------------------------------------------------------------------------ From: Lida Oskinova lida@astro.physik.uni-potsdam.de To: gcnews@aoc.nrao.edu Subject: submit xrayclusters.tex JENAM 2005 conf.proc. %astro-ph/0507693 %http://www.astro.physik.uni-potsdam.de/~ftp/oskinova/x-ray_ssc.ps \documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{graphicx} \textheight=24.7cm \textwidth=17cm % % THE FOLLOWING VALUES SHOULD PRODUCE A TOPMARGIN OF 3CM % AND SIDEMARGINS OF 2 CM. IF NOT, YOUR TEX PRINTER DRIVER IS NOT % WELL SET UP, YOU CAN CHANGE THE FOLLOWING VALUES OR % (BETTER) SET UP YOUR DRIVER CORRECTLY ! % \topmargin=0.46cm % = 3 cm - 1 inch \headheight=0.pt \headsep=0.pt \oddsidemargin=-0.54cm % = 2 cm - 1 inch \evensidemargin=-0.54cm % = 2 cm - 1 inch % % TITLE (PLEASE PUT IN BOLD) % \title{\bf X-raying the super star clusters in the Galactic center} % % AUTHOR AND INSTITUTION ARE SEPARATED BY \vspace{1cm}\\ % % PLEASE BREAK THE LINES YOURSELF WITH \\ % USE \normalsize FOR THE INSTITUTIONS. % USE \thanks TO PRODUCE A FOOTNOTE IN THE AUTHOR LIST (DON'T USE % % \author{L.~M.~Oskinova} \affil{Astrophysik, Universit{\"a}t Potsdam, Germany} % % KEEP THE BOX EMPTY FOR THE DATE % \date{\mbox{}} % \begin{document} \maketitle \pagestyle{empty} % % WE REDEFINE THE plain LaTeX PAGESTYLE !!! % THIS PAGESTYLE WILL BE USED FOR THE FIRST PAGE ONLY ! % \def\bull{\vrule height .9ex width .8ex depth -.1ex} \makeatletter \def\ps@plain{\let\@mkboth\gobbletwo \def\@oddhead{}\def\@oddfoot{\hfil\tiny\bull\quad ``Massive Stars and High-Energy Emission in OB Associations''; JENAM 2005 'Distant Worlds' \quad\bull}% \def\@evenhead{}\let\@evenfoot\@oddfoot} \makeatother % % AND DEFINE OUR MACROS FOR THE REFERENCE LIST % I.E \beginrefer \refer and \endrefer % \def\beginrefer{\section*{References}% \begin{quotation}\mbox{}\par} \def\refer#1\par{{\setlength{\parindent}{-\leftmargin}\indent#1\par}} \def\endrefer{\end{quotation}} % % BEGIN THE ABSTRACT CHAPTER WITH \noindent\small, ENCLOSE IT IN A GROUP % AND BOLDFACE THE TITLE. % \begin{abstract} The Galactic center harbors some of the most massive star clusters known in the Galaxy: the Arches and the Quintuplet. Based on the Chandra observations of these clusters (PI: Wang) which recently became public, I discuss the X-ray emission from the massive stars in these clusters. Confirming the general trend for Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars being X-ray dim, none of them is detected in the Quintuplet cluster. The most massive star known in the Galaxy, the Pistol star, is also not detected, invoking questions regarding the proposed binary nature of this object. X-ray emission in the Arches cluster is dominated by three stellar point sources. All three sources as well as the cluster's diffuse radiation show strong emission at 6.4--6.7\,keV, indicating the presence of fluorescenting cool material. The Arches point sources may be identified as colliding wind binaries, albeit other possibilities cannot be ruled out. } % % NOW COMES THE MAIN BODY OF THE ARTICLE % \end{abstract} \end{document}