------------------------------------------------------------------------ From: Lorant Sjouwerman sjouwerman@jive.nfra.nl To: gcnews@aoc.nrao.edu Subject: submit siopropm.tex Astronomy and Astrophysics, in press % http://www.nfra.nl/jive/jive/preprints/pre_pub.html % Title: Stellar positions from SiO masers in the Galactic center % % Manuscript number 7482 % % 1st author: LO Sjouwerman, JIVE, P.O. Box 2, 7990 AA Dwingeloo, Netherlands % % submitted for Astronomy \& Astrophysics % section 11: Celestial mechanics and astrometry % or sect. 4: Galactic structure \& dynamics % % ----- \documentstyle{l-aa} %\documentstyle[referee]{l-aa}\def\baselinestretch{2} % added my own defenitions \def\kms{${\rm km\,s^{\rm -1}}$} \def\ap{\ $\approx$\,} \def\sgra{Sgr~A*} \def\hho{{\rm H$_{\rm 2}$O}} % \input{psfig} \begin{document} \title{Stellar positions from SiO masers in the Galactic center} \author{Lor\'ant O.\ Sjouwerman\inst{1,2,3} \and Huib Jan van Langevelde\inst{3}\and Philip J.\ Diamond\inst{4}} \offprints{ L.\ O.\ Sjouwerman (at JIVE in Dwingeloo); Email: sjouwerm@jive.nfra.nl} \institute{Onsala Rymdobservatorium, S - 439 92 Onsala, Sweden \and Sterrewacht Leiden, P.O.\ Box 9513, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands \and Joint Institute for VLBI in Europe, %Radiosterrenwacht Dwingeloo, P.O.\ Box 2, 7990 AA Dwingeloo, The Netherlands \and N.R.A.O.\ Array Operations Center, P.O.\ Box 0, Socorro NM 87801, U.S.A.} \thesaurus{02.13.3; 03.13.5; 05.01.1; 08.16.4; 10.03.1; 10.11.1} \date{Received 6 February 1998; accepted 11 September 1998} \maketitle \begin{abstract} We report on the possibility of determining milli-arcsecond accurate positions (relative to \sgra) for 43 GHz SiO masers located at the Galactic center. The SiO masers were found in OH/IR stars in a previous Very Large Array survey. We used the Very Long Baseline Array and the phased Very Large Array in a phase-referencing scheme with a cycle time of 40 seconds. The continuum source \sgra\ is used as phase-reference source. Because of the atmospheric phase instability at 43 GHz and sensitivity considerations, only 2 sources (from 10) were detected. However, we show that reliable positions can be obtained with calculable errors, which allows one to measure the proper motion of these stars accurate to \ap\ 30 \kms\ in 5 years. \keywords{Masers -- Methods: observational -- Astrometry -- Stars: AGB and post-AGB -- Galaxy: center -- Galaxy: kinematics and dynamics} \end{abstract}