------------------------------------------------------------------------ sgraflare2.tex ApJL, in press X-MailScanner-Information: Please contact postmaster@aoc.nrao.edu for more information X-MailScanner: Found to be clean X-MailScanner-SpamCheck: not spam, SpamAssassin (score=-5.6, required 7, BAYES_00 -5.20, X_AUTH_WARNING -0.40) %astro-ph/0412140 \documentclass[12pt,preprint]{aastex} %\documentclass{emulateapj} %% manuscript produces a one-column, double-spaced document: %\documentclass[manuscript]{aastex} %% preprint2 produces a double-column, single-spaced document: %%\documentclass[preprint2]{aastex} %\usepackage{journals} %\usepackage{natbib} %\usepackage{apjfonts} \citestyle{aa} \newcommand{\vdag}{(v)^\dagger} \newcommand{\myemail}{sera@space.mit.edu} %\slugcomment{Submitted 2003, November 14} \shorttitle{Sgr A* in context} \shortauthors{S. Markoff} %\received{2003 November 14} \begin{document} \title{Sgr A* in context: daily flares as a probe of the fundamental X-ray emission process in accreting black holes} \author{Sera Markoff\altaffilmark{1}} \affil{Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Center for Space Research, Rm. NE80-6035, Cambridge, \altaffiltext{1}{NSF Astronomy \& Astrophysics Postdoctoral Fellow} \begin{abstract} Our central Galactic supermassive black hole, Sgr A*, exists mostly in a very stable, extremely low-luminosity ($\sim 10^{-9} L_{\rm Edd}$), thermal quiescent state, which is interrupted roughly daily by a brief, nonthermal X-ray flare. Because they are not accompanied by significant changes in the radio wavelengths, the flares make Sgr A* unusual in the context of black holes accreting at slightly higher rates. Those sources display a radio/X-ray luminosity correlation whose normalization scales with central mass, and that holds over orders of magnitude in accretion power. There is significant scatter in this correlation, due in part to measurement uncertainties and intrinsic variability. By studying the correlation in sources bracketing Sgr A* in radio luminosity and whose physical parameters are well measured, we can derive a statistical measure of this local scatter. We find that Sgr A* in quiescence and the lower intensity flares fall well below the correlation in X-ray luminosity. The brightest flares are consistent within the scatter, which may indicate an upper bound on the X-ray luminosity. This trend is suggestive of a state transition at the extreme low end of accretion activity, only above which the radio/X-ray correlation is tracked. This scenario is easily testable because it must fulfill three unique observational predictions: 1) As long as Sgr A* remains at its current radio luminosity, no X-ray flare will be seen which statistically exceeds the prediction of the correlation, 2) no source already on the correlation will be seen to flare in the X-rays similar to Sgr A* (i.e., without corresponding increases in the radio luminosity), and 3) sources below a critical accretion rate or luminosity will show similar flares as Sgr A*, on timescales appropriate to their masses. \end{abstract} \keywords{black hole physics---Galaxy: center---radiation mechanisms: non-thermal---accretion, accretion disks---X-rays: general } \section{Correlations in Sgr A* vs. Other Black Holes} The anomalously low luminosity of Sgr A* ($\sim 10^{-9} L_{\rm Edd}$; \citealt{MeliaFalcke2001}) has puzzled researchers for over two decades, raising questions about its relationship to other, more typical, active nuclei. It seems unlikely that Sgr A* is the only one of its kind; if it simply represents the lowest end of the luminosity scale, its behavior should map onto trends we detect in other accreting black hole sources. In this Letter, we propose three observationally verifiable predictions to probe Sgr A*'s relationship to more canonical black hole sources. Sgr A*'s proximity (8 kpc; \citealt{Reid1993,Eisenhaueretal2003}) has resulted in the constraining of its physical parameters better than almost any other galactic nucleus, with the exception of NGC 4258 \citep[e.g.,][]{Herrnstein1997}. Studies of Sgr A*'s orbiting central cluster stars reveal a $4\times10^6M_\odot$ mass \citep{Schoedeletal2003,Ghezetal2003b}, which along with the similarly well-constrained distance, allows us to assess Sgr A*'s relationship to other sources with known parameters. Despite Sgr A*'s extremely weak high-energy activity, its radio characteristics are typical of other low-luminosity AGN (LLAGN), M81* in particular \citep[e.g.,][]{Ho1999,Brunthaleretal2001,Boweretal2002}. Its steady X-ray spectrum ($L_{\rm X}\sim2\times10^{33}$ erg/s) is soft ($\Gamma\sim2.7$) and extended, arguing for a thermal origin \citep{Baganoffetal2003}. Recent theoretical models developed to explain its behavior have focused variously on inflow scenarios \citep[e.g.,][]{LiuMelia2002,YuanQuataertNarayan2003}, outflow scenarios \citep{FalckeMarkoff2000} and combinations of the two \citep{YuanMarkoffFalcke2002}. Most of these models have been applied to other low-luminosity sources with some success, indicating that Sgr A* shares many characteristics with its brighter cousins, but may just represent the most underluminous extreme. Sgr A* showed the first signs of AGN-like activity in the second cycle of {\em Chandra} observations, with a dramatic ($\sim$50x increase) nonthermal, hard flare on timescales of tens of minutes \citep[$\Gamma\sim1.3$;][]{Baganoffetal2001}. Further observations have established that flaring occurs about once a day, with typical increases of 5--10x in flux \citep{Baganoff2003}. The cm-radio emission, however, has not yet been seen to vary by more than a factor of a few \citep{MeliaFalcke2001}. While the multiwavelength variability characteristics have not yet been fully determined, the ``submm bump'' in Sgr A*'s spectrum, which includes the IR band, is clearly related to the flaring X-ray component \citep[e.g.][]{Eckartetal2004}. The physical origin is still being debated \citep[see articles in, e.g.,][]{GC2002}, however most quiescent-state models for Sgr A* can be adapted to explain the flares. A consensus has formed that the submm/IR variability is due to synchrotron emission from mildly relativistic, quasi-thermal electrons very close to the central object, while the X-ray flares are due to either a continuation of this synchrotron emission due to a hard tail in the distribution, synchrotron self-Comptonized emission (SSC) or combinations of the two \citep[e.g.,][]{Markoffetal2001,LiuMelia2002,YuanQuataertNarayan2004}. These magnetic mechanisms dominate in what seems to be the absence of a canonical \citep{ShakuraSunyaev1973} thin disk \citep{FalckeMelia1997,LiuMeyerHofmeister2004}. Often low-luminosity, accreting X-ray binaries (XRBs) in their low/hard state (LHS; see \citealt{McClintockRemillard2003}) are associated with compact jets and share a general morphology with LLAGN. A correlation between the radio and X-ray emission was first detected in the Galactic XRB, GX 339-4 \citep{Hannikainenetal1998}. Later observations showed that this correlation holds over a few orders of magnitude changes in source luminosity with time \citep{Corbeletal2000, Corbeletal2003}. The same universal relationship now appears to apply to all LHS XRBs with comparable broadband data \citep{GalloFenderPooley2003}. Scale-invariant jet synchrotron models predict this correlation \citep{Markoffetal2003} as a consequence of how their radio emission scales with power \citep{FalckeBiermann1995}, and the correlation can be expressed via the dependence of the X-ray emission on the accretion rate \citep{HeinzSunyaev2003}. These scalings led to two independent proposals of a unification between accreting black holes from stellar to galactic scales \citep{MerloniHeinzDiMatteo2003,FalckeKoerdingMarkoff2004}. When the observed X-ray fluxes of various AGN samples are scaled to compare with XRB-mass black holes, they fall roughly on the same correlation defined by a single LHS XRB as it evolves in time. There is significant scatter, however, which may result from uncertainties in the measured physical parameters, beaming effects, and/or intrinsic variations. The overall success of this formulation, however, supports a further unification of certain black hole sources in terms of their accretion power, as well as their orientation. %\clearpage \begin{figure*} \centerline{\hbox{\includegraphics[width=.5\textwidth]{f1a_color.ps}\hspace*{.13in}\includegraphics[width=.49\textwidth]{f1b_color.ps}}} \caption{a) Radio luminosity (at 5 GHz) vs. 3--9 keV integrated X-ray luminosity for the three well-measured sources bracketing Sgr A* along the radio/X-ray correlation: the X-ray binary GX 339$-$4 (ATCA and {\em RXTE} data from \citealt{Corbeletal2003}, reanalyzed using new response matrices by \citealt{Nowaketal2004}), and the LLAGN NGC~4258 and M81. The latter two sources are represented by average luminosities with standard deviations based on the best available observations (see text). The solid line is the jet synchrotron model-predicted correlation based on the GX~339$-$4 data \citep{Markoffetal2003}. The sources do not fall along the same correlation because the X-ray luminosities have not yet been scaled for mass. b) The derived local mass-scaled radio/X-ray correlation. The solid line indicates the average value for the correlation coefficients after Monte Carlo simulations, $\log_{10} L_{\rm X} = -(10.275\pm1.982) + (1.575\pm0.067)\log_{10}L_{\rm R}-(0.692\pm0.080)\log_{10}(M/6M_\odot)$, with contours in the average scatter $<$$\sigma$$>$ from the correlation represented as increasingly finer dashed lines. All observations of Sgr A*, both in quiescence and flaring states, are included. It is clear that the quiescent state and weak flares are not consistent with the correlation, while the larger flares are within the scatter. \label{xradio}} \end{figure*} %\clearpage \section{Statistical Analysis} In order to make a statistical statement about Sgr A*'s relationship to more typical low-luminosity black holes, we consider the region of the correlation space around Sgr A*. A detailed statistical analysis for the overall correlation was already conducted by \cite{MerloniHeinzDiMatteo2003}, but this included {\bf a large sample} of AGN for which there are often large uncertainties in the physical parameters. {\bf The authors thus used a symmetric linear regression technique which attempts to compensate for the measurement uncertainties. In contrast}, we will here focus on the radio/X-ray correlation as defined by {\bf only} a few well-constrained sources. Sgr A* is bracketed by the multiple observations of GX~339$-$4, where the correlation was discovered, as well as by observations of the nearby LLAGN NGC~4258 and M81*. Because these sources have well-defined physical parameters and are not thought to be highly beamed, we can hope to make a reasonable statement about the correlation and its intrinsic scatter. We use a Bayesian analysis: we assume an intrinsic Gaussian scatter about the correlation, defined excluding Sgr A*, and then assess the probability that the Sgr A* data are consistent with this assumption. For the three sources, intrinsic scatter about the correlation far outweighs the measurement errors. For our bracketing sample we include all simultaneous GX~339$-$4 observations from \cite{Corbeletal2003}, {\bf the X-ray portion of which has been reanalyzed using the newest detector response matrices compared to the earlier papers}. For NGC~4258 and M81 we tabulate the measured radio and X-ray luminosities from the last 20 years \citep[][and refs. therein]{Herrnsteinetal1999,BowerFalckeMellon2002,Pageetal2003,YoungWilson2004} in order to define a mean and standard deviation for both. The data are shown in Fig.~\ref{xradio}a. Based on the results of \cite{MerloniHeinzDiMatteo2003} and \cite{FalckeKoerdingMarkoff2004}, we assume a form for the X-ray luminosity ${\rm log}_{10}L_{\rm X} = C_0 + C_1{\rm log}_{10} L_{\rm R} + C_2 {\rm log}_{10}(M/M_\odot)$, where $L_{\rm X}$ and $L_{\rm R}$ are the X-ray and radio luminosities in erg/s, and $M$ is the black hole mass. We assume that $M$ is known, and choose to study the measured $L_{\rm X}$ as determining the intrinsic scatter in the correlation (as is appropriate for the hypothesis that $L_{\rm X}$ is underluminous in Sgr A* for a known $L_{\rm R}$). {\bf Because we are looking at the comparison of Sgr A*'s ${L_{\rm X}}$ as a function of $M$ and $L_{\rm R}$, we use a nonsymmetric linear regression routine (i.e., which is not appropriate for studies of the correlation itself as conducted by, e.g., \citealt{MerloniHeinzDiMatteo2003})}. For a given linear regression, we derive values of $\log_{10} L_{\rm X,lr}$ for comparison with the measured values, $\log_{10} L_{\rm X,i}$, which we assume to be Gaussian-distributed about the correlation. We then apply the Bayes theorem to determine the distribution for the variance associated with this scatter, $P(\sigma)\propto{\sigma}^{-1} \Pi_i \exp [-( \log_{10} L_{\rm X, lr} - \log_{10} L_{\rm X, i})^2/2\sigma^2]$. To incorporate our uncertainty as to the best linear regression values for the correlation, we use the Monte Carlo technique by assuming Gaussian error distributions (determined from our tabulated data), and generate $10^4$ samples of ($L_{\rm X}$,$L_{\rm R}$,$M$). Linear regression then yields $10^4$ values for the correlation coefficients, $C_{0-3}$. For each run, we calculate a normalized probability distribution for $P(\sigma)$, and then average these normalized probability distributions over all runs. This yields an average value for the intrinsic scatter in the data about the linear correlation, $<$$\sigma$$>$. Our results are shown in Fig.~\ref{xradio}b, where we plot the data with $L_{\rm X}$ scaled by the factor $<$$C_2$$>$$\log_{10}(M/6M_\odot)$, to compare with GX~339$-$4. The solid line shows the average correlation with contour lines for 1--3$<$$\sigma$$>$. {\bf While our value for $C_1$ is the same, we find a different value for the mass scaling $C_2$ compared to \cite{MerloniHeinzDiMatteo2003,FalckeKoerdingMarkoff2004}. This is most likely due to a combination of the reanalyzed GX~339$-$4 data, and the dominant measurement uncertainties from their larger AGN samples. } During quiescence, Sgr A* lies $\gtrsim$ 6$<$$\sigma$$>$ below the correlation, while the flares span $\sim$1.5--5$<$$\sigma$$>$. We plot all flare observations to date, from both {\em Chandra} \citep[filled diamonds and triangle;][ and priv.comm.]{Baganoffetal2001,Baganoffetal2003,Baganoff2003} and {\em XMM-Newton} \citep[circle and asterisks;][ respectively]{Goldwurmetal2003,Porquetetal2003}. There is quite a discrepancy in spectral index between the brightest flares seen from the two missions. We have therefore also included stars representing the two brightest flares after reanalysis with a different dust model by \cite{TanDraine2004}. Depending on which dust analysis is correct, the highest flares seen to date fall within $\sim$1--3$<$$\sigma$$>$ of the correlation, while the lowest flares deviate significantly. No flare has yet statistically exceeded the prediction of the correlation, and this trend suggests that the flares may saturate at this upper bound. In the next section we suggest three predictions for observations in the coming decades which will help clarify Sgr A*'s relationship to other, more typical accreting black holes who track the correlation. \section{Testable Predictions} Based on the observations, we suggest that {\em the fundamental radio/X-ray correlation defines an upper limit to the X-ray flux in Sgr A*'s flares}. For this to hold true, it would mean that the process responsible for the flares either saturates or undergoes a state change once a critical accretion power is reached, and afterwards tracks the correlation. There are three necessary predictions of these scenarios, all testable within the next decades: \begin{enumerate} \item {\bf As long as Sgr A* remains at its relatively steady radio emission level, no X-ray flares will be detected which statistically exceed the prediction of the radio/X-ray correlation}. If we consider 3$<$$\sigma$$>$ a significant deviation, then we would not expect any flares with an integrated 3--9 keV luminosity exceeding an unscaled value of $\sim 3.7\times10^{37}$ erg/s. This is only a factor of $\sim100$ times the brightest flare seen so far, if the dust analysis of \cite{Porquetetal2003} is correct. If the correlation represents a state transition occurring above a certain accretion rate, then a flare of this magnitude would be accompanied (with a time lag appropriate to plasma propagation times along the jet) by an increase in radio luminosity, to $L_{\rm R}\sim 2\times 10^{33}$ erg/s, a factor of about 8--10. An increase of greater than a few in the cm band has never been observed over the last two decades of VLA monitoring of Sgr A* \citep{Boweretal2002}, arguing that such occurrences would be very rare. Flares on the order of factor 1000x over quiescence would test the limits of the correlation while falling within past radio observation limits. \item {\bf No sources already on the radio/X-ray correlation will be seen to flare in the X-rays without corresponding radio increases to keep them on the correlation.} Several nearby LLAGN present themselves as sources to monitor for possible flaring, M81* in particular because of its similarities to Sgr A* in morphology and radio emission properties. In fact, this source will be monitored in 2005 with {\em Chandra} for 300ks. \item {\bf Black holes accreting near Sgr A*'s accretion rate, in Eddington units, should fall below the correlation and/or show similar flares}. Such sources, whether galactic or stellar scaled, are currently very hard to detect. The lowest luminosity (in Eddington units) quiescent Galactic black hole observed to date is V404 Cygni, which has been studied in radio and X-ray wavelengths down to $\sim10^{-6} L_{\rm Edd}$ \citep{GalloFenderPooley2003}. Sgr A* has so far never achieved more than $10^{-8} L_{\rm Edd}$ during flares and we know its accretion rate is $ < 10^{-6} \dot{m}_{\rm Edd}$ (assuming $10\%$ efficiency) in quiescence \citep{Boweretal2003}. Thus it seems that if there is a critical transition, it occurs between $\dot{m}\approx 10^{-8}$--$10^{-6} \dot{m}_{\rm Edd}$. To probe this power and below for other sources will likely require the use of planned X-ray missions with more collecting area, such as {\em Constellation-X} and {\em XEUS}, as well as higher sensitivity radio arrays such as the {\em EVLA} and {\em SKA}. One XRB in particular, A 0620$-$00, is an ideal candidate since it is a brighter quiescent source, and it will also be monitored in 2005 (Gallo, priv. comm.). \end{enumerate} The results of these observational tests will clarify Sgr A*'s relationship to other accreting sources. If the predictions are not confirmed, Sgr A* must be significantly different compared to all other accreting black holes which define the correlation. This would have serious consequences for theoretical models of Sgr A* which invoke the same processes as other weak galactic nuclei. If the predictions are confirmed, it will help determine which X-ray emission process dominates at the minimum level of accretion activity. While several accretion models tend to favor scenarios in which a thin disk exists down to quiescent accretion levels, Sgr A* does not show any sign of such a mode. Most of the sources which fall on the correlation, however, do show signs of a thin disk: e.g. reflection and fluorescent line features, and even occasionally masers (e.g. NGC 4258; \citealt{Herrnstein1997}). If the brightest flares never track the correlation, the implied accretion rate in Sgr A* can be used as a constraint on models of thin disk formation. Sources which follow the radio/X-ray correlation likely share the same emission mechanisms. Because the mechanisms behind Sgr A*'s flares are well determined, the flares' relationship to the correlation can thus be studied for clues about the correlation-generating processes. In LHS XRBs, as well as in AGN, the ``standard model'' for the hard X-ray emission involves a corona of thermal electrons which upscatters seed photons from the underlying accretion disk \citep[e.g.,][]{HaardtMaraschi1991}. But at hard X-ray luminosities already consistent within scatter to the correlation prediction, Sgr A* still shows no signs of a thin disk mode for its accretion. Even if a thin disk begins to form at the presumed transition luminosity where Sgr A* starts to track the correlation, the weak thermal photons would not be able to completely dominate the submm-bump synchrotron photon field for Compton upscattering. The ability of thermal photons to take precedence would depend on the accretion rate, and the geometry of the scattering region. If the upscattering plasma is beamed away from the disk \citep[see, e.g.,][]{Beloborodov1999,MarkoffNowak2004}, the contribution from thermal photons would be reduced. We suggest that if Sgr A* is shown to either saturate at, or track, the radio/X-ray correlation during the brightest flares, this would be a strong argument for synchrotron-related processes (including SSC) as the fundamental high-energy dissipative process in weakly accreting black holes, only later supplemented at higher luminosities by thermal processes. \section{Conclusions} Current observations are suggestive of an upper bound on the X-ray flares in Sgr A*, provided by the fundamental radio/X-ray correlation. We present three necessary observational predictions, testable in the next several years, which will probe the nature of Sgr A*'s relationship, if any, to the correlation. If Sgr A*'s flares saturate at or even track the correlation at the highest luminosities, we would argue that the responsible synchrotron-related mechanisms are then also the dominant X-ray emission processes contributing to the correlation at low luminosities. Since there is no evidence for a thin disk signature in Sgr A*, and since the brightest flares seen so far already seem consistent with the correlation, the accretion rate at which a disk can form steadily must be above what we have seen so far in Sgr A*. Once a disk forms, thermal photons would increasingly contribute to the photon pool for Comptonization with higher accretion rates. If the synchrotron/SSC plasma is at all beamed, however, thermal photons would not compete with the rest frame photons at current luminosities. Models which are consistent with this picture are those which can explain the flares in Sgr A*, including nonthermally enhanced radiatively inefficient accretion flows \citep[RIAFs;][]{YuanQuataertNarayan2003} and/or nonthermal processes at the base of the jets \citep{Markoffetal2001}. Geometrically thick accretion flows have already been discussed as a preferential launching point for jets \citep{Meier2001}, as well as magnetic coronae \citep[e.g.,][]{MerloniFabian2002}, although coronal formation in the absence of a thin disk would still need to be worked out. In reality, there may be only semantical differences between RIAFs, coronae and jet bases, an idea we have begun to explore elsewhere \citep[][, Markoff, Nowak \& Wilms, in prep.]{MarkoffNowak2004}. The outcome of the observational tests proposed here will place limits on the role of thermal vs. nonthermal processes, the necessary conditions for thin disk formation and the relationship between inflow and outflow in the weakest accreting black holes. \acknowledgments We would like to thank Michael Nowak for significant comments and discussion, as well as J\"orn Wilms, Peter Biermann, Tom Maccarone, and the anonymous referee for suggested improvements. 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