Supernova OH (1720 MHz) Masers in Sgr A East, W28 and G359.1-0.5

F. Yusef-Zadeh, D.A. Roberts, G. Bower, and M. Wardle

Paper: IAU Symp. 206: Cosmic Masers, in press

EPrint Server: astro-ph/0107109


A new class of OH (1720 MHz) masers unaccompanied by main-line transitions have recently been discovered (Frail, Goss and Slysh 1994). These masers lie at the interface between supernova remnants (SNRs) interacting with molecular clouds. We discuss three new aspects of SN masers found in the direction toward the Galactic center: (i) the detection of a new - 130 km/s OH (1720 MHz) maser in the southern lobe of the molecular ring at the Galactic center, (ii) the detection of extended OH (1720 MHz) maser emission from W28 accompanying the compact maser sources and (iii) the detection of linear polarization of the brightest OH (1720 MHz) maser in SNR G359.1-0.5.

Preprints available from the authors at , or the raw TeX (no figures) if you click here.

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