------------------------------------------------------------------------ merloni_lkin_gcnews.tex MNRAS, July 2007, in press Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Authenticated-Id: am X-MailScanner-Information: Please contact the postmaster@aoc.nrao.edu for more information X-MailScanner: Found to be clean X-MailScanner-SpamCheck: not spam, SpamAssassin (not cached, score=1.666, required 5, autolearn=disabled, SARE_URI_EQUALS 1.67) X-MailScanner-SpamScore: s X-MailScanner-From: am@mpe.mpg.de X-Spam-Status: No %arXiv:0707.3356v1 [astro-ph] \documentclass{mn2e} \usepackage{epsfig} \usepackage{times} \newif\ifAMStwofonts \title[Kinetic Power of radio AGN] {Measuring the kinetic power of AGN in the radio mode} \author[Merloni \& Heinz] {Andrea Merloni$^{1,2}$ \& Sebastian Heinz$^{3}$\\$^{1}$Max-Planck-Institut f\"ur Astrophysik, Karl-Schwarzschild-Strasse 1, D-85741, Garching, Germany\\$^{2}$Max-Planck-Institut f\"ur Extraterrestrische Physik, Giessenbachstr., D-85741, Garching, Germany\\$^{3}$Astronomy Department, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706} \date{} \begin{document} \maketitle \label{firstpage} \begin{abstract} We have studied the relationship among nuclear radio and X-ray power, Bondi rate and the kinetic luminosity of sub-Eddington active galactic nuclear (AGN) jets, as estimated from the $pdV$ work done to inflate the cavities and bubbles observed in the hot X-ray emitting atmospheres of their host galaxies and clusters. Besides the recently discovered correlation between jet kinetic and Bondi power, we show that a clear correlation exists also between Eddington-scaled kinetic power and bolometric luminosity, given by: $\log (L_{\rm kin}/L_{\rm Edd}) = (0.49\pm0.07) \log (L_{\rm bol}/L_{\rm Edd}) - (0.78\pm0.36)$. The measured slope suggests that these objects are in a radiatively inefficient accretion mode, and has been used to put stringent constraints on the properties of the accretion flow. Interestingly, we found no statistically significant correlations between Bondi power and bolometric AGN luminosity, apart from that induced by their common dependence on $L_{\rm kin}$, thus confirming the idea that most of the accretion power emerges from these systems in kinetic form. We have then analyzed the relation between kinetic power and radio core luminosity. Combining the measures of jet power with estimators of the un-beamed radio flux of the jet cores as, for example, the so-called 'fundamental plane' of active black holes, we are able to determine, in a statistical sense, both the probability distribution of the mean jets Lorentz factor, that peaks at $\Gamma_{\rm m} \sim 7$, and the {\it intrinsic} relationship between kinetic and radio core luminosity (and thus the jet radiative efficiency), that we estimate as: $\log L_{\rm kin}=(0.81 \pm 0.11)\log L_{\rm R} + 11.9^{+4.1}_{-4.4}$, in good agreement with theoretical predictions of synchrotron jet models. With the aid of these findings, quantitative assessments of kinetic feedback from supermassive black holes in the radio mode (i.e. at low dimensionless accretion rates) will be possible based on accurate determinations of the central engine properties alone, such as mass, radio core and/or X-ray luminosity. As an example, we suggest that Sgr A$^{*}$ may follow the same correlations of radio mode AGN, based on its observed radiative output as well as on estimates of the accretion rate both at the Bondi radius and in the inner flow. If this is the case, the supermassive black hole in the Galactic center is the source of $\sim 5 \times 10^{38}$ ergs s$^{-1}$ of mechanical power, equivalent to about 1.5 supernovae every $10^{5}$ years. \end{abstract} \begin{keywords} accretion, accretion disks -- black hole physics -- galaxies: active -- galaxies: evolution -- quasars: general \end{keywords} \section{Introduction} \label{sec:intro} The growth of supermassive black holes (SMBH) through mass accretion is accompanied by the release of enormous amounts of energy which, if it is not advected directly into the hole (see e.g. Narayan \& Yi 1995), can be either radiated away, as in Quasars and bright Seyferts, or disposed of in kinetic form through powerful, collimated outflows or jets, as observed, for example, in Radio Galaxies. The feedback exerted by such a powerful energy release on the surrounding gas and stars is imprinted into the observed correlations between black hole mass and galaxy properties \cite{gebhardt:00,ferrarese:00,marconi:03}, as well as into the disturbed morphology of the hot, X-ray emitting atmospheres of groups and clusters harboring active SMBH in their centers \cite{boehringer:93,fabian:00,churazov:02,birzan:04,fabian:06}. Radiative and kinetic feedback differ not only on physical grounds, in terms of coupling efficiency with the ambient gas, but also on evolutionary grounds. The luminosity dependent density evolution parameterization of the AGN luminosity functions \cite{hasinger:05,hopkins:07} implies a delay between the epoch of Quasar dominance and that of more sedate Radio Galaxies \cite{merloni:04,merloni:06h}, such that kinetic energy feedback plays an increasingly important role in the epoch of cluster formation and virialization. From the theoretical point of view, the idea that AGN were responsible for the additional heating needed to explain the cooling flow riddle (see e.g. Fabian et al. 2001 and reference therein) in clusters of galaxies has been put forward by many in recent years \cite{binney:95,begelman:01,churazov:01,churazov:02,dallavecchia:04,sijacki:06,cattaneo:07}. However, only very recently was the specific importance of mechanical (as opposed to radiative) feedback for the heating of baryons within the deepest dark matter potential wells fully acknowledged by semi-analytic modelers of cosmological structure formation \cite{croton:06,bower:06}. Within these schemes, because the bright quasar population peaks at too early times, a so-called ``radio mode'' of SMBH growth is invoked in order to regulate both cooling flows in galaxy clusters and the observed sizes and colors of the most massive galaxies \cite{springel:05,croton:06}. Such indirect evidence for a radio mode of AGN activity resonates with a recent body of work aimed at understanding the physics of low-luminosity AGN. Detailed multi-wavelength studies of nearby galaxies have revealed a clear tendency for lower luminosity AGN to be more radio loud as the Eddington-scaled accretion rate decreases (see Ho 2002, and references therein; Nagar, Falcke and Wilson 2005). Scaling relations with black hole X-ray binaries (BHXRB) \cite{merloni:03,falcke:04,churazov:05} have also helped to identify AGN analogues of low/hard state sources, in which the radiative efficiency of the accretion flow is low \cite{pellegrini:05a,chiaberge:05,hardcastle:07} and the radio emitting jet carries a substantial fraction of the overall power in kinetic form \cite{koerding:06b}. Nonetheless, despite such a widespread consensus on the importance of kinetic energy feedback from AGN for galaxy formation, the kinetic luminosity of an AGN remains very difficult to estimate reliably. Recent incarnations of structure formation models (either numerical or semi-analytic) hinge on the unknown efficiency with which growing black holes convert accreted rest mass into jet power. Constraints on this quantity, such as those recently presented in Heinz, Merloni \& Schwab (2007) are clearly vital for the robustness of the models. Observationally, progress has been possible recently, thanks to deep X-ray exposures of nearby elliptical galaxies and clusters which have allowed the first direct estimates of $L_{\rm kin}$ by studying the cavities, bubbles and weak shocks generated by the radio emitting jets in the intra-cluster medium (ICM) \cite{birzan:04,allen:06,rafferty:06}. Two main results emerged from these studies: first, it appears that AGN are energetically able to balance radiative losses from the ICM in the majority of cases \cite{rafferty:06}; second, at least in the case of a few nearby elliptical galaxies, there is an almost linear correlation between the jet power and the Bondi accretion rates calculated from the observed gas temperatures and density profiles in the nuclear regions \cite{allen:06}. The normalization of this relation is such that a significant fraction of the energy associated with matter entering the Bondi radius must be released in the jets. Here we address a different, complementary issue. By collating all available information on the nuclear (AGN) properties of the sources for which the kinetic luminosity was estimated, we construct a sample of sub-Eddington accreting supermassive black holes with unprecedented level of information on both the inner (black hole mass) and the outer (mass supply through the Bondi radius) boundary condition for the accretion flow, as well as a reliable inventory of the energy output, either in radiative or kinetic form. We demonstrate here that with the aid of this new set of information, strong constraints can be placed on the accretion properties of these objects. In so doing, we derive a new, robust estimator of the kinetic power of a SMBH based on its nuclear properties alone, namely its mass and instantaneous X-ray and radio (core) luminosity. The structure of the paper is as follows: In section~\ref{sec:bol} we study the relationships among nuclear radio and X-ray power, Bondi rate and the kinetic luminosity of the AGN in the sample and show that a clear relationship exists between Eddington scaled kinetic power and hard X-ray luminosity. We then analyze the relation between kinetic power and radio core luminosity (\S \ref{sec:rad}). In section~\ref{sec:disc}, we discuss our results and present a simple coupled accretion-outflow disc model which is capable to explain the main features of the observed sample. Finally, we summarize our conclusions in \S \ref{sec:conc}. \section{The relationship between kinetic power and nuclear bolometric luminosity} \label{sec:bol} \begin{table*} \label{tab:table} \caption{Main properties of the sample studied} \label{tab_1} \begin{tabular}{lccccccc} \hline \hline Object & D &Log $L_{\rm R}$ & Log $L_{\rm X}$ & Log $M_{{\rm BH,}\sigma}$ & Log $L_{\rm kin}$ & $P_{\rm Bondi}$ & References \\ (1) & (2) & (3) & (4) & (5) & (6) & (7) & (8) \\ \hline Cyg A$^{a}$ & 247 & 41.43 & 44.22 & 9.40$^{b}$ & 45.41$^{+0.19}_{-0.1}$ & 45.24$^{c}$ & 1,2,3,4,5\\ NGC 507 & 71.4 & 38.80 & $<$39.90 & 8.90 & 44.01$^{+0.16}_{-0.26}$ & 44.41$\pm 0.09$ & 6,7,8\\ NGC 1275 (Per A)$^{a}$ & 77.1 & 40.74 & 43.40 & 8.64 & 44.33$^{+0.17}_{-0.14}$ & 44.31$^{c}$ & 6,9,4,10\\ NGC 4374 (M84) & 17 & 38.43 & 40.34 & 8.80 & 42.59$^{+0.6}_{-0.5}$ & 43.69$^{+0.30}_{-0.29}$ & 6,11,8,4\\ NGC 4472 & 17 & 36.69 & 38.46 & 8.90 & 42.91$^{+0.14}_{-0.23}$ & 43.79$^{+0.25}_{-0.23}$ & 6,7,8 \\ NGC 4486 (M87)$^{a}$ & 17 & 38.88 & 40.55 & 9.48$^{b}$ & 43.44$^{+0.5}_{-0.5}$ & 44.15$^{+0.28}_{-0.40}$ & 6,12,13,4,8,14 \\ NGC 4552 (M89)& 17 & 38.23 & 39.33 & 8.57 & 42.20$^{+0.14}_{-0.21}$ & 43.37$^{+0.22}_{-0.21}$ & 6,7,8\\ NGC 4636$^{a}$ & 17 & 36.40 & $<$38.40 & 8.20 & 42.65$^{+0.11}_{-0.15}$ & 42.29$^{+0.24}_{-0.24}$ & 6,15,8,16\\ NGC 4696 & 44.9 & 39.10 & 40.26 & 8.60 & 42.89$^{+0.22}_{-0.22}$ & 43.40$^{+0.56}_{-0.55}$ & 17,4,8\\ NGC 5846 & 24.6 & 36.50 & 38.37 & 8.59 & 41.86$^{+0.18}_{-0.29}$ & 42.85$^{+0.43}_{-0.43}$& 6,7,8\\ NGC 6166 & 135.6 & 39.95 & 40.56 & 8.92 & 43.82$^{+0.5}_{-0.4}$ & 43.49$^{+0.34}_{-0.26}$ & 18,19,4,8\\ IC 4374 & 94.5 & 40.27 & 41.37 & 8.57 & 43.30$^{+0.36}_{-0.26}$ & 44.37$^{c}$ & 20,4\\ UGC 9799 & 152 & 40.55 & 41.89 & 8.58 & 44.18$^{+0.36}_{-0.28}$ & 43.92$^{c}$ & 21,22,4\\ 3C 218 (Hydra A) & 242 & 40.91 & 42.17 & 8.96 & 44.63$^{+0.16}_{-0.10}$ & 44.90$^{c}$ & 23,24,4\\ 3C 388 & 416 & 40.69 & 41.69 & 9.18 & 44.30$^{+0.38}_{-0.30}$ & 44.80$^{c}$ & 25,4\\ \hline \end{tabular} \vskip 0.3cm Notes: $^{a}$ Objects for which a measure of the kinetic jet power from modelling of either jets and radio lobe emission or shocks exists; $^{b}$ dynamical mass measurements; $^{c}$ Bondi power extrapolated from measures of gas temperature and density outside the Bondi radius, assuming a $r^{-1}$ density profile. Col. (1): Name of the object. Col. (2): Adopted distance in Mpc. Col. (3): Logarithm of nuclear (core) luminosity at 5 GHz. Col. (4): Logarithm of the intrinsic rest-frame luminosity in the 2-10 keV band. Col. (5) Logarithm of the black hole mass as derived from $M-\sigma$ relation. Col. (6) Logarithm of the Kinetic Luminosity; when multiple estimates available, the logarithmic mean is used. Col. (7) Logarithm of the Bondi Power as defined in eq. (\ref{eq:pbondi}) REFERENCES: (1) Sambruna et al. (1999); (2) Young et al. (2002); (3) Tadhunter et al. (2003); (4) Rafferty et al. (2006); (5) Carilli \& Barthel (1996); (6) Nagar et al. (2005); (6) De Ruiter et al. (1986); (7) Pellegrini (2005b); (8) Allen et al. (2006); (9) Allen et al. (2001); (10) Fabian et al. (2002); (11) Terashima et al. (2002); (12) Di Matteo et al. (2003); (13) Macchetto et al. (1997); (14) Bicknell and Begelman (1996); (15) Loewenstein et al. (2001); (16) Jones et al. (2007); (17) Taylor et al. (2006); (18) Giovannini et al. (1998); (19) Di Matteo et al. (2001); (20) Johnstone et al. (2005); (21) Zhao et al. (1993); (22) Blanton et al. (2003); (23) Zirbel \& Baum (1995); (24); Simpson et al. (1996); (25) Evans et al. (2006) \end{table*} We have collected from the literature data on the nuclear properties of AGN with published measurements of the jet kinetic power, as estimated from the $pdV$ work done to inflate the cavities and bubbles observed in the hot X-ray emitting atmospheres of their host galaxies and clusters. We begin by considering the samples of Allen et al. (2006) (9 sources) and Rafferty et al. (2006) (33 sources). By taking into account common objects, there are 38 AGN with kinetic power estimated in such a way. Out of those, we consider only the ones for which black hole mass could be estimated (either through the $M-\sigma$ relation or via direct dynamical measurements), that amount to 21 objects. Finally, we search in the literature for available measures of the nuclear luminosity in the radio (at 5 GHz) and in the 2-10 keV band. Only 6/21 do not have such information, and we further notice that 4 out of these 6 are at a distance equal to, or larger than, that of the most distant object in our final sample (with the exception of Cygnus A). Therefore, there are only two objects (NGC 708 and ESO 349-010, both from the Rafferty et al. 2006 sample) which have a measure of $L_{\rm kin}$, an estimate of the black hole mass and are close enough ($z<0.055$) to qualify as sample members, but which have been dropped due to the lack of X-ray and radio nuclear luminosities. Such a high level of ``completeness'' of the sample should guarantee us against substantial selection bias due, for example, to beaming effects in the radio band (see section~\ref{sec:rad} below)\footnote{It is of course important to notice that the overall selection criteria of the sample discussed here are indeed heterogeneous. In particular, the role played by the requirement of having a bright, hot X-ray emitting atmosphere against which detect bubbles and cavities is very hard to assess, as surface brightness effects and different exposure times of the original observations should all contribute to the measurability of kinetic power.}. Our selection provided us with a sample of 15 objects, 2 of which have only upper limits to their 2-10 keV nuclear X-ray luminosity. In four cases, estimates of the jet power are also available based on detailed modelling of either radio emission in the jets and lobes (Cyg A, Carilli \& Barthel 1996; M87, Bicknell \& Begelman 1996; Per A, Fabian et al. 2002), or shock in the IGM induced by the expanding cocoons (NGC 4636, Jones et al. 2007). In another handful of objects (M84, M87, NGC 4696, NGC 6166) both Allen et al. (2006) and Rafferty et al. (2006) report (independent) measures of the jet kinetic power, which, incidentally, differ on average by almost one order of magnitude. In all these case when more than one measurement of the kinetic power was found, we have used their logarithmic average for our study, and increased the uncertainty accordingly. These are reported in Table~\ref{tab:table}, where a summary of the sample adopted is presented. For all these objects we define the Bondi power as \begin{equation} \label{eq:pbondi} P_{\rm Bondi} \equiv 0.1 \dot M_{\rm Bondi} c^2, \end{equation} where the Bondi accretion rate is calculated from measures of gas temperatures and density under the assumption of spherical symmetry and negligible angular momentum (see Allen et al. 2006, and references therein). For the nine AGN studied in Allen et al. (2006) the Bondi rate is calculated extrapolating the observed inner density profile of the X-ray emitting gas down to the Bondi radius. For the others, more luminous (and more distant) objects from the Rafferty et al. (2006) sample, the {\it Chandra} resolution corresponds to a size several orders of magnitude larger than the true Bondi radius. For these objects, the Bondi power is estimated by assuming a $r^{-1}$ inner density profile. This inevitably implies very large uncertainties on $P_{\rm Bondi}$, that we have taken into account by increasing the nominal error bars associated with the measurements found in the literature. As mentioned in the introduction, our sample provides us with information on both the inner and the outer boundary condition for the accretion flow, as well as a reliable inventory of the energy output, both in radiative and kinetic form. In principle, if all these objects were to be described by the same physical model for the accretion flow (coupled to the jet/outflow), one should expect simple scaling relationships between the mass supply at the outer boundary (Bondi power), and the energy emitted in kinetic or radiative form from the accretion flow ($L_{\rm kin}$ and $L_{\rm X}$, respectively). We first perform a partial correlation analysis in order to test which, if any, correlation between these quantities is statistically significant in our sample. We choose the partial Kendall's $\tau$ correlation test for censored data sets \cite{akritas:96}. The results of the correlation analysis are shown in Table~\ref{tab:part}. The correlations between the kinetic power and both Bondi power and X-ray luminosities are significant at more than 3-sigma level. Interestingly, the correlation between $L_{\rm X}$ and $P_{\rm Bondi}$ does not appear to be statistically significant once the common dependence of these two quantities on $L_{\rm kin}$ is accounted for. This is consistent with previous studies \cite{pellegrini:05a,soria:06} which failed to detect any clear correlation between $L_{\rm X}$ and $P_{\rm Bondi}$, and might indicate that the X-ray luminosity, and thus the accretion power released radiatively, is not sensitive to the outer boundary condition, while it depends more strongly on the mechanical output of the flow. This is indeed expected, for example in adiabatic inflow-outflow (ADIOS) models \cite{blandford:99,blandford:04}, but is also true for more general disk-wind models provided that a negligible fraction of the binding energy of the accreting gas is converted directly into radiation \cite{merloni:02,kuncic:04}, as we will show in more detail in section~\ref{sec:disc}. \begin{table*} \caption{Results of partial correlation analysis} \label{tab:part} \begin{tabular}{lllccc} \hline \hline \multicolumn{3}{c}{Variables} & \multicolumn {3}{c}{Correlation}\\ %\multicolumn{3}{c}{} & \multicolumn {3}{c}{}\\ X & Y & Z & $\tau$& $\sigma_K$ & P$_{\rm null}$ \\ (1) & (2) &(3) &(4) & (5) &(6) \\ \hline Log $L_{\rm X}$ & Log $L_{\rm Kin}$ & Log $P_{\rm Bondi}$ & 0.49 & 0.1818 & $7.0 \times 10^{-3}$\\ Log $P_{\rm Bondi}$ & Log $L_{\rm Kin}$ & Log $L_{\rm X}$ & 0.5872 & 0.2815 & $3.7\times 10^{-2}$ \\ Log $L_{\rm X}$ & Log $P_{\rm Bondi}$ & Log $L_{\rm Kin}$ & 0.1289 & 0.1422 & $0.3647$\\ \hline \end{tabular} \vskip 0.3cm NOTE: Col. (1): Variable X. Col. (2): Variable Y. Col (3): Variable Z. Correlation between variables X and Y is studied, taking into account the mutual correlation of X and Y with Z. Col. (4)-(6): Results of partial correlation analysis, giving the partial Kendall's $\tau$ correlation coefficient, the square root of the calculated variance $\sigma_K$, and the associated probability $P_{\rm null}$ for accepting the null hypothesis that there is no correlation between X and Y. \end{table*} On physical grounds, one might expect that both the black hole mass and the accretion rate should determine the power channeled through the jet, thus enforcing the need to perform multivariate statistical analysis on any multi-wavelength database of AGN, a point already discussed in MHD03. However, we notice here that the sample in question spans only a very limited range of black hole masses\footnote{This is likely the result of a specific selection bias, as the method used to estimate the average jet kinetic power can only be used effectively for radio galaxies at the center of bright X-ray emitting atmospheres, as those of clusters of galaxies (X-ray surface brightness selection). This in turn tend to select the more massive elliptical galaxies, with large central black holes.}. Attempts to quantitatively account for the mass dependence of the kinetic luminosity based on such a sample were made, and yielded negative results. Therefore in what follows we limit ourselves to a simple bivariate correlation analysis between Eddington-scaled quantities. Future, more detailed, studies of the physical connection between jet kinetic power and black hole accretion processes will greatly benefit from samples with much wider distributions of black hole masses. Figure~\ref{fig:lkinlbondi} shows the relationship between Bondi power and kinetic luminosity, both in units of the Eddington luminosity, $L_{\rm Edd}=4 \pi M_{\rm BH} m_{\rm p} c / \sigma_{\rm T}$, where $m_{\rm p}$ is the mass of a proton and $\sigma_{\rm T}$ is the Thomson cross-section. The best fit linear regression slope, estimated via a symmetric algorithm that takes into account errors on both variables (see MHD03) gives: \begin{equation} \label{eq:lkbondi} \log (L_{\rm kin}/L_{\rm Edd}) = (1.6^{+0.4}_{-0.3}) \log (P_{\rm Bondi}/L_{\rm Edd}) + (1.2^{+1.0}_{-0.8}) \end{equation} consistent, within the 1-$\sigma$ uncertainty, with the best fit slope found by Allen et al. (2006) (1.3$^{+0.45}_{-0.27}$). \begin{figure} \psfig{figure=lk_bondi.ps,width=0.5\textwidth} \caption{Eddington-scaled kinetic power vs. Bondi power for the AGN in the sample. The thick solid line shows the best fit linear regression, with one-sigma uncertainties (thin solid lines). Red open circles with larger error bars indicate those objects for which the Bondi radius is much smaller than the resolution and Bondi power is calculated by extrapolating inwards the observed density assuming a $r^{-1}$ profile.} \label{fig:lkinlbondi} \end{figure} We have then studied the relationship between kinetic power and bolometric (radiated) luminosity. The bolometric correction for objects of such a low power is not well known. In general terms, it has been argued that low luminosity AGN in nearby galaxies display a spectral energy distribution markedly different from classical quasars, lacking clear signs of thermal UV emission usually associated to standard, optically thick accretion discs (see e.g. Ho 2005, and references therein; for a contrasting view, Maoz 2007). The bolometric luminosity is probably dominated by the hard X-ray emission, but quantitative assessments of the bolometric corrections for low luminosity AGN based on well defined samples are still missing. Here, for the sake of simplicity, we adopt a common 2-10 keV bolometric correction factor of 5 for all objects in our sample, and define $\lambda_{\rm X}=5L_{\rm X}/L_{\rm Edd}$. The best fit linear regression slope, estimated via a symmetric algorithm that takes into account errors on both variables\footnote{We assume here that the errors on $\lambda_{\rm X}$ are dominated by the statistical uncertainties on the black hole mass determinations, which we estimate to be of the order of $\sim$0.2 dex from the intrinsic scatter in the M-$\sigma$ relation, see Tremaine et al. (2002).}, gives the following result: \begin{equation} \label{eq:lklambda} \log (L_{\rm kin}/L_{\rm Edd}) = (0.49\pm0.07) \log \lambda_{\rm X} - (0.78\pm0.36) \end{equation} with an intrinsic scatter of about 0.39 dex. \begin{figure} \psfig{figure=rl_lambda.ps,width=0.5\textwidth} \caption{Eddington-scaled kinetic power vs. bolometric nuclear luminosity for the AGN in the sample (black solid circles) and for the BHXRB Cyg X-1 (empty red star). The solid line shows the best fit linear regression, while the dashed line is the $L_{\rm kin}=5L_{\rm X}$ relation shown as a term of comparison.} \label{fig:lkinledd} \end{figure} %\begin{figure} %\psfig{figure=lx_bondi.ps,width=0.5\textwidth} %\caption{Eddington-scaled bolometric nuclear luminosity vs. Bondi power % for the AGN in the sample. %The thick solid line shows the best fit linear regression, with one-sigma %uncertanties (thin solid lines).} %\label{fig:lbondiledd} %\end{figure} The best fit relationship together with the data is shown in Figure~\ref{fig:lkinledd}, and is {\it inconsistent} with a linear relationship at more than 4-$\sigma$ level. Thus, not only are these SMBH more radio loud the lower their accretion rate (a fact already suggested by many previous works both on nearby AGN and X-ray binaries: Ho \& Ulvestad 2001; Gallo, Fender \& Pooley 2003; MHD03; Panessa et al. 2007), but their "kinetic loudness", i.e. the ratio of kinetic to bolometric powers (akin to a jet to accretion efficiency) is also a decreasing function of the dimensionless accretion rate onto the black hole. Even more interestingly, the best-fit slope coincides with the theoretical expectations of radiatively inefficient, "jet-dominated" accretion modes \cite{fender:03}. We will come back to this point in greater detail in section~\ref{sec:disc}. As discussed in the introduction, many recent works have explored scaling relationships between black holes of stellar mass and supermassive ones by studying multidimensional correlation among different observables (MHD03; McHardy et al. 2006), supporting the notion that AGN are indeed scaled-up galactic black holes. However, physical models for the disc-jet coupling in BHXRB based on the observed correlations between radio and X-ray luminosity \cite{fender:03,koerding:06b} all face a large uncertainty due to the lack of reliable measurements of the jet kinetic power. In this context, it is interesting to include in Figure~\ref{fig:lkinledd} the only GBH for which a measurement of the kinetic output has been made, Cyg X-1 \cite{gallo:05}, which turns out to be consistent with the relationship derived from the AGN sample. Clearly, systematic efforts to estimate kinetic power of BHXRB in the low/hard state are needed in order to assess their similarity with radio mode AGN. \section{The relationship between kinetic power and radio core luminosity} \label{sec:rad} If the above correlation (\ref{eq:lklambda}) directly reveals fundamental physical properties of jet-producing AGN of low power, it still shows a non-negligible intrinsic scatter. On the other hand, one should expect a more direct relationship between the nuclear radio core emission and the larger scale kinetic power, as both originate from the jet. All theoretical models for AGN flat-spectrum compact jet cores \cite{blandford:79,falcke:96,heinz:03} {\it predict} a dependence of the radio luminosity on the jet power in the form $L_{\rm R} \propto L_{\rm kin}^{17/12}$. The current sample provides by far the best opportunity to test these predictions. A Kendall's tau correlation test reveals that the kinetic power is correlated with the {\it observed} radio core luminosity $L_{\rm R,obs}$, with $P_{\rm null}= 9.2\times 10^{-5}$ (see the empty circles in Figure~\ref{fig:pboth}). We have fitted the data with a linear relationship: $\log L_{\rm kin} = A_{\rm obs} + B_{\rm obs} \log L_{\rm R,obs}$, once again making use of a symmetric regression algorithm that takes into account errors on both variables. We obtain $A_{\rm obs}= (22.1 \pm 3.5)$, $B_{\rm obs}=(0.54 \pm 0.09)$, with a large intrinsic scatter of $\sigma=0.47$. Such a correlation, however, must be at some level biased by relativistic Doppler boosting of the radio emission in the relativistic jets. An alternative way to proceed would be to use {\it indirect} estimators of the nuclear radio core luminosity which are less affected by relativistic beaming \cite{heinz:05}, as, for example, the multivariate relation between BH mass, radio core and hard X-ray luminosity, the so-called `fundamental plane' (FP) of active black holes (MHD03). Recent analysis of this correlation (Heinz \& Merloni 2004; K\"ording, Falcke \& Corbel 2006 [KFC06]; Merloni et al. 2006) have shown that both Doppler boosting and sample selection play a crucial role in the exact determination of the intrinsic correlation coefficients of the FP, which also need to be accounted for. In the Appendix, we discuss in detail a possible way to overcome such a bias with the aid of a Monte Carlo simulation of the samples used to derive the FP relation. That study allows us to estimate statistically the intrinsic (un-boosted) radio core luminosity of the AGN jets as a function of their (mean) Lorentz factor, $\Gamma_{\rm m}$ in a way that can be approximated by the following expression: \begin{eqnarray} \label{eq:fp_corr} \log L_{\rm R,FP}&=&(1-0.14 \log \Gamma_{\rm m})[\xi_{\rm RX} \log L_{\rm X}+\xi_{\rm RM} \log M_{\rm BH} ] \nonumber \\ && + c_{\rm R}(\Gamma_{\rm m}), \end{eqnarray} where $ L_{\rm R,FP}$ is the intrinsic (un-boosted) radio core luminosity of the jet at 5 GHz, $L_{\rm X}$ the nuclear 2-10 keV intrinsic (un-absorbed) luminosity and $\Gamma_{\rm m}$ the mean Lorentz factor of the jets. In what follows, we will adopt the specific version of the FP relation derived from a sample of low luminosity AGN only, i.e. free from the bias introduced by the inclusion of bright, radiatively efficient AGN or QSOs (see discussion in KFC06). For that, the correlation coefficients are $\xi_{\rm RX}=0.71$, $\xi_{\rm RM}=0.62$, slightly different (but only at the 1-$\sigma$ level) from those found in MHD03. Given Eq.~(\ref{eq:fp_corr}), assuming a distribution of Lorentz factors for the AGN jets (or its mean, provided that the distribution is not too broad), we determine the ``true'' relationship between the Kinetic luminosity and radio core luminosity by fitting the 15 data points in our sample with the linear relationship \begin{equation} \label{eq:lkin_int} \log L_{\rm kin} = A_{\rm int}(\Gamma_{\rm m}) + B_{\rm int}(\Gamma_{\rm m}) \log L_{\rm R,FP}. \end{equation} The fitted values for the intrinsic slope, $B_{\rm int}$, as a function of $\Gamma_{\rm m}$, are shown as a dot-dashed line in the bottom panel of Figure~\ref{fig:bobs}. From this we can see that the higher the mean Lorentz factor of the jets, the steeper must the intrinsic correlation between kinetic power and jet core luminosity be, and the larger the discrepancy with the measured slope, $B_{\rm obs}=0.54 \pm 0.09$ (solid lines in Figure~\ref{fig:bobs}), obtained using simply the observed radio core luminosity, without any attempt to correct for relativistic beaming. In fact, such a discrepancy between the intrinsic and the observed slopes of the $L_{\rm R}$ - $L_{\rm kin}$ relation is indeed expected if the 15 sources of our sample harbor relativistic jet randomly oriented with respect to the line of sight\footnote{It is worth noting here that the sample has no a priori selection against beamed objects (indeed, 3C 84, the radio source at the core of NGC 1275, is most likely beamed, Kirchbaum et al. 1992).}. In order to show this quantitatively, we have simulated ($10^4$ times) the {\it observed} sample, assuming an underlying relationship between intrinsic radio core luminosity and kinetic luminosity given by Eq.~(\ref{eq:lkin_int}). In order to do that we have assumed distribution distances, black hole masses radio and X-ray core flux limits that closely resemble the observed ones. We then Doppler-boost the intrinsic radio core luminosity picking $\Gamma$ from a normal distribution with mean $\Gamma_{\rm m}$ and variance $\sigma_{\Gamma}=0.1\Gamma_{\rm m}$. Fits of the $L_{\rm kin}$-$L_{\rm R,obs}$ correlation for the $10^4$ simulated samples result in a distribution of slopes $B_{\rm obs}$ as a function of $\Gamma_{\rm m}$ (shaded areas in the lower panels figure~\ref{fig:bobs}). We can now assess the probability of observing $B_{\rm obs}=(0.54 \pm 0.09)$ for any value of $\Gamma_{\rm m}$, by simply integrating these (properly normalized) distributions in the range 0.54$\pm$0.09. The result of such an integration is shown in the upper panel of Figure~\ref{fig:bobs}. The distribution of the simulated sources in the $L_{\rm R,obs}/L_{\rm R}$ vs. $L_{\rm kin}$ plane shows tantalizing evidence of a discrepancy with the observed sample, with a slight deficit of luminous, de-boosted (i.e. seen at large angles with respect to the line of sight) objects. Statistically, we found that this discrepancy mainly effects the normalization of the intrinsic $L_{\rm kin}$-$L_{\rm R}$ relation, rather than its slope. The reason for such a discrepancy is not clear at this point, but we believe it may signal a problem in the modellization of the selection criteria of the sample, rather than a problem with the FP scaling. This is by no means surprising, in particular given the lack of any realistic constraint on the distribution and selection functions of the kinetic power measurements. \begin{figure} \centering \psfig{figure=fp_mc_beam_gamma_kfc.ps,height=7cm} \caption{Bottom panel: probability density of the observed slopes of the $L_{\rm Kin}$ - $L_{\rm R,obs}$ relation (colored contours): For each value of the mean jets Lorentz factor, $\Gamma_{\rm m}$, the intrinsic correlation has a slope $B_{\rm int}$ determined from the best estimate of the beaming correction of the fundamental plane relation used as estimator of the intrinsic radio core luminosity (see text for details). The dot-dashed line in the lower panel shows this $B_{\rm int}$, while the solid line shows the observed slope of the real data set with its uncertainty (dashed lines). The upper panels show then the integrated probability of observing $0.45p>0$ and $\gamma \simeq 2$) to radiatively efficient, wind dominated discs ($1>p>0$ and $\gamma \simeq 1$) down to standard, radiatively efficient, conservative thin discs ($p=0$ and $\gamma=1$). The parameters $A$ and $B$, in turn, give us an handle on the large-scale geometrical properties of the flows, with $C$ representing an overall normalization of the radiative efficiency of the system. The sixth and final parameter of the model, $v_{\infty}$, turns out to be strongly degenerate with the normalization parameters $A$ and $C$. Given the amount of information in the data, we have chosen to keep its value fixed, either to a value of 1 (terminal velocity equal to the local Keplerian speed) or 2 (terminal velocity twice the local Keplerian speed), and perform two separate fits. Detailed dynamical modelling of the jets and outflows at different luminosities and black hole masses will be needed in order to constrain its value reliably. In summary, our model has just five free parameters: $p$, $\gamma$, $C$, $A$ and $B$. We have fitted this model to the observed relationships between kinetic power and Bondi power, and between kinetic power and bolometric luminosity. In Figure~\ref{fig:adios} we show the best fit to the data for the two independent correlations with the model described above (in the case $v_{\infty}=2$, blue solid line and $v_{\infty}=2$, green solid line). Our simple illustrative model provides an excellent description of the data both in the case of $v_{\infty}=1$ and $v_{\infty}=2$. The best-fit values for the model parameters (with their 90\% confidence errors, calculated by letting each single parameter vary while fixing all others to their best fit value) are given by: $p=0.85^{+0.11}_{-0.16}$, $A = 0.13 \pm 0.30$ $B = 0.63 \pm 0.10$ and $\gamma = 1.98 \pm 0.06$ and $C=2.27 \pm 0.24$ in the case $v_{\infty}=2$, and $p=0.92^{+0.11}_{-0.16}$, $A = 0.1 \pm 0.19$ $B = 0.45 \pm 0.10$ and $\gamma = 2.04 \pm 0.06$ and $C=2.00 \pm 0.22$ in the case $v_{\infty}=1$. A crucial prediction of the model is the dependency of $r_{\rm out}$ on the outer accretion rate. According to our fit, we have, in units of the Schwarzschild radius $r_{\rm S}=2GM/c^2$, \begin{equation} \frac{r_{\rm out}}{r_{\rm S}}\approx 6 \times 10^2 \left(\frac{\dot m_{\rm out}}{10^{-4}}\right)^{-0.63}, \end{equation} where $\dot m_{\rm out}=\dot M_{\rm out}/\dot M_{\rm Edd}$. For the objects in our sample, this is reassuringly smaller than either the inferred Bondi radius and the radius beyond which radiative losses are significant and adiabatic self-similar outflow dominated solutions are not viable. In the sample under study, the two brightest objects (Cyg A and Hydra A) have $\dot m_{\rm out}\approx 10^{-2.5}$ and therefore outer outflow radii of just a few tens of Schwarzschild radii. They may therefore qualify as ``intermediate'' objects in a transition between radiatively efficient (hidden QSO-like) and inefficient AGN. In this case, the self-similar assumption becomes poorer, and clear signs of the presence of an outer standard disc may be expected \cite{ogle:97,sambruna:00}. As we have discussed above, a clear distinction exists between those parameters that describe the nature of the outer boundary conditions of the flow and solely determine slope and normalization of the $L_{\rm Kin}$-$P_{\rm Bondi}$ relation ($A$, $B$ and $p$) and those that instead describe the nature and radiative properties of the inner accretion flow and determine the slope of the $L_{\rm X}$ - $L_{\rm Kin}$ relation ($\gamma$ and $p$). This might explain why we found no statistically significant correlation between radiative output and Bondi power. \begin{figure} \centering \psfig{figure=adios_all_v.ps,width=0.5\textwidth} \vspace{-0.5cm} \caption{The best fit accretion/outflow models (blue and green solid line for $v_{\infty}=2$ and $1$, respectively) are plotted alongside the simple best fit linear relations among Eddington-scaled kinetic power, Bondi power and bolometric luminosity (see text for details).} \label{fig:adios} \end{figure} It is worth stressing here that the above model represents a very schematic description of the physical properties of a low-luminosity accretion flow and the accompanying powerful outflow. As mentioned above, a full exploration of all possible theoretical alternatives for such flows should also take into account dynamically important magnetic fields and their role in the jet production mechanisms. The reason we have chosen not to do so here is merely the quality of the data available, which would not have allowed to put meaningful constraints on the parameters of such complicated MHD disc-outflow solutions. What we have instead shown is that future, better samples like that assembled here promise to be extremely useful for constraining the complex physical properties of accretion at the lowest rates. \subsection{The kinetic power output of Sgr A*} The quiescent radio and X-ray luminosities of the $\sim 4\times 10^{6} M_{\odot}$ nuclear black hole at the center of the Milky Way, Sgr A$^{*}$ ($\log L_{\rm R}\simeq 32.5$ and $\log L_{\rm X}\simeq 33.3$) would be both consistent with a Bondi accretion rate of about $10^{-6}$ $M_{\odot}/$yr, in line with the {\it Chandra} measurements of the inner hot gas properties of the galactic center \cite{baganoff:01,baganoff:03}. If the same model outlined in section~\ref{sec:model} applied to Sgr A$^{*}$, it would predict an outer radius of the outflow of about $r_{\rm out}\approx 2.5 \times 10^{3}$ Schwarzschild radii ($\sim 0.025$'' at the distance of the galactic center) and an inner accretion rate $\dot M_{\rm a}(r_{\rm in})=\dot M_{\rm out} \xi^{p} \simeq 4 \times 10^{-9}$ $M_{\odot}/$yr, also consistent with the gas density in the inner accretion flow implied by linear polarization measurements \cite{aitken:00,bower:03,bower:05}. Altogether, this would indicate that the SMBH at the galactic center is the source of about $5\times 10^{38}$ ergs s$^{-1}$ of mechanical power (similar to what estimated within jet model fits to Sgr A$^{*}$ SED, see e.g. Falcke \& Biermann 1999, Falcke \& Markoff 2000), or about 1.5 supernovae every 10$^5$ years. Such a mechanical power input into the galactic center could play a significant role in the production of the TeV $\gamma$-rays recently observed by the HESS (High Energy Stereoscopic System) collaboration \cite{aharonian:04,atoyan:04}, as well as in the heating of the hot ($> 8$ keV) diffused plasma detected by {\it Chandra} \cite{muno:04}. \subsection{The effect of variability on the observed correlations} In section~\ref{sec:rad}, we have concentrated our attention on the assessment of the effects of relativistic beaming on the measured slope of the $L_{\rm kin}$-$L_{\rm R}$ correlation. However, one should expect a second source of scatter in any correlation between kinetic power and nuclear luminosity (in any waveband). The large scale power is an average over the typical age of the cavities and bubbles observed in the X-ray atmosphere of the galaxies in our sample. Such an age may be assumed to be of the order of either the buoyant rise time, or the sound crossing time, or the refill time of the radio lobes \cite{birzan:04}. These estimates typically differ by about a factor of 2, and, for the sample in question, lie in the range $t_{\rm age} \sim 10^7 - 10^8$ years. On the other hand, the core power is variable on time scale much shorter than that. The bias introduced by this fact can be quantified as follows. First of all, we notice that AGN X-ray lightcurves, where most of the accretion power emerges, show a characteristic rms-flux relation which implies they have a formally non-linear, exponential form \cite{uttley:05}, and the luminosity follows a log-normal distribution \cite{nipoti:05}. Let us, for the sake of simplicity, define as $L(t)$ the {\it instantaneous} luminosity of the AGN, be it bolometric, kinetic or radio, under the implicit assumption that very close to the central engine jet and accretion are strongly coupled, so that all of them follow a log-normal distribution. Thus, $\log L$ is normally distributed with mean $\mu_l$ and variance $\sigma_l^2$. The measured kinetic power $L_{\rm kin}$ discussed in this work being a long-term time average, it should be determined by the mean of the log-normally distributed $L$, i.e. $\langle L \rangle=\mu=\exp{(\mu_l^2+\sigma_l^2/2)}$. Because the log-normal distribution is positively skewed, the mode $m$ of the distribution of $L$, i.e. the most likely value of a measurement of it, $L_{\rm obs}$, is {\it smaller} than the mean: $L_{\rm obs}=m=\exp{(\mu_l-\sigma_l^2)}$. Therefore the most likely value of the ratio of the mean to the observed luminosity is given by (Nipoti \& Binney 2005; Uttley et al. 2005): \begin{equation} \label{eq:rms} \frac{\langle L \rangle}{L_{\rm obs}}=e^{\frac{3}{2}\sigma_l^2}=(\sigma_{\rm rms}^2 + 1)^{3/2}, \end{equation} where we have introduced the rms (fractional) variability of the observed lightcurve $\sigma_{\rm rms}^2=\exp{\sigma_l^2}-1$, an easily measurable quantity. The higher the rms variability of a lightcurve, the higher is the probability that an instantaneous measurement of the luminosity yields a value smaller than $\langle L \rangle$ \cite{nipoti:05}, and also the higher the most likely ratio between the two values. Before discussing what are the appropriate values of $\sigma_{\rm rms}^2$ to be used in Eq.~(\ref{eq:rms}), we also note that the observed slope of the $\langle L \rangle$-$L_{\rm obs}$ correlation may deviate from unity for a log-normal distribution, thus skewing any observed correlation between mean and instantaneous power, like those we have discussed so far. It is easy to show that from Eq.~(\ref{eq:rms}) we obtain: \begin{equation} \frac{\partial \log \langle L \rangle}{\partial \log L_{\rm obs}}=1+\frac{3}{2} \frac{\sigma_{\rm rms}^2}{(1+\sigma_{\rm rms}^2)}\frac{\partial \log \sigma_{\rm rms}^2}{\partial \log L_{\rm obs}}. \label{eq:rms-slope} \end{equation} Log-normal AGN variability may thus skew the observed relation between jet average kinetic power and instantaneous core luminosity much in the same way relativistic beaming does. Inspection of Eqs.~(\ref{eq:rms}) and (\ref{eq:rms-slope}) suggests that the measured slopes of any correlation of the (average) kinetic vs, core power will be substantially affected by variability if, and only if, both $\sigma_{\rm rms}^2$ and $\partial \log \sigma_{\rm rms}^2 /\partial \log L_{\rm obs}$ are at least of the order of unity. Unfortunately, very little is known observationally about the variability amplitude of AGN on very long timescales, especially for AGN of low luminosity as those considered here. Brighter AGN (Seyferts), on shorter timescales (1-10 years), have indeed rms variability amplitudes that rise steeply with decreasing luminosity, from about $\sigma_{\rm rms}^2 \approx 10^{-2}$ for $L_{\rm X} \approx 10^{44}$ up to $\sigma_{\rm rms}^2 \approx 10^{-1}$ for $L_{\rm X} \approx 10^{42}$ \cite{nandra:97,markowitz:01}. However, no evidence is yet found of such a trend continuing down to lower luminosities. On the contrary, suggestions have been made that $\sigma_{\rm rms}^2$ may flattens out at lower $L_{\rm X}$ \cite{papadakis:04,paolillo:04} at values of a few times 10$^{-1}$ for the typical X-ray luminosity of the objects in our sample. This would imply that the observed correlations between large scale and core powers are not skewed by variability bias. However, we should also consider the possibility that, if measured on the $t_{\rm age}$ timescale, rather than on years or decades, AGN variability amplitude can be much higher, perhaps exceeding unity (Nipoti \& Binney 2005). Specifically for the case of radio galaxies, various indirect pieces of evidence of intermittency have been presented, such as the ripples and shock waves detected in the X-ray emitting atmosphere of M87 \cite{forman:05}, or the number vs. size counts of small radio galaxies \cite{reynolds:97}, both obviously relevant for our current discussion. All AGN Power Spectral Densities (PSD: the variability power $P(\nu)$ at frequency $\nu$, or timescale $1/\nu$) are best fitted by a power-law of index $-1$ ($P(\nu) \propto \nu^{-1}$) on long timescales, which breaks to a steeper slope on timescales shorter than a break timescale, which itself appear to be correlated with the central black hole mass and accretion rate ($t_{\rm break}\propto M_{\rm BH}^2/L_{\rm bol}$, McHardy et al. 2006). Indeed, if the PSD of AGN at very low frequencies, $\nu\sim 1/t_{\rm age}$, are a seamless extension of the flicker noise observed on days-years timescales, then their rms variability amplitude could be very large: $\sigma_{\rm rms}^2 \simeq 1-10$. If we define the duty cycle of $L(t)$ as $\delta\equiv \langle L \rangle^2/\langle L^2 \rangle=(1+\sigma_{\rm rms}^2)^{-1}$ \cite{ciotti:01}, then large rms amplitudes would imply very bursty lightcurves, with very short duty cycles $\delta \sim 10^{-1} - 10^{-2}$. Within this picture, the measured $L_{\rm kin}$ would be dominated by very short, ``quasar-like phases'', rather than by quasi-continuous radio mode AGN activity. Although this possibility cannot be easily ruled out, we feel it is currently disfavored for two main reasons: first of all, it would imply a typical QSO lifetime for these objects of $t_{\rm Q}\la 10^6$ yrs, much less than current estimates \cite{martini:04}; secondly, if the variability properties of low luminosity AGN are scaled up versions of those of low/hard state GBH, as it is the case for for bright (high/soft state) objects \cite{mchardy:06}, then we should expect a second, lower frequency break to white noise slope ($P(\nu)=$ const.) in the PSD \cite{uttley:05}. Such a break should be present at timescales $t_{\rm flat}$ between 10-100 times longer than $t_{\rm break}$, but still much smaller that $t_{\rm age}$. In this case, $\sigma_{\rm rms}^2 \simeq N [2+\ln (t_{\rm flat}/t_{\rm break})]\simeq 6 N$, where $N$ is the frequency independent amplitude of $\nu\times P(\nu)$ in the flicker noise part of the PSD, which has been measured for many AGN and GBH to be of the order of a few times $10^{-2}$ \cite{papadakis:04,done:05}. Thus, at most, we should expect $\sigma_{\rm rms}^2 \sim$ a few times 10$^{-1}$ also for low luminosity AGN on very long timescales, implying a much higher duty cycle (not much smaller than unity). To summarize, the effects of the AGN intermittency on the observed relations between time-averaged kinetic power and instantaneous core luminosities will be comparable to that of beaming if AGN have very bursty lightcurve (duty cycles less than 10\%) on timescales comparable to age of the bubbles over which the kinetic power is estimated, {\it and} the overall burstiness of the lightcurve (its measured rms variability) increases with decreasing luminosity. Although this possibility cannot be ruled out, there are reasons to believe that the rms variability of the low luminosity AGN in our sample is smaller than unity. If this is the case, the difference between instantaneous and average power for these objects is of the order of (or smaller than) the systematic uncertainties on the power itself, and the observed correlations between $L_{\rm kin}$ and nuclear luminosities should not be strongly affected by variability. More work is needed to investigate this issue, which is beyond the scope of this paper. \section{Conclusions} \label{sec:conc} We have presented a statistical analysis of a sample of 15 nearby AGN for which the average kinetic power has been estimated from the study of the cavities and bubbles produced by the jets in the IGM. In particular, rather than focusing on the relationship between the kinetic power and the IGM physical state, as was done before, we have tried to derive the relationship between jet kinetic power and nuclear properties of the AGN, specifically in terms of their black hole masses, 2-10 keV and 5 GHz radio core luminosities. Following our analysis, we reach the following conclusions: \begin{itemize} \item{A clear relationship exists between Eddington-scaled kinetic power and bolometric luminosity, given by: $\log (L_{\rm kin}/L_{\rm Edd}) = (0.49\pm0.07) \log (L_{\rm bol}/L_{\rm Edd}) - (0.78\pm0.36)$. The measured slope suggests that these objects are in a radiatively inefficient accretion mode.} \item{We confirm previous claims of a correlation between Bondi power (i.e. accretion rate at the Bondi radius) and Kinetic luminosity of the jets. Interestingly, there is no statistically significant correlation between Bondi power and bolometric luminosity apart from that induced by their common dependence on $L_{\rm kin}$.} \item{The observed correlations are in very good agreement with theoretical predictions of adiabatic accretion models with strong outflows. We have also shown that meaningful constraints on some specific physical properties of such models can be placed by fitting the observed data set.} \item{The available measures of the average jet power provide a very useful tool to assess, in a statistical sense, both the jet radiative efficiency and the effects of relativistic beaming on the observed AGN jet population. Combining information on the kinetic jet power with estimators of the un-beamed radio flux of a jet core (as, for example, the so-called fundamental plane of active black holes, MHD03), we are able to determine {\it both} the probability distribution of the mean jets Lorentz factor, that peaks at $\Gamma \sim 7$, {\it and} the intrinsic relationship between kinetic and radio core luminosity, $\log L_{\rm kin}=(0.81 \pm 0.11)\log L_{\rm R} + 11.9^{+4.1}_{-4.4}$ which is in good agreement with theoretical predictions of synchrotron jet models: $L_{\rm kin} \propto L_{\rm R}^{12/(17+8\alpha_{\nu})}$, where $\alpha_{\nu}$ is the radio spectral index of the jet core.} \item{The total radiative efficiency of the jet can be expressed as a function of the observed 5 GHz luminosity ($L_{\rm R}$) and spectral index, $\alpha_{\nu}$ as: $\eta_{\rm jet}\simeq 3.2 \times 10^{-5} (L_{\rm R}/10^{39}{\rm erg/s})^{0.19}(\nu_{\rm max}/5{\rm GHz})^{1+\alpha_{\nu}}$, where $\nu_{\rm max}$ is the high turnover frequency of the synchrotron emission} \item{The relation between $L_{\rm kin}$ and {\it observed} radio core luminosity is flattened with respect to the intrinsic one because of the unaccounted-for Doppler boosting in the small sample at hand. Results of previous works that have studied the relationship between total extended radio power and kinetic power \cite{birzan:04,birzan:06}, found both flat slopes and very large intrinsic scatter (much larger than what we found here). As B{\^ i}rzan et al. (2006) noticed, such a scatter is "intrinsic to the radio data, for reasons that include radio aging and adiabatic expansion." This might be considered as a further argument is support of our approach of using core radio luminosities, instead, as estimator of the AGN kinetic power.} \item{The intrinsic variability of the AGN could affect our results due to the fact that the measured kinetic power is a long-term average of the instantaneous power, and that the luminosity of accreting black holes are log-normally distributed, and therefore positively skewed. Very little is known about the long-term (10$^7$-10$^8$ years) variability properties of low luminosity AGN. However, available estimates of rms variability as a function of luminosity on shorter timescales, scaling relations with galactic black holes as well as current estimates of quasar lifetimes all seem to suggest that the variability cannot be so extreme to affect the results of a correlation analysis more dramatically than relativistic beaming does.} \end{itemize} With the aid of these findings, quantitative assessments of kinetic feedback from supermassive black holes in the radio mode (i.e. at low dimensionless accretion rates) will be possible based on accurate determinations of the central engine properties alone, such as mass, radio core and/or X-ray luminosity. This will provide useful constraints for AGN feedback models in a cosmological context (Merloni and Heinz 2007, in prep.). \section*{Acknowledgments} We thank the anonymous referee for insightful and constructive comments. 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The strongest effect on the slope of any intrinsic correlation (i.e. any correlation between the intrinsic, un-boosted luminosities of jetted sources) comes from the inclusion/exclusion of object with jet axis close to our line of sight (see e.g. Heinz and Merloni 2004). If we define a ``cut-off'' angle, $\theta_c$, such that all object with inclination $\theta<\theta_c$ are excluded from a sample, then the slope of the observed correlation deviates from the intrinsic one as a strong function of $\theta_c$ once the Lorentz factor $\Gamma > 1/\theta_c$. In order to assess this effect, we have simulated a sample of nearby SMBH according to the selection criteria of MHD03 and K\"ording, Falcke and Corbel (2006) [KFC06], with a simple Monte Carlo routine. In our fiducial calculation, an effective cut-off angle of $\theta_c=15^{\circ}$ is assumed, as these samples have been ``cleaned'' of relativistically boosted radio cores by excluding (or correcting for) all known Bl Lac objects. The radio fluxes are drawn from the observed local (z=0) flat spectrum radio luminosity function \cite{dunlop:90}. Distances are drawn from a distribution that closely resembles that of the soirces in our sample (see Table~\ref{tab:table}), and objects with a flux smaller than 0.1 mJy at 5 GHz and 10$^{-14}$ ergs s$^{-1}$ cm$^{-2}$ in the 2-10 keV band are excluded. The radio luminosity is then un-boosted assuming random orientation of the jet between $\theta_c$ and 90$^{\circ}$. The jet Lorentz factor is assumed to be normally distributed around $\Gamma_{\rm m}$ with variance $\sigma_{\Gamma}=0.1\Gamma_{\rm m}$, and we studied the effects of varying $\Gamma_{\rm m}$ between 1.5 and 50. We fitted the simulated data with the (symmetric) OLS Bisector regression algorithm \cite{isobe:90} in order to determine the relationship between the {\it intrinsic} radio luminosity $L_{\rm R}$ and the observed one: $\log L_{\rm R}=\xi_{\rm RR}(\Gamma_{\rm m}) \log L_{\rm R,obs} + b_{\rm RR}$. As expected, we found that the larger the mean Lorenz factor of the objects, the more the observed correlations are skewed away from the $\xi_{\rm RR}=1$ intrinsic slope. In particular, the best fit slopes can be approximated by the following log-linear relation: \begin{equation} \label{eq:xirr} \xi_{\rm RR} \simeq 1 - 0.14 \log \Gamma_{\rm m}, \end{equation} that can be regarded as a ``calibrator'' of the fundamental plane relationship. The above relation (\ref{eq:xirr}) is plotted in both upper and lower panels of Fig.~\ref{fig:fp_gamma} as a solid line, while the dark red shaded areas represent the 1-sigma contours. Figure~\ref{fig:fp_gamma} also illustrates the effects of slightly varying our fiducial assumptions on the distribution of the Lorentz factors and on the cut-off angle. In particular, the upper panel shows the results of increasing the width of the Lorentz factor distribution by a factor of 3 (from $0.1\Gamma_{\rm m}$ to $0.3\Gamma_{\rm m}$, dot-dashed lines). In this case the best fit slope is approximated by another log-linear with slope -0.16 (thick dot-dashed line). This translates into a difference in the FP slope from our fiducial case around $\Gamma_{\rm m} \simeq 7$ of just about 3\%, much less than the statistical uncertainties. Similar is the case when different cut-off angles are considered. In the lower panel of Fig.~\ref{fig:fp_gamma} we show how the observed correlations are skewed due to relativistic beaming when $\theta_c=10^{\circ}$ (dot-dashed contours and thick dot-dashed line) or $\theta_c=20^{\circ}$ (dashed contours and thick dashed line). Also in these cases the difference with respect to our fiducial case corresponds to a difference in the ``corrected'' FP coefficients of less than $\sim$3\% at $\Gamma_{\rm m} \simeq 7$. \begin{figure} \psfig{figure=fp_gamma_kfc_rev.ps,width=0.5\textwidth} \caption{The effects of relativistic beaming on the observed radio luminosities in simulated samples resembling those used to derive the ``fundamental plane'' relation. In the upper panel we show, as a function of the mean jet Lorentz factor, the best-fit slope $\xi_{\rm RR}$ of the relation between intrinsic and observed radio core luminosity for two values of the width of the $\Gamma$ distribution: $\sigma_{\Gamma}/\Gamma=0.1$ (solid contours and thick solid line) and $\sigma_{\Gamma}/\Gamma=0.3$ (dot-dashed contours and thick dot-dashed line). In the lower panel we show $\xi_{\rm RR}$ vs. $\Gamma_{\rm m}$ for three values of the cut-off angle: $\theta_c=10^{\circ}$ (dot-dashed contours and thick dot-dashed line), $\theta_c=15^{\circ}$ (solid contours and thick solid line) and $\theta_c=20^{\circ}$ (dashed contours and thick dashed line). } \label{fig:fp_gamma} \end{figure} In summary, for any value of mean jet Lorentz factor of the sampled AGN, $\Gamma_{\rm m}$, we have shown that it is possible to derive statistically an intrinsic (un-boosted) radio core luminosity based on the observed hard X-ray one, $L_{\rm X}$ and on the black hole mass, $M_{\rm BH}$ according to: \begin{eqnarray} \log L_{\rm R,FP}&=&(1-0.14 \log \Gamma_{\rm m})[\xi_{\rm RX} \log L_{\rm X}+\xi_{\rm RM} \log M_{\rm BH} ] \nonumber \\ && + c_{\rm R}(\Gamma_{\rm m}), \nonumber \end{eqnarray} where we have defined the new constant $c_{\rm R}=\xi_{\rm RR}b_{\rm R}+b_{\rm RR}$. The term in the first parenthesis in the right hand side thus represents our simple way to estimate the relativistic beaming bias introduced in the samples used originally to define the FP relation. Its numerical value do indeed depends on the assumptions of our fiducial Monte Carlo model, but to an extent that is negligible when compared to the statistical uncertainties on the FP parameters themselves. This above relation, then allows a meaningful statistical test of the intrinsic correlation between radio core luminosity and kinetic power of AGN jets, as we show in section~\ref{sec:rad}. \label{lastpage} \end{document}