------------------------------------------------------------------------ From: Benjamin Chandran chandran@virgil.physics.uiowa.edu To: gcnews@aoc.nrao.edu %astro-ph/0009184 \documentclass[11pt]{aastex} \usepackage{emulateapj5} \begin{document} \bibliographystyle{plain} \submitted{Submitted to ApJ} \title{Equilibrium and stability of strong vertical magnetic fields at the Galactic center} \author{ B. D. G. Chandran} \affil{Dept. Physics \& Astronomy, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA} \begin{abstract} Observations of narrow radio-emitting filaments near the Galactic center have been interpreted in previous studies as evidence of a pervasive vertical (i.e. $\perp$ to the Galactic plane) milliGauss magnetic field in the central $\sim 150$ pc of the Galaxy. Such a magnetic field would have important implications for the central environments of spiral galaxies and would, for somewhat complex reasons, be a key piece of evidence in support of a pre-Galactic origin of the Galactic magnetic field. This paper addresses the question of whether such an intense vertical magnetic field, whose pressure significantly exceeds the thermal pressure of the surrounding medium, could be confined. A simple cylindrically symmetric model for the equilibrium in this central region is proposed in which horizontal (i.e. $\parallel$ to the Galactic plane) magnetic fields embedded in an annular band of molecular material of radius $\sim 150$ pc are wrapped around vertical magnetic fields threading hot plasma. Since orthogonal magnetic fields can not easily interpenetrate, the horizontal magnetic field in this equilibrium can transfer the weight of the molecular material to the hot plasma and vertical magnetic field, potentially providing confinement. The stability of this equilibrium is studied indirectly by treating the equilibrium as an infinite isothermal slab, with high-density plasma representing the partially ionized molecular clouds suspended above low-density plasma, and with the orthogonal magnetic fields in the high- and low-density plasmas perpendicular to the effective gravitational acceleration $\bf g$ (true gravitational acceleration minus the centripetal acceleration of Galactic rotation). Perturbations of the interface are found to be unstable on wavelengths shorter than a critical wavelength that depends upon $g$ and the sound and Alfv\'en speeds in the high-density plasma. The results of the slab-equilibrium calculation are extrapolated on a qualitative basis to argue that the proposed cylindrically symmetric equilibrium is unstable if the magnetic pressure of the vertical magnetic field $B_{\rm vert}$ greatly exceeds the thermal pressure in the molecular material, or if $B_{\rm vert} \gg 50\mu$G for Galactic-center parameters. If this qualitative argument is correct, then milliGauss vertical fields can not be stably confined using the weight of the molecular material in the kind of equilibrium that has been proposed. If an equilibrium can not be found that can stably confine pervasive vertical milliGauss magnetic fields at the Galactic center, then a powerful argument will be added in favor of other interpretations of the Galactic-center radio filaments. \end{abstract} \section{Introduction} Observations of the central $\sim 150$ pc of the Galaxy indicate that the magnetic fields, plasma, and molecular gas within this central region have properties in striking contrast to the interstellar medium (ISM) of the Galactic disk. For example, the Galactic center hosts a phenomenon that is unique within the Galaxy: narrow, ``vertical'' (i.e. $\perp$ to the Galactic plane) filaments of radio emission (Morris 1996). The polarization of the filaments of the Radio Arc indicates that the ambient magnetic field is parallel to the filaments (Tsuboi et~al.\ 1986, Reich 1994, Tsuboi et~al.\ 1995), and this alignment is presumed to be typical of the other filaments as well. The filaments are typically tens of parsecs long and only a fraction of a parsec wide, and in virtually all cases appear to be in contact with a molecular cloud at some point along their length. The absence of bending of these filaments by the randomly moving clouds has been interpreted as evidence of a milliGauss lower limit to the field strength in the filaments (Yusef-Zadeh \& Morris 1987---see section \ref{sec:review}). The apparent impossibility of forming or confining narrow filaments with such tremendous magnetic pressures (well in excess of the thermal pressures, as will be discussed below) suggests that if a mG vertical field is present, it pervades the central 150 pc of the Galaxy, and the filaments are simply those flux tubes that possess large populations of relativistic electrons (Morris \& Serabyn 1996). The presence of such a strong field would suggest the presence of similar fields in the central regions of other spiral galaxies, and would also be a key piece of evidence in favor of a proto-Galactic or primordial (e.g., Kulsrud et~al.\ 1997, Howard \& Kulsrud 1997) origin of the Galactic magnetic field (Chandran et~al.\ 2000). One of the most pressing questions regarding the plausibility of the milliGauss-field hypothesis is whether such a strong magnetic field could be stably confined. The volume-dominant phase of the central region is hot plasma at a temperature $T\sim 10^8$~K which fills an elliptical region $150 \times 270$ pc (FWHM) with a major axis that is tilted $20^\circ$ with respect to the Galactic plane (Yamauchi et~al.\ 1990). The density of this plasma was estimated to be $0.03- 0.06 \mbox{ cm}^{-3}$ by Yamauchi et~al.\ (1990) and $\sim 0.3-0.4$ by Koyama et~al.\ (1996). The mass-dominant phase of the central region is molecular gas with $n > 10^4 \mbox{ cm}^{-3}$, $T \sim 70$~K, a filling factor in excess of 0.1, and a vertical thickness of $\sim 30 $ pc (Bally et~al.\ 1988, Morris \& Serabyn 1996). If the magnetic field strength is 1 mG, then the magnetic pressure $B^2/8\pi$ is $\sim 4\times 10^{-8} \mbox{ dyne/cm}^2$, which far exceeds the thermal pressure of both the hot plasma, $p_{\rm hot} \sim 4 \times 10^{-10}- 4\times 10^{-9}\mbox{ dyne/cm}^2$, and the molecular material, $p_{\rm cloud} \sim 10^{-10} \mbox{ dyne/cm}^2$. The thermal pressure of the ambient medium is thus unable to confine milliGauss fields, whether they are ubiquitous or in the form of isolated narrow flux tubes. In addition, since the hot plasma is itself unconfined, it would be unable to confine a ubiquitous vertical field even if its pressure were greater than the magnetic pressure. The only force capable of confining a pervasive vertical mG field in this central region is the weight of the molecular material. Interestingly, the polarization of dust emission indicates that the molecular material is threaded by horizontal (i.e., $\parallel$ to the Galactic plane) magnetic fields (Morris \& Serabyn 1996). Because this horizontal field ${\bf B}_{\rm cloud}$ is perpendicular to the vertical magnetic field in the hot plasma ${\bf B}_{\rm vert}$, it is difficult for the two types of material to interpenetrate, and thus the weight of the molecular material has the potential to prevent a strong vertical field from expanding. In this paper, the cylindrically symmetric equilibrium of figure~\ref{fig:equil} is proposed as a starting point for investigating the ability of the molecular material and horizontal magnetic field to confine the vertical field. It is assumed in this model that the molecular material is confined to a homogeneous annular band. \begin{figure*}[h] \vspace{10cm} \special{psfile=f1.eps voffset=50 hoffset=110 vscale=70 hscale=70 angle=0} \caption{A simplified model for an equilibrium of strong vertical fields at the Galactic center. \label{fig:equil} } \end{figure*} To make a compact analytic treatment possible, the stability of the cylindrically symmetric equilibrium is explored under a number of additional simplifying approximations. Most significantly, the equilibrium is treated as an infinite slab, symbolically depicted in figure~\ref{fig:slab} and described in section \ref{sec:eq}, with the effective acceleration of gravity $\bf g$ taken to be the true gravitational acceleration minus the centripetal acceleration associated with Galactic rotation, and with the magnetic field everywhere perpendicular to ${\bf g}$. It is assumed that the partial ionization within the molecular clouds is sufficiently high and that the frequencies of any instabilities are sufficiently small compared to the neutral-ion collision frequency that ambipolar diffusion can be ignored. The molecular clouds are then treated as a fully ionized dense MHD plasma. The hot plasma is taken to be less dense than the partially ionized clouds, but is for simplicity taken to have the same temperature as the clouds, with the weight of the clouds supported primarily by magnetic pressure. Although the isothermal model is not faithful to the large difference in temperature between the two phases, the temperature difference is not expected to play an important role in the global gravitational stability of the equilibrium. A very similar system in which magnetized plasma is suspended above a vacuum has been investigated by Gratton et~al.\ (1988) and Gonzalez \& Gratton (1990). The present paper builds upon results from these previous papers. \begin{figure*}[h] \vspace{10cm} \special{psfile=f2.eps voffset=50 hoffset=110 vscale=50 hscale=50 angle=0} \caption{The isothermal-slab equilibrium. \label{fig:slab} } \end{figure*} In section \ref{sec:stability} the slab equilibrium is found to be unstable to a global gravitational mode in which the interface between the high- and low-density plasmas is perturbed. The stability analysis involves solving for the displacement in a boundary layer at the interface between the high-density and low-density plasmas. Because the magnetic field in the high-density plasma is $\perp$ to the magnetic field in the low-density plasma, there is always field-line bending regardless of the direction of a perturbation's wave-vector in the plane parallel to the interface. For this reason, at sufficiently small wavelengths the mode is stabilized by magnetic tension. However, if $\beta_{\rm cloud} = 8\pi p_{\rm cloud}/B_{\rm cloud}^2$ is small, then there are unstable modes at wavelengths that are small compared to the scale height $L_+$ of the dense plasma in the slab equilibrium of figure~\ref{fig:slab}. This is because as $\beta_{\rm cloud}$ is reduced, the dense plasma becomes increasingly compressible along the magnetic field, and compressions allow gravity to play a greater destabilizing role. In section \ref{sec:implications}, the stability analysis of the slab equilibrium is extrapolated to the cylindrically symmetric equilibrium of figure~\ref{fig:equil} under the assumptions that the vertical and radial scale heights of the molecular material in figure~\ref{fig:equil} are comparable ($\sim L_+$), and that any instability of the slab equilibrium at wavelengths $\ll L_+$ is also present in the cylindrically symmetric equilibrium, since on scales $\ll L_+$ the curvature and vertical scale height of the cylindrical equilibrium are unimportant. Since the slab equilibrium is unstable at wavelengths $\ll L_+$ when $\beta_{\rm cloud} \ll 1$, stability requires that the magnetic pressure of the vertical field $B_{\rm vert}^2/8\pi$ not be much greater than the thermal pressure of the molecular material $p_{\rm cloud}$---otherwise, pressure balance would require that the magnetic pressure within the cloud $B_{\rm cloud}^2/8\pi$ be $\gg p_{\rm cloud}$, i.e. $\beta_{\rm cloud} \ll 1$. This means that $B_{\rm vert}$ can not be much greater than $50 \mu$G. If the extrapolation from the slab to the cylindrically symmetric equilibrium is correct, and if another equilibrium can not be found in which pervasive mG vertical magnetic fields can be stably confined, then there will be a powerful argument for questioning the presence of mG vertical magnetic fields in the central 150 pc of the Galaxy. In section \ref{sec:review} the arguments used to infer milliGauss fields at the Galactic center are reviewed, and in section \ref{sec:conclusion} the main conclusions of the paper are summarized. \section{Slab equilibrium} \label{sec:eq} In the slab equilibrium, the gravitational acceleration ${\bf g}$ is taken to be in the $-{\bf \hat{y}}$ direction [following the notation of Gratton et~al.\ (1988)], and $g$ is assumed constant. It is also assumed that the equilibrium magnetic field within the high-density dense medium has a single direction that is $\perp$ to $\bf \hat{y}$, and that the equilibrium magnetic field within the low-density plasma has a single direction $\perp$ to $\bf \hat{y}$. These two directions, however, are not the same. The transition between the two phases is taken to occur in a narrow layer centered at $y=0$. The equilibrium pressure $p$, field strength $B$, and density $\rho$ then satisfy the equation \begin{equation} \frac{d}{dy}\left(p + \frac{B^2}{8\pi}\right) = -\rho g. \label{eq:eq} \end{equation} The plasma is assumed to have an isothermal equation of state. The isothermal sound speed $C_S = \sqrt{p/\rho}$ is then constant for all values of $y$. The dense medium (at $y>0$) is taken to have an exponential profile, \begin{eqnarray} \rho & = & \overline{ \rho}_+ e^{-2 y/L_+} \label{eq:rho+}, \\ p & = & \overline{ p}_+ e^{-2 y/L_+} \label{eq:p+}, \mbox{ \hspace{0.3cm} and}\\ B & = & \overline{ B}_+ e^{-y/L_+} \label{eq:B+}, \\ \end{eqnarray} where $\overline{ \rho}_+$, $\overline{ p}_+$, and $\overline{ B}_+$ are constants. The value of the Alfv\'en speed $C_A = B/\sqrt{4\pi \rho}$ within the dense plasma, denoted $C_{A+}$, is then constant. If \begin{equation} M_{A+} = \frac{C_A+}{C_S}, \end{equation} then equation~(\ref{eq:eq}) implies that \begin{equation} L_+ = \frac{C_{S}^2(2 + M_{A+}^2)}{g}. \label{eq:L+} \end{equation} A similar solution is taken to hold within the low-density plasma ($y<0$), with \begin{eqnarray} \rho & = & \overline{ \rho}_- e^{-2 y/L_-} \label{eq:rho-}, \\ p & = & \overline{ p}_- e^{-2 y/L_-} \label{eq:p-}, \mbox{ \hspace{0.3cm} and}\\ B & = & \overline{ B}_- e^{-y/L_-} \label{eq:B-}, \\ \end{eqnarray} where $\overline{\rho}_-$, $\overline{p}_-$, and $\overline{B}_-$ are constants, \begin{equation} L_- = \frac{C_{S}^2(2 + M_{A-}^2)}{g}, \label{eq:L-} \end{equation} $C_{A-}$ is the constant value of $C_A$ within the low-density plasma, and $M_{A-} = C_{A-}/C_{S}$. It is assumed that the transition between the solution of equations~(\ref{eq:rho+}) through (\ref{eq:B+}) and the solution of equations~(\ref{eq:rho-}) through (\ref{eq:B-}) occurs over a distance of $\sim\epsilon L_+$, where \begin{equation} \epsilon \ll 1. \label{eq:eps} \end{equation} The magnetic field changes direction within the transition layer, but remains in the $xz$-plane. Pressure equilibrium across the interface requires that as $\epsilon \rightarrow 0$ \begin{equation} \overline{p}_+ + \frac{\overline{ B}_+^2}{8\pi} = \overline{p}_- + \frac{\overline{ B}_-^2}{8\pi} \label{eq:pressure_balance} \end{equation} \section{Global gravitational instability of the slab equilibrium} \label{sec:stability} Gratton et~al.\ (1988) showed that if the equilibrium of section \ref{sec:eq} is perturbed by the Lagrangian displacement vector \begin{equation} {\bf \xi} = \overline{ \bf \xi}(y) \exp(ik_x x + ik_z z -iwt), \label{eq:defxi} \end{equation} then the $y$-component of $\overline{ \bf \xi}(y)$, denoted $\zeta$, satisfies the equation \[ \frac{d}{dy}\left[ H\left(\frac{1}{M} - 1\right) \frac{d\zeta}{dy}\right] + k_T^2\zeta\left[ H\left(1 -\frac{g^2 k_T^2}{M w^4}\right) \right. \] \begin{equation} \left.- g\frac{d}{dy}\left(\rho + \frac{H}{Mw^2}\right)\right] = 0, \label{eq:zeta1} \end{equation} where \begin{eqnarray} {\bf k}_T & = &k_x{\bf \hat{x}} + k_z {\bf \hat{z}}, \label{eq:kt} \\ H & = & -\rho(w^2 - k_\parallel^2 C_A^2) \label{eq:H}, \\ k_\parallel & = & \frac{{\bf k}_T \cdot {\bf B}}{B} \label{eq:kpar} , \mbox{ \hspace{0.3cm} and}\\ M & = & 1 - \frac{k_T^2(C_A^2 + C_S^2)}{w^2} + \frac{k_\parallel^2 k_T^2 C_A^2 C_S^2}{w^4} \label{eq:M} . \end{eqnarray} Equation~(\ref{eq:zeta1}) is valid for all $y$.\footnote{Contrary to what is suggested by Gonzalez \& Gratton (1990), equation~(\ref{eq:zeta1}) is invalid for an isothermal equilibrium if the fluctuations obey an adiabatic equation of state, $p\rho^{-\gamma} = \mbox{ constant}$, with $\gamma \neq 1$. If the equilibrium and perturbations are constrained to obey different equations of state, then additional terms appear in equation~(\ref{eq:zeta1}).} (It is assumed that the narrow transition layer is sufficiently wide that the viscous and resistive terms can be neglected.) Upon introducing the dimensionless variables \begin{eqnarray} \tilde{y} & = & y/L_+ \label{eq:yt}, \\ \alpha_+ & = & \frac{1}{k_T L_+} \label{eq:alpha+}, \\ \cos \psi & = & \frac{k_\parallel}{k_T}, \\ h & = & - \frac{H}{\rho w^2} \label{eq:h}, \\ \Omega^2 & = & \frac{w^2}{k_T g} \label{eq:Omega}, \mbox{ \hspace{0.3cm} and} \\ \tilde{\rho} & = & \rho/ \overline{ \rho}_+ ,\\ \end{eqnarray} one can rewrite equation~(\ref{eq:zeta1}) as \[ \frac{d}{d\tilde{y}}\left[\tilde{\rho} h \left( \frac{1}{M} - 1 \right) \frac{d\zeta}{d \tilde{y}}\right] \] \begin{equation} + \alpha_+^{-2} \zeta \left\{ \tilde{\rho} h \left(1 - \frac{1}{\Omega^4 M}\right) + \frac{\alpha_+ }{\Omega^2} \frac{d}{d \tilde{y} }\left[ \tilde{\rho} \left(1 - \frac{h}{M}\right)\right]\right\} = 0. \label{eq:zeta2} \end{equation} Solutions to equation~(\ref{eq:zeta2}) with \begin{eqnarray} \alpha_+ & \sim & {\cal O}(1), \mbox{\hspace{0.3cm} and} \\ \Omega & \sim & {\cal O}(1) \end{eqnarray} will now be found for the equilibrium described in section \ref{sec:eq}, where $\sim {\cal O}(1)$ mean ``of order 1,'' whereas any positive power of $\epsilon$ is taken to be small. To find such solutions, one expands $\zeta$ in powers of~$\epsilon$, \begin{equation} \zeta = \zeta^{(0)} + \epsilon \zeta^{(1)} + \epsilon^2 \zeta^{(2)} + \dots, \label{eq:zetap} \end{equation} solves for $\zeta$ for $\tilde{y} \gg \epsilon$ (within the dense plasma), for $\tilde{y} \ll -\epsilon$ (within the low-density plasma), and for $-1 \ll \tilde{y} \ll 1$ (within the boundary layer separating the two phases), and then matches the solutions in the three regions at each order to obtain the eigenvalues of $w$. These are given by an expansion in powers of $\epsilon$, \begin{equation} w = w^{(0)} + \epsilon w^{(1)} + \epsilon^2 w^{(2)} + \dots, \end{equation} and thus $h$, $M$, and $\Omega$ are also expansions in $\epsilon$. To determine $w^{(0)}$, it is sufficient to find $\zeta^{(0)}$ in the three regions and $\zeta^{(1)}$ in the boundary layer, as will now be shown. \subsection{Solution for $\tilde{y} \gg \epsilon$} For $\tilde{y} \gg \epsilon$, the values of $h$, $M$, $\alpha^+$, and $\Omega$ in equation~(\ref{eq:zeta2}) are constant in $y$ and thus $\zeta$ is an exponential, \begin{equation} \zeta = \zeta_+ e^{\tilde{y} + i\tilde{k}_+ \tilde{y} }, \label{eq:zp} \end{equation} where \begin{equation} \tilde{k}_+ ^2 = \frac{M_+ h_+ - 2\alpha_+(M_+ - h_+) \Omega^{-2} - h_+ \Omega^{-4}}{\alpha_+^2h_+(1 - M_+)} - 1, \label{eq:ky+} \end{equation} $h_+$ and $M_+$ are the constant values of $h$ and $M$ for $\tilde{y} \gg \epsilon$ (Gratton et~al.\ 1988), and $\zeta_+$, $h_+$, $M_+$, $\tilde{k} _+$ are expansions in powers of $\epsilon$. For the surface modes considered in this paper, $\tilde{k}_+^2$ is negative, and $\tilde{k} _+$ is assigned the positive imaginary root so that the total kinetic energy of the mode is finite. [There are in addition internal modes with positive $\tilde{k} _+^2$ (Gratton et~al.\ 1988).] \subsection{Solution for $\tilde{y} \ll -\epsilon$} For $\tilde{y} \ll - \epsilon$, \begin{equation} \zeta = \zeta_- e^{\tilde{y}(L_+/L_-) + i\tilde{k}_- \tilde{y} }, \label{eq:zm} \end{equation} where \begin{equation} \tilde{k} _- ^2 = \frac{M_- h_- - 2\alpha_+(L_+/L_-)(M_- - h_-)\Omega^{-2} - h_-\Omega^{-4}} {\alpha_+^2 h_- (1-M_-)} - \frac{L_+^2}{L_-^2}, \label{eq:km} \end{equation} $h_-$ and $M_-$ are the constant values of $h$ and $M$ for $\tilde{y} \ll -\epsilon$, and $\zeta_-$, $h_-$, $M_-$, and $\tilde{k} _-$ are expansions in powers of $\epsilon$. In the case of interest, $\tilde{k}_-^2$ is negative, and $\tilde{k} _-$ is assigned the negative imaginary root so that the total kinetic energy of the mode is finite. \subsection{Solution in the boundary layer at $\tilde{y} = 0$} Let \begin{equation} \tilde{y} \equiv \epsilon u. \label{eq:u} \end{equation} In terms of $u$, equation~(\ref{eq:zeta2}) becomes \[ \epsilon^{-2}\frac{d}{du}\left[\tilde{\rho} h \left( \frac{1}{M} - 1 \right) \frac{d\zeta}{d u}\right] + \epsilon^{-1}\alpha_+^{-1}\Omega^{-2}\zeta \frac{d}{d u }\left[ \tilde{\rho} \left(1 - \frac{h}{M}\right)\right] \] \begin{equation} + \alpha_+^{-2} \zeta \tilde{\rho} h \left(1 - \frac{1}{\Omega^4 M}\right) = 0 \label{eq:zeta3} \end{equation} Because the transition between the high- and low-density phases is taken to occur over an interval in $\tilde{y}$ of width $\epsilon$, one has \begin{equation} \frac{d \tilde{\rho} } {du} \sim \frac{d h}{du} \sim \frac{dM}{du} \sim {\cal O}(1). \end{equation} (Although $h_-$ and $M_-$ are large, they are considered $\ll \epsilon^{-1}$.) At lowest order the solution to equation~(\ref{eq:zeta3}) is given by \begin{equation} \tilde{\rho} h^{(0)} \left(\frac{1}{M^{(0)}} - 1\right) \frac{d\zeta _{\rm BL} ^{(0)}}{du} = c_1, \label{eq:zbl0} \end{equation} where $c_1$ is a constant. For the boundary-layer solution to match onto the outer solutions, $d\zeta _{\rm BL}^{(0)}/du$ must vanish as $u\rightarrow \pm \infty$, so that \begin{equation} c_1 = 0, \label{eq:c1} \end{equation} which implies that \begin{equation} \zeta _{\rm BL}^{(0)} = \rm constant. \label{eq:zbl0.5} \end{equation} At next order the solution to equation~(\ref{eq:zeta3}) can be integrated to yield \begin{equation} \tilde{\rho} h^{(0)} \left(\frac{1}{M^{(0)}} - 1\right) \frac{d\zeta _{\rm BL} ^{(1)}}{du} + \frac{\zeta _{\rm BL}^{(0)} \tilde{\rho} }{\alpha_+ (\Omega^{(0)})^2} \left( 1 - \frac{h^{(0)}}{M^{(0)}}\right) = c_2, \label{eq:zbl1} \end{equation} where $c_2$ is a constant. \subsection{Asymptotic matching of the three solutions to obtain the eigenvalues of $w$} The dense-plasma and boundary-layer solutions must match at each value of $u$ within the interval $1 \ll u \ll \epsilon^{-1}$. It is sufficient to match the two solutions at $u \sim \epsilon^{-1/2}$. The dense-plasma solution can be expanded within the matching region as \begin{equation} \zeta_+ = \zeta_+^{(0)} + \epsilon u \zeta_+^{(0)} (1 + i \tilde{k} _+) + \epsilon \zeta_+^{(1)} + \dots \end{equation} The boundary-layer solution is \begin{equation} \zeta_{\rm BL} = \zeta _{\rm BL} ^{(0)} + \epsilon \zeta _{\rm BL} ^{(1)} + \dots \end{equation} Matching at order $\epsilon^0$ requires that \begin{equation} \zeta_+^{(0)} = \zeta_{\rm BL} ^{(0)} \equiv \zeta_0. \label{eq:zeta0} \end{equation} >From equation~(\ref{eq:zbl1}) it can be seen that $|\zeta _{\rm BL} ^{(1)}|$ increases linearly with $|u|$ when $|u|\gg 1$. Thus, matching at order $\epsilon^{1/2}$ requires that \begin{equation} \frac{d\zeta _{\rm BL} ^{(1)}}{du} = \zeta_0(1 + i \tilde{k} _+) \mbox{ \hspace{0.3cm} for $ u \sim \epsilon^{-1/2}$} . \label{eq:match1} \end{equation} The matching region for the boundary-layer and low-density-plasma solutions is taken to be $u \sim - \epsilon^{-1/2}$, in which the low-density-plasma solution is \begin{equation} \zeta_- = \zeta_-^{(0)} + \epsilon u \zeta_-^{(0)} \left(\frac{L_+}{L_-} + i \tilde{k} _-\right) + \epsilon \zeta_-^{(1)} + \dots \end{equation} Matching at order $\epsilon^0$ requires that \begin{equation} \zeta_-^{(0)} = \zeta _{\rm BL} ^{(0)} = \zeta_0. \end{equation} At order $\epsilon^{1/2}$, matching requires that \begin{equation} \frac{d \zeta _{\rm BL} ^{(1)}}{du} = \zeta_0\left(\frac{L_+}{L_-} + i \tilde{k} _-\right) \mbox{ \hspace{0.3cm} for $u \sim - \epsilon^{-1/2}$}. \label{eq:match2} \end{equation} Combining equations~(\ref{eq:zbl1}),~(\ref{eq:match1}), and~(\ref{eq:match2}) gives \[ \overline{ \rho}_+ h_+^{(0)}\left(\frac{1}{M_+^{(0)}} - 1\right) (1 + i \tilde{k} _+) - \overline{ \rho}_-h_-^{(0)}\left( \frac{1}{M_-^{(0)}} -1\right) \left(\frac{L_+}{L_-} + i \tilde{k}_-\right) \] \begin{equation} = -\frac{\overline{ \rho}_+}{\alpha^+ (\Omega^{(0)})^2} \left(1 - \frac{h_+^{(0)}}{M_+^{(0)}}\right) + \frac{\overline{ \rho}_-}{\alpha^+ (\Omega^{(0)})^2} \left(1 - \frac{h_-^{(0)}}{M_-^{(0)}}\right). \label{eq:match3} \end{equation} This is the dispersion relation for $w^{(0)}$, which is in general different from the result of Gonzalez \& Gratton (1990) for an isothermal-plasma/vacuum interface, but which reduces to their result in a special case of interest, as will now be discussed. If one assumes that ${\bf k} $ is $\perp$ to $\bf B$ in the low density plasma, that $\overline{ \rho}_-/\overline{ \rho}_+ \ll 1$, and that $M_{A-} \gg 1$, then $L_+/L_- \ll 1$, and, to lowest order in $\overline{ \rho}_-/\overline{ \rho}_+$, $\tilde{k}_- = -ik_T L_+$ and [from equation~(\ref{eq:match3})] \begin{equation} h_+^{(0)}\left(\frac{1}{M_+^{(0)}} - 1\right) (1 + i \tilde{k} _+) = -\frac{1}{\alpha^+ (\Omega^{(0)})^2} \left(1 - \frac{h_+^{(0)}}{M_+^{(0)}}\right). \label{eq:2mass} \end{equation} Equation~(\ref{eq:2mass}) is the same as equation~(13) of Gonzalez \& Gratton~(1990) when the magnetic field in the vacuum in their model, which occupies the half-space $y<0$, is orthogonal to ${\bf k}_T$. If one in addition assumes that $\cos \psi = 1$ in the dense plasma, which implies that the magnetic fields in the high-density and low-density plasmas are orthogonal, then equation~(\ref{eq:2mass}) has the following roots, \begin{equation} w^2 = \frac{k_T^2 C_{A+}^2 (C_{A+}^2 + 2C_S^2) \pm \sqrt{k_T^4 C_{A+}^8 + 4 g^2 k_T^2 (C_{A+}^2 + C_S^2)^2}}{2(C_{A+}^2+C_S^2)}, \label{eq:omega} \end{equation} which is the dispersion relation found by Gonzalez \& Gratton (1990) for a plasma-vacuum interface, when $\cos \psi = 1 $ in the plasma at $y>0$ and $\cos \psi = 0$ in the vacuum. The equivalence of the dispersion relations in this special case arises because in both the plasma/vacuum and plasma/plasma systems, field line bending at $y<0$ plays no role, and the mode is governed by gravity and field-line bending within the plasma at $y>0$. As shown by Gonzalez \& Gratton (1990), the $-$ sign in equation~(\ref{eq:omega}) corresponds to an instability when \begin{equation} k_T < \frac{g}{C_{A+}^2} \sqrt{1 + M_A^2}. \label{eq:kcrit} \end{equation} In the low-$\beta$ limit ($\beta \equiv 2/M_A^2$), there is an instability provided \begin{equation} k_T \lesssim \frac{g}{C_{A+} C_S}. \label{eq:kcrit2} \end{equation} Gonzalez \& Gratton (1990) derived formulas for the most unstable wave number $k_{\rm m}$ and maximum growth rate $\gamma_{\rm m}$. In the low-$\beta$ limit these reduce to \begin{eqnarray} k_{\rm m} & = & \displaystyle \frac{g}{C_{A+}^{3/2} C_S^{1/2}} \mbox{ \hspace{0.3cm} and}\\ \gamma_{\rm m} & = & \frac{g}{C_{A+}^2}. \end{eqnarray} For orthogonal fields in the high-density and low-density plasmas, it is expected that the most unstable mode satisfies ${\bf k}_T \perp {\bf B}_{-}$, where ${\bf B}_{-}$ is the magnetic field in the low-density plasma, since on average for $|y| 1 $ mG (Yusef-Zadeh \& Morris 1987). \section{Conclusion} \label{sec:conclusion} This paper addresses the question of whether a pervasive milliGauss vertical magnetic field within the central 150 pc of the Galaxy can be confined. A simple 2D model for the equilibrium in this central region is proposed in which horizontal magnetic fields threading a ring of molecular material enclose vertical magnetic fields embedded in hot plasma (figure~\ref{fig:equil}). Since orthogonal magnetic fields can not easily interpenetrate, the horizontal magnetic field in this equilibrium can transfer the weight of the molecular material to the hot plasma and vertical magnetic field, potentially providing confinement. The stability of such an equilibrium is studied indirectly by treating the equilibrium as an infinite slab, with dense plasma (representing the partially ionized molecular clouds) suspended above rarefied plasma, with the orthogonal magnetic fields in the dense and rarefied plasmas in the $xz$ plane, and with the effective acceleration of gravity $g$ (true gravitational acceleration minus the centripetal acceleration of Galactic rotation) in the $-\hat{\bf y}$ direction. Perturbations of the interface between the dense and rarefied plasmas are found to be unstable on wavelengths shorter than a critical wavelength that depends upon $g$ and the sound and Alfv\'en speeds in the dense plasma. The results of the slab-equilibrium calculation are extrapolated on a qualitative basis to argue that the two-dimensional equilibrium of figure~\ref{fig:equil} is unstable if the magnetic pressure of the vertical magnetic field $B_{\rm vert}$ greatly exceeds the thermal pressure in the molecular material, or if $B_{\rm vert} \gg 50\mu$G for Galactic-center parameters. If this qualitative argument is correct, then milliGauss vertical fields can not be stably confined using the weight of the molecular material in the kind of equilibrium that has been proposed. If an equilibrium can not be found that can stably confine pervasive vertical milliGauss magnetic fields at the Galactic center, then a powerful argument will be added in favor of other interpretations (Morris 1996, Morris \& Serabyn 1996) of the Galactic-center radio filaments. \acknowledgements{I would like to thank Steve Cowley, Mark Morris, and Eric Blackman for valuable discussions.} \section{References} Bally, J., Stark, A., Wilson, R., and Henkel, C. 1988, ApJ, 324, 223 Chandran, B. D. G., Cowley, S. C., \& Morris, M. 2000, ApJ, 528, 723 Gonzalez, A., and Gratton, J. 1990, Plasm. Phys. Contr. Nuc. Fus., 32, 3 Gratton, F. T., Farrugia, C. J., \& Cowley, S. W. H. 1996, J. Geophys. Res., 101, 4929 Gratton, J., Gratton, F., Gonzalez, A. 1988, Plasma Phys. Contr. Nuc. Fus., 30, 435 Howard, A., \& Kulsrud, R. 1997, ApJ, 483, 648 Koyama, K., Maeda, Y., Sonobe, T., Takeshima, T., Tanaka, Y., \& Yamauchi, S. 1996, Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 48, 249 Kulsrud, R. M., Cen, R., Ostriker, J. 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