------------------------------------------------------------------------ From: Dwarakanath dwaraka@rri.res.in To: gcnews@aoc.nrao.edu Subject: submit sgrawideline.tex JAA (accepted) %astro-ph/0408433 %\documentstyle[12pt,aasms4,epsfig]{article} \documentstyle[doublespacing,epsfig]{jaa} %\slugcomment{submitted to the Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy} %\lefthead{} %\righthead{} \begin{document} \title{On the Origin of the Wide HI Absorption Line Toward Sgr A*} \author{K. S. Dwarakanath,$^1$ W. M. Goss,$^2$ J. H. Zhao$^3$ \& C. C. Lang$^4$ \affil{ $^1$Raman Research Institute, Sadashivanagar, Bangalore 560 080 \\ $^2$National Radio Astronomy Observatory, PO BOX O, Socorro, NM 87801\\ $^3$Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, MA 02138 \\ $^4$Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242} \maketitle \begin{abstract} We have imaged a region of $\sim$ 5' extent surrounding Sgr A* in the HI 21 cm-line absorption using the Very Large Array. A Gaussian decomposition of the optical depth spectra at positions within of $\sim$ 2' ($\sim$ 5 pc at 8.5 kpc) of Sgr A* detects a wide line underlying the many narrow absorption lines. The wide line has a mean peak optical depth of 0.32 $\pm$ 0.12 centered at a mean velocity of V$_{lsr}$ = $-$4 $\pm$ 15 km s$^{-1}$. The mean full width at half maximum is 119 $\pm$ 42 km s$^{-1}$. Such a wide line is absent in the spectra at positions beyond $\sim$ 2' from Sgr A*. The position-velocity diagrams in optical depth reveal that the wide line originates in various components of the circumnuclear disk (radius $\sim$ 1.3') surrounding Sgr A*. These components contribute to the optical depth of the wide line in different velocity ranges. The position-velocity diagrams do not reveal any diffuse feature which could be attributed to a large number of HI clouds along the line of sight to Sgr A*. Consequently, the wide line has no implications either to a global population of shocked HI clouds in the Galaxy or to the energetics of the interstellar medium as was earlier thought. \end{abstract} \begin{keywords} Galaxy : nucleus -- radio lines : ISM \end{keywords}