({\bf v}_2)\,d^2v_2 \rangle = \langle u_0 W(\tvmax,\tvrot)\rangle\,, \end{equation} where the weight function $W$ can be written as \begin{equation} W(\tvmax,\tvrot) = \exp(-\tvrot^2/2) \frac{1}{2}\int_0^{\tvmax} x (1-(x/\tvmax)^2)\exp(-x^2/2)I_0(x\tvrot)\,dx\,. \end{equation} It is straightforward to verify that \begin{equation} \lim_{\tvmax \rightarrow\infty} W(\tvmax,\tvrot) =\frac{1}{2}\,. \end{equation} The total rate averaged impact parameter is \begin{equation} \bar{u} = \left.\int_{r_1}^{r_2} \bar{u}(r) \frac{d\Gamma_2}{dr}\,dr\right/ \Gamma_2\,. \end{equation} and the median amplification above the threshold can be estimated by $A = \avu/\bar{u}$. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \clearpage %%%1-2col\twocolumn \begin{thebibliography}{} \bibitem[Backer 1996]{Backer96} Backer D. C. 1996, in IAU Symp. 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The discontinuity at $56\,$pc reflects the transition from unresolved images to the fainter resolved images. \label{f:dqdr}} \figcaption[cumr.eps]{The cumulative lensing rate, $\Gamma_{\rm long} (\tau>\Delta T)$, and the rate averaged lensing timescale $\bar{\tau}_{\rm short} (\tau<\Delta T)$ of the central cluster KLF as function of the sampling interval $\Delta T$, for the detection thresholds $K_0 = 16\mag$, $17\mag$, $18\mag$ and $19\mag$ (from top to bottom). Bold lines show results for faint-star lensing and thin dotted lines for bright-star lensing. The thin dashed line in the bottom panels is $\bar{\tau}_{\rm short} = \Delta T/2$. (In the case of resolved lensing, values of $\bar{\tau}_{\rm short} < 0.3\,$yr are not shown due to numerical instabilities in the calculations.) \label{f:cumr}} \figcaption[dk.eps]{The mean amplification above the detection threshold, $\Delta K$, as function of the sampling rate $\Delta T$. Bold lines show results for faint-star lensing and thin dotted lines for bright-star lensing. \label{f:dK}} %\end{document} % % Appended figures (for convenience % \clearpage \begin{figure*} %\plotone{fig1.eps} \centerline{\epsfxsize=6.0in\epsffile{fig1.eps}} \centerline{Figure 1.} \end{figure*} \clearpage \begin{figure} %\plotone{fig2.eps} \centerline{\epsfxsize=6.0in\epsffile{fig2.eps}} \centerline{Figure 2.} \end{figure} \clearpage \begin{figure} %\plotone{fig3.eps} \centerline{\epsfxsize=6.0in\epsffile{fig3.eps}} \centerline{Figure 3.} \end{figure} \clearpage \begin{figure} %\plotone{fig4.eps} \centerline{\epsfxsize=6.0in\epsffile{fig4.eps}} \centerline{Figure 4.} \end{figure} \clearpage \begin{figure} %\plotone{fig5.eps} \centerline{\epsfxsize=6.0in\epsffile{fig5.eps}} \centerline{Figure 5.} \end{figure} \end{document}