------------------------------------------------------------------------ From: "Julio C. Chaname" jchaname@astronomy.ohio-state.edu To: Galactic Center Newsletter Subject: astro-ph/0102481 MIME-Version: 1.0 %astro-ph/0102481 \documentclass[12pt,preprint]{aastex} %\documentstyle[12pt,aasms4]{article} %\documentstyle[11pt,aaspp4]{article} %\documentstyle[aas2pp4]{article} %\documentstyle[emulateapj]{article} %\documentstyle[12pt,aaspp4]{article} %\def\keywords{} %\def\acknowledgements{} %\def\apj{ApJ} %\def\aj{A.J.} %\def\baas{BAAS} %\def\mnras{MNRAS} %\def\pasp{PASP} %\def\aap{A\&A} %\def\apjl{ApJ} %\def\apjs{ApJS} %\def\nat{Nature} \def\e{{\rm E}} \def\rel{{\rm rel}} \def\thr{{\rm thr}} \def\Sb{\Sigma_{\bullet}} \def\ch{{\bf change}\ } %ApJ does not italicize latin words!!! %\newcommand{\etal}{{\it et al.}} \newcommand{\etal}{{et al.}\ } \newcommand{\hrs} {$^{\rm h}$} \newcommand{\mins}{$^{\rm m}$} \newcommand{\kpc} {$\, {\rm kpc}$} \newcommand{\kms} {$\, {\rm km/s}$} \newcommand{\lsun}{L$_{\odot}$} \newcommand{\msun}{M$_{\odot}$} %\newcommand{\arcsec{''\hskip-3pt .}} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%comment out this line for standard latex, put in for aastex %\slugcomment{submitted to ApJ Letters} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{document} \def\newpage{\vfill\eject} \def\vs{\vskip 0.2truein} \def\pp{\parshape 2 0.0truecm 16.25truecm 2truecm 14.25truecm} %\def\la{\mathrel{\mathpalette\fun <}} %\def\ga{\mathrel{\mathpalette\fun >}} \def\fun#1#2{\lower3.6pt\vbox{\baselineskip0pt\lineskip.9pt \ialign{$\mathsurround=0pt#1\hfil##\hfil$\crcr#2\crcr\sim\crcr}}} \def\core{{\rm core}} \def\min{{\rm min}} \def\max{{\rm max}} \def\kpc{{\rm kpc}} \def\esc{{\rm esc}} \def\crit{{\rm crit}} \def\pc{{\rm pc}} \def\kms{{\rm km}\,{\rm s}^{-1}} \def\cbh{{\rm cbh}} \def\bh{{\rm bh}} \def\df{{\rm df}} \def\bulge{{\rm bulge}} \shortauthors{Chanam\'e et al.\ } \shorttitle{Microlensing by the Sgr A* Cluster of Black Holes} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%electronic submission format %\title{Microlensing by Sgr A* and by the Cluster of Black Holes Around It} \title{Microlensing by the Cluster of Black Holes Around Sgr A*} \author{Julio Chanam\'e\,$^1$, Andrew Gould\,$^1$$^,$$^2$, \& Jordi Miralda-Escud\'e\,$^1$$^,$$^3$} \affil{{}$^1$ Department of Astronomy, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210, USA} \affil{{}$^2$ Laboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire et Cosmologie, Coll\`ege de France, F-75231, Paris, France} \affil{{}$^3$ Alfred P. Sloan Fellow} \email{jchaname@astronomy.ohio-state.edu, gould@astronomy.ohio-state.edu, jordi@astronomy.ohio-state.edu} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{abstract} We show that at any given time, the Galactocentric black hole Sgr A* is expected to be microlensing about 0.7 bulge stars if the threshold of detectability of the {\it fainter} image is $K_\thr=21$, and about 4.6 sources if $K_\thr=23$. The lensed images then provide a unique probe of the 20,000 stellar-mass black holes that are predicted to cluster within 0.7 pc of Sgr A*: if one of these black holes passes close to a microlensed image, it will give rise to a short (weeks long) microlensing event. We show that the mass and projected velocity of the black hole can both be measured unambiguously from such an event, if the lightcurve and the mean astrometric displacement can be measured. For $K_\thr=23$ and moderate magnifications by Sgr A*, these events are expected only at a rate of 0.05$\,\rm yr^{-1}$, so deeper observations would be required to see an event within the next decade. However, if highly magnified images of a star were found, the rate of events by the stellar black holes would be much higher. \end{abstract} \keywords{black hole physics -- Galaxy: center -- Galaxy: kinematics and dynamics -- gravitational lensing} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \setcounter{footnote}{0} \renewcommand{\thefootnote}{\arabic{footnote}} \section{Introduction} Any black holes formed from the final core collapse of massive stars within the central 5 pc of the Milky Way during the last 10 Gyr should have migrated to the Galactic center (GC) owing to dynamical friction off ordinary stars (Morris 1993). Miralda-Escud\'e \& Gould (2000, hereafter MG) showed that the majority of these black holes survive capture by the massive black hole at the position of Sgr A* and so should still be present in the GC today, forming a cluster of black holes in orbit around Sgr A* that extends to a radius $\sim 0.7\,$pc. Low-mass stars older than $\sim 1\,$Gyr should have been expelled from this region by the same process of dynamical friction. If stars with an initial mass greater than $\sim 30\,M_\odot$ generally produce black holes, then this black-hole cluster should contain about 20,000 members today. MG discussed several methods to test for the existence of the black-hole cluster. Among these, the only one that detects the black holes directly is microlensing of a background source, probably a bulge star. This method requires first the discovery of the two images of a bulge star lensed by Sgr A*, and then the monitoring of these images to detect the short-duration (weeks long) microlensing events caused by the passage of one of the cluster black holes near an image. The observational challenge here is to identify the two images of a faint $(K\sim 21)$ lensed star in a field crowded with $\sim 400\,\rm arcsec^{-2}$ stars of similar magnitude and brighter (see \S\ 2.1). Hence, a resolution $\ll 0.\hskip-2pt'' 1$ is required. Such deep, high-resolution observations are beyond current capabilities, but should be achievable within a few years. It will then be relatively easy to distinguish the pair of resolved images from the more numerous field stars by means of their positions, flux ratio, colors and proper motions, which are all related. We show in \S\ 2, that there are likely to be a few such detectable image pairs at any given time. However, as we show in \S\ 3, the rate of events caused by cluster black holes is only about 1 per 100 years per image pair, so that still deeper observations will probably be required to detect the cluster black holes during this decade. In \S\ 4, we show that the masses of these black holes could be measured from their astrometric effects. Finally, in \S\ 5, we discuss implications of our results. Alexander \& Sternberg (1999) calculated lensing rates for Sgr A* considered as an isolated body, and obtained results that are broadly consistent with those presented here. Alexander \& Loeb (2001) investigated microlensing by stars orbiting near Sgr A*, similar to the problem we treat here. They obtained rates that are several orders of magnitude higher than those we find. We trace the sources of the discrepancy in \S\ 5. \section{Expected number of stars lensed by Sgr A*} The expected number of sources being lensed by Sgr A* at any given time can be estimated empirically given three observational inputs: 1) the $K$-band luminosity function (LF) of the sources, 2) the volume density of $K$-band light as a function of distance behind the GC, and 3) the extinction as a function of distance behind the GC. The first two of these are well determined from observations, as we summarize below. The last is not measured. For purposes of this paper we will assume that there is no significant additional extinction in the $\sim 1\,$kpc lying behind the GC, above and beyond the $A_K=3$ magnitudes of extinction known to lie in front of the GC (e.g., Blum, Sellgren, \& DePoy 1996). \subsection{Distribution of Stars behind the Galactic Center} We derive the (dereddened) bulge $K_0$ LF from the $J$-band LF measured by Zoccali et al.\ (2000, Table 1) using {\it Hubble Space Telescope} NICMOS $(\Omega_{\rm Zocc}=22.\hskip-2pt''5 \times 22.\hskip-2pt''5)$ $J$ and $H$ images of a field lying at $(l,b)=(0,-6)$. We convert this LF to $H_0$ using their reported extinction and observed $(J,J-H)$ color-magnitude diagram. We then convert to $K_0$ using the $(K,H-K)$ relation observed for nearby main-sequence stars (e.g.\ Henry \& McCarthy 1993). The resulting {\it surface density} $K_0$ LF, $(d N_{\rm Zocc}/d K_0)$ normalized to $\Omega_{\rm Zocc}$ is shown in Figure 1, where the vertical axis gives the number of stars in the Zoccali et al (2000) field in each bin of 0.5 mag width in J. It reaches $K\sim 23.5$, and includes bulge main sequence stars with masses $M\ga 0.15\,M_\odot$. At the bright end we include all stars with $K<$ 16 in a single bin at $K=16$. We note that these bright stars are very rare in any case, and our results depend mostly on the much more numerous and fainter ($K\sim$ 21) main sequence stars. It is also known that the bright end of the LF at the GC and the bulge are different (Blum et al.\ 1996), while for main-sequence stars this LF is almost the same throughout the entire bulge (Narayanan, Gould, \& DePoy 1996). To convert this to a local {\it volume density} $K$ LF, $(d N/d K d V)(D_{s})$, at a distance $D_{s}$ along the line of sight of Sgr A*, we first write \begin{equation} {d N\over d K d V}(D_{s}) = {\rho(D_{s})\over\Sigma_{\rm Zocc}}\, {(d N_{\rm Zocc}/d K_0)|_{K_0 = K - \Delta K} \over R_0^2\Omega_{\rm Zocc}}, \label{eqn:conv1} \end{equation} where $\rho(D_{s})$ is the local bulge mass density on the GC line of sight at a distance $D_s$ from us, $\Sigma_{\rm Zocc}$ is the bulge column density toward the Zoccali et al.\ (2000) field, $R_0=8\,$kpc is the Galactocentric distance, $\Delta K=A_K(D_{s}) + 2.5\log(D_{s}/R_0)$, and where we assume $A_K(D_{s})=3$. In practice, we set $\Delta K = A_K = 3$, thus neglecting the dimming due to larger distances, since this contribution is smaller than the uncertainty introduced by assuming a constant $A_K(D_{s})$. The first factor on the right-hand side of equation (\ref{eqn:conv1}) depends only on the spatial distribution of the mass in the bulge, and not its normalization. To evaluate it, we use a combination of the Kent (1992) model, which is based on K band images, and the DIRBE data from Dwek et al.\ (1995). The reason this combination is required is that the Kent model is axisymmetric, and so does not include the effects of the bar which are important at large radius, while the DIRBE map cannot be applied at small radius because of its limited resolution. We rewrite this term as \begin{equation} {\rho(D_{s})\over\Sigma_{\rm Zocc}} = {\rho(D_{s})\over\Sigma_{(0,-2)}}\, {\Sigma_{(0,-2)}\over\Sigma_{\rm Zocc}}, \label{eqn:conv2} \end{equation} where $\Sigma_{(0,-2)}$ is the column density in the direction $(l,b)=(0,-2)$. We determine the first ratio from equation (3) in Kent (1992), except that we impose a constant density core within 0.7 pc due to relaxation effects around Sgr A* (MG). We determine the second ratio from the DIRBE map (Fig.\ 1a in Dwek et al.\ 1995), obtaining a value $\Sigma_{(0,-2)}/\Sigma_{\rm Zocc}\simeq 13$. Note that this procedure is relatively insensitive to possible disk contamination of the Zoccali et al.\ (2000) field since to leading order this contamination affects both the star counts and the DIRBE map equally. We have also used this same procedure to predict the surface density of stars near Sgr A*, which is found to be 440 arcsec$^{-2}$ stars with $K<21$ mag. \subsection{Number of Lensed Sources} The two images of a microlensed source will be magnified by \begin{equation} A_\pm(u) = {u_\pm^2\over u_+^2-u_-^2},\quad u_\pm = {u\pm\sqrt{u^2+4}\over 2},\quad u\equiv {\theta_\rel\over\theta_\e}, \label{eqn:apm} \end{equation} where $\theta_\rel$ is the angular separation of the lens and source, $\theta_{I\pm}=u_\pm\theta_\e$ are the positions of the two images, $\theta_\e$ is the Einstein radius, \begin{equation} \theta_\e(D_s) = \sqrt {\frac{4GM_\ast}{c^{2}} \frac{D_{ls}}{D_{l}D_{s}}} = 0.\hskip-2pt'' 55 \, \biggl({10 D_{ls} \over D_s }\biggr)^{1/2}, \end{equation} $M_\ast=3\times 10^6\,M_\odot$ is the mass of Sgr A*, $D_{l}=R_0$, $D_{s}$ is the distance to the source, and $D_{ls}=D_s-D_l$. The angular separation of the two lensed images of a background star at $D_{ls}\sim $ 1 kpc is $\sim 2\theta_\e\sim 1''$, clearly large enough to resolve them. On the other hand, the duration of the ``microlensing event'' is very long, given the typical proper motion of bulge stars of a few mas per year. This implies that the usual method of microlensing detection from the magnification lightcurve is impractical. Thus, to detect a lensed source, it is essential to identify {\it a pair of images}, which can be done from their relative magnifications and proper motions (both of which are unambiguously predicted from their positions relative to Sgr A*), as well as their common color. The expected number of observable lenses $N_{\rm lens}$ is simply the number for which the fainter image is brighter than the threshold of detectability, $K_\thr$, \begin{equation} %\begin{eqnarray*} N_{\rm lens} = \int_{R_0+0.7\,\rm pc}^{D_{s,\rm max}} d D_s\,D_s^2 \int_0^\infty d\theta\,2\pi\theta {d N\over d V}\biggl[D_s,K_\thr + 2.5\log A_-\biggl({\theta\over\theta_\e(D_s)}\biggr)\biggr], %\end{eqnarray*} \label{eqn:nlens} \end{equation} where $dN/dV(D_s,K')= \int^{K'} dK\,(dN/dVdK)(D_s,K)$ is the cumulative LF. We use $D_{s,\rm max}=9$ kpc, effectively assuming that additional obscuration becomes important farther than 1 kpc behind the GC. We find for $K_{\rm thr}=(21,22,23)$, that $N_{\rm lens}=(0.7,1.9,4.6)$, which can be summarized, \begin{equation} N_{\rm lens} \simeq 4.6\times10^{0.4(K_{\rm thr} - 23)}, \qquad (21