------------------------------------------------------------------------ From: Hendrik Bartko hbartko@mppmu.mpg.de To: gcnews@aoc.nrao.edu Cc: R.K.Bock , Joseph.Lazio@nrl.navy.mil Subject: Observation of Very High Energy Gamma Rays from the Galactic Center with the MAGIC Telescope %% This is to emulate the later appearance of the paper \documentclass{emulateapj} %% The command below calls the preprint style %% which will produce a one-column, single-spaced document. %% Examples of commands for other substyles follow. Use %% whichever is most appropriate for your purposes. %% %\documentclass[12pt,preprint]{aastex} \usepackage{graphicx,amssymb,amsmath,times} \setcounter{page}{1} % \begin{document} %Title of paper \title{Observation of Gamma Rays from the Galactic Center with the MAGIC Telescope} \author{  J.~Albert and another 130 authors } \begin{abstract} Recently, the Galactic Center has been reported to be a source of very high energy (VHE) $\gamma$-rays by the VERITAS, CANGAROO and HESS experiments. The energy spectra as measured by these experiments show substantial differences. In this {\it Letter} we present MAGIC observations of the Galactic Center, resulting in the detection of a differential $\gamma$-ray flux consistent with a steady, hard-slope power law, described as $\mathrm{d}N_{\gamma}/(\mathrm{d}A \mathrm{d}t \mathrm{d}E) = (2.9 \pm 0.6)\times 10^{-12} (E/\mathrm{TeV})^{-2.2 \pm 0.2} \ \mathrm{cm}^{-2}\mathrm{s}^{-1} \mathrm{TeV}^{-1}$. The $\gamma$-ray source is centered at (Ra, Dec)=(17$^{\mathrm{h}}45^{\mathrm{m}}20^{\mathrm{s}}$, -29$^\circ2'$). This result confirms the previous measurements by the HESS experiment and indicates a steady source of TeV $\gamma$-rays. We briefly describe the observational technique used, the procedure implemented for the data analysis, and discuss the results in the perspective of different models proposed for the acceleration of the VHE $\gamma$-rays. \end{abstract} \end{document}